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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
From the Dax Herrera thread. This isn't a comment on what the poster is saying just Josh's response. Seems to come fairly out of nowhere other than being posted in the Dax thread. Does Josh think this poster is Dax or Marie and is trying to post something that wold piss them off? The user doesn't seem to be shitting up the thread otherwise. Strange response from old Joshy but maybe he's just losing it.

Josh discusses tactical earwear

*schrk* This is TardBird 1 reporting in to TardBird Actual. There are Troons at the wire I repeat we have trannies in the open. Requesting fire support TardBird Actual please advise *schrk*

My Aunt keeps telling me this is a crazy scam

I don't care gimmie money.

Well done Null.
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Involuntary Celebrity has a Gif for a pfp. That's why it changes in each screen cap.

Null really is a fragile little bitch. Bargain Bin Laden shows up to the farms puts on a half-assed larp and is instantly loved by anyone not in a parasocial relationship with Joshy boy. Josh is seething that people prefer the retard pretending to be a scat fetishist over him.

The day Jewsh banned BBL he killed alot of interest in the site. He couldn't stop kvetching that Q&A was becoming so popular. Then once Sig got banned again Q&A became a ghost town.

Not everyone cares about faggy internet drama and for some reason Jewsh hates that.