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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
how dare you insult me
no more infighting
we're all friends here
act like how lidl acts across the forums ok???

also fuck elon that niggerfaggot for banning me off his platform for how i fought with someone how dare he ! listen to me rage for an hour over it and talk about shooting people up because i'm grr im so angry!!! im too fat and fatherless to see any contradictions in what i do and i definitely wont meet the same fate as lowtax because im very smart because lowtax NEVER told people to go away like i did. dont click my links dont eat my cheese
null 1.png
null 2.png
null 3.png
Null banned blablabla for telling him to shut up and calling him a faggot. Remember when Null called Odd Opossum illiterate for saying that he hated A&H and wanted any excuse to ban them all?
View attachment 57188
View attachment 57189
KF is blaming a British TERF for getting Null banned from Twitter, leading Null to talk about blockading Britain and letting everyone starve to death.

Days after banning multiple people for criticizing him personally, he turns around and whines about being censored. He then throws tranny janny stones in his glass house.
It's funny he's going around raging about A&N right around election season... It's why I think he's facing pressure from some outside group.

Even the stuff in the woman hate thread gives me the vibe it's that he's mad at A&N being there despite them mostly staying in their corner, but his reasoning towards them is always a shifting goalpost that gives me the vibe that he's trying to follow orders as best as he can and when people keep questioning it he has to damage control and it pisses him off.

It's becoming more and more common for him to give a reason for why he does something, it gets debunked, he then proceeds to go through 3-4 more reasons as each of them get showed to be flawed, and getting angrier each time cause nobody will just believe him, instead they keep showing off how he keeps changing his reasons as each get shot down.

It really is like a PR person trying to change an opinion on something through brute force and getting mad when it doesn't work.
It's funny he's going around raging about A&N right around election season... It's why I think he's facing pressure from some outside group.

Even the stuff in the woman hate thread gives me the vibe it's that he's mad at A&N being there despite them mostly staying in their corner, but his reasoning towards them is always a shifting goalpost that gives me the vibe that he's trying to follow orders as best as he can and when people keep questioning it he has to damage control and it pisses him off.

It's becoming more and more common for him to give a reason for why he does something, it gets debunked, he then proceeds to go through 3-4 more reasons as each of them get showed to be flawed, and getting angrier each time cause nobody will just believe him, instead they keep showing off how he keeps changing his reasons as each get shot down.

It really is like a PR person trying to change an opinion on something through brute force and getting mad when it doesn't work.

Think it's money or being compromised?

https://archive.is/Cjyvv Page 1
https://archive.is/vKRmZ Page 2


NullTax doesn't seem to 'get' that a forum of trolls with an anonymity guide for a registration page is effectively a forum one cannot get banned from, just heavily discouraged from contributing to. In short, his only way to get people to behave is to ask. Bans just motivate people to keep fucking with him.

I think he's about to get a real lesson.

lurker is a fag.png

lol what a faggot
Reason: peepeedoodoo
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Think it's money or being compromised?

https://archive.is/Cjyvv Page 1
https://archive.is/vKRmZ Page 2

View attachment 57201

NullTax doesn't seem to 'get' that a forum of trolls with an anonymity guide for a registration page is effectively a forum one cannot get banned from, just heavily discouraged from contributing to. In short, his only way to get people to behave is to ask. Bans just motivate people to keep fucking with him.

I think he's about to get a real lesson.

View attachment 57202

lol what a faggot
Null's ass is a low moon
Think it's money or being compromised?

I mean it's basically one or the other, but yeah.

If it's money I assume it's related to the legal funding stuff (I sorta wonder if the reason it did so well was because the people that might have set the idea in motion had just planned to give him the money but then the users actually did throw down so he's basically in a bind of having to support his users or the people that paid the lump sum of the money), if it's compromised he might not be quite aware of it and just has a wormtongue whispering in his ear or something.

Mind you this is me talking out my ass just going on things I see him do though, cause another issue is I don't believe he understands just quite how bad it's gotten in the states now.
JambledUpWords continues baiting people

https://kiwifarms.st/threads/women-...-wonder-women-constantly-feel-on-edge.193395/ (Can't archive, must be logged in)

jambled fatty bait.png

Idiot Doom Spiral (Great character from Disco Elysium, btw) calls out some of the dumb shit from this 'article' of reddit wahmen

idiot doom spiral mocking stupid women.png

Waiting on Null to somehow rationalize this and ban more people who will rereg and troll harder.

JambledUpWords is also trying to stirr the pot with a thread about raw milk:


Though it's seen through.

Nobody's taking the bait, it's just the fattyposter fatposting as fast as she can between bouts of heavy breathing.

JambledUpWords also tried to bait people yesterday:

3 threads in 2 days of total baiting. Either the cunts know they have impunity or Null put them up to it, but, Null is too angry for this to be some honeypot and culling.


Justa Whines weighs in with a brave and stunning show without any typos.


But even the anime PFP can see through it
Reason: fat fat fat fat fatty fatty fat fat
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Fucking faggot has such a victim complex it's absurd.
If you think about it (at least, at an above 3rd grade level), A&N is the part keeping the forum afloat. You need to have an account to access it, and... I'm not sure if joshy has noticed this: More people are more interested in world events... than... say... the gunt board.

A&N, creates more interaction/clicks than the rest of the boards. He's bitter because he's a fuckwit, he's never had a "proper" job, and so can't understand why people are interested in... stuff that is "news" to them. He's a failed man, who spends all day touching poo, just to try and feel superior to the other autistic sex weirdos.
It's funny he's going around raging about A&N right around election season... It's why I think he's facing pressure from some outside group.

I was reading one of the /pol/ KF threads and they were theorizing the reason KF stopped being banned off clearnet is still indexed by google and epik dropped the lawsuit because the glowies offered him a deal. Much like moot and gookmoot.
More people are more interested in world events... than... say... the gunt board.

A&N, creates more interaction/clicks than the rest of the boards. He's bitter because he's a fuckwit, he's never had a "proper" job, and so can't understand why people are interested in... stuff that is "news" to them.

This really would explain him being such a pissy little faggot right now. He wants to have "fun" laughing at "internet retards", not talk about shit from the USA while he lives in Serbia, or worse, Palatka Florida, but it still doesn't explain why he's kissing up to fat women who hate him.

I was reading one of the /pol/ KF threads and they were theorizing the reason KF stopped being banned off clearnet is still indexed by google and epik dropped the lawsuit because the glowies offered him a deal. Much like moot and gookmoot.

This would be hilarious but I don't know how to prove this besides meltdown induction.

Can't edit the last post anymore; JambledUpWords is on a fatty roll spamming A&N with rage bait

Back in Mass Debates, Idiot Doom Spiral seems to be preparing for his Onionfarms posting career:

JambledUpWords is now posting about "holecare"
Reason: fatty fatty hole
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I was reading one of the /pol/ KF threads and they were theorizing the reason KF stopped being banned off clearnet is still indexed by google and epik dropped the lawsuit because the glowies offered him a deal. Much like moot and gookmoot.

That's been my theory for a while now too. I see a good reason to remove reaction notifications being that it makes it harder for news stories to stay buried. Glowies want the shit leaking out to stay buried 3-4 pages back and my reasoning that it's something like that is when you see an interesting thing happen all of a sudden jambled shows up spewing ragebait. But if people have notifications still they might be reminded of some story that is 3-4 pages back cause of a random like or something and bring it right back to the top.

Also a group jambled is connected to supposedly has a fed in it. I remember being told I was "being watched" and her reason was cause I wouldn't shut up about the finders / mcmartin pre-schools tunnel maps in the fbi docs.

Another funny thing it's the same group that started the group pm for A&N "hugbox Honeypot" that HHH and the others love to go on about. They were on discord/keybase posting nazi stuff for the longest time, least til Oct 7th, then all of a sudden became very pro Israel. I'd mostly just observe, but the tone difference from what they started as to just becoming bog-standard neocons was odd.

It gets even weirder if I start talking about some shit I ran into IRL before that really happened too. Basically a guy I associated with going on about how it'd be neat to take nazi's and reel them back in to not being nazi's. You know basically deradicalizing them via online interactions. It makes me wonder if that nigga is connected somewhat to this shit.

FYI I don't particularly like national socialism, but I also don't particularly like jews either. 🙃
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but it still doesn't explain why he's kissing up to fat women who hate him.
Various reasons, one Freudian, but, let's not forget: Commie Farms was NEVER an alt/malt/right site. It's very left wing, and always has been. "Far Right" literally means either "Left wing things that the leftards don't want to talk about", eg: That quote from Lenin about Mussolini, the breadtubers refuse to admit, Fascism is left wing, it's a form of socialism, or it means "Glowies At WOrk".

Oh yeah, those women have lots of gibs (sorry kids, no higher education for you, mommy has to give her money to a nonce, just so she can blot out the days, trying to forget "that guy" she shit tested out of her life. And dollop more "Freudian Reasons".

His Mum is a violent loony. With no soul.