On a MATI stream he said he was starting the 'teach me survival i'll ban you if you give me wrong info or are mean to me' boards because he is 'too old' to try and fit into other communities. He claims he has tried but has been kicked out of places and/or doesn't like being the new kid in town. He basically confirmed its because KF gives him a hugbox he won't get elsewhere. I genuinely think once he did the stream on lowtax he thought 'you know what that doesn't sound so bad actually' and decided to follow his playbook minus the boxing match since he can't physically move from his cuck streaming closet.
The only thing Josh is surviving on is Little Caesars pizzas in between getting swatted three billion times the second his address hits every chan board. Nobody's going to physically show up because his enemies are all smarter than him and there's thousands of them he can't see for every one of them he knows about.