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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
he could buy out an existing business from someone retiring and hire someone to run it.
or, get this.... since he already has a business himself that serves no purpose other than meat shielding him and his gay site from lolsuits, why not reform and restructure that business into an actual functioning corporation that produces income for him?
he hates a&n because he has to read opinions that aren't his own
Exactly this. Null and his beta orbiters used to frequently come in to A&N with some ice cold galaxy brain take, and because a lot of the A&N regulars weren't there for the lolcows they didn't tongue his anus and instead expected actual reasoned arguments backed by verifiable facts, which caused too many sads to happen.
Exactly this. Null and his beta orbiters used to frequently come in to A&N with some ice cold galaxy brain take, and because a lot of the A&N regulars weren't there for the lolcows they didn't tongue his anus and instead expected actual reasoned arguments backed by verifiable facts, which caused too many sads to happen.

And yet he still keeps it around. Weird shit
or, get this.... since he already has a business himself that serves no purpose other than meat shielding him and his gay site from lolsuits, why not reform and restructure that business into an actual functioning corporation that produces income for him?
What is he going to restructure it into?

He's too dumb to do anything requiring a brain, he's too fat to do anything physical, and he's too much of an unmanageable toddler to do anything that requires interaction with other people. His only marketable skills are occupying space and consuming resources. The best thing he could do is decompose, at least fertiliser is in demand.
And yet he still keeps it around. Weird shit
He keeps it around because it's become the scapegoat for why the site is shit. It's not because the thin skinned pussy with the admin panel is running the site into the ground and banning everyone who criticises him, it's because A&N is rUinInG tHe CulTurE
What is he going to restructure it into?

He's too dumb to do anything requiring a brain, he's too fat to do anything physical, and he's too much of an unmanageable toddler to do anything that requires interaction with other people. His only marketable skills are occupying space and consuming resources. The best thing he could do is decompose, at least fertiliser is in demand.
i was only giving him a suggestion. i highly doubt he'll ever follow it through since he's an narcissistic loser with no life
What is he going to restructure it into?

He's too dumb to do anything requiring a brain, he's too fat to do anything physical, and he's too much of an unmanageable toddler to do anything that requires interaction with other people. His only marketable skills are occupying space and consuming resources. The best thing he could do is decompose, at least fertiliser is in demand.
Given a few journalists with a flair for writing he could have had a nice little online newsletter with a subscription only premium content section. He could have also offset some of the costs with advertising.
Null's getting flak in "Weenie Hut General:"


I'll just post here:

I've always thought these threads were gay and never participated in either of them, but damn if Null isn't proving himself to be the biggest woman of all and maybe it's finally time to start hating women. His little tirade about "Women can't complain about men anywhere else" is laughable, it's called... everywhere on the internet and you will be celebrated for it. The troon question is completely separate and everybody with sense knows it, it's a flimsy excuse. I don't doubt there are some absolute retards running gay ops off-site for this thread war, but I'm sure that happens all over the site for specific autists and their specific autistic proclivities. That seems like a user problem and I've seen him crack down on them before, so it's weird that's it's so generalized here.

I appreciate what Null has to put up with and his disdain for the moronic 'women need to be slaves' alpha male grifters, but the person who appears the most assblasted here is him. From the outside perspective of someone not following these threads it really comes off as a Redditor m'lady thing and ironically the name changes make it seem like the precious flowers but also strong independent women who don't need no man need the big man to come in to validate them while chastising the virgin incel chuds and rings hollow.

Seeing as there is no special unique special snowflake rules on this thread like the other I hope this isn't too off topic given recent events. If you unironically use the Male Hate Thread you are a retard. If you unironically use the Female Hate Thread you are retard. In this circumstance though... Null is the biggest retard of all. Get some pads for your period and please don't ban me.

Which one of you? lmao.

There's another winner. I won't go through the whole thread, but lmao:


shut the fuck up, faggot

No. You can leave.

This is how this works. There's no more infighting, and this thread is going to stop being a meta thread where you just bitch and moan like a fucking fag, or you're gone. I don't care who you are, how many tens of thousands of posts you've made in A&N, or how many years you've been around. I don't care if you're going spend the rest of your life seething about me on splinter sites and leaving comments about how the Kiwi Farms is anti-free speech on YouTube videos. I don't give a fuck because it stops being my problem.

There is no financial benefit to tolerating any of you. The Kiwi Farms does not make money and has never made money. The legal fund money is untouched and has 100% gone towards legal expenses I have to deal with to carry the burden of this website on my back. The site is a dead weight and I have to make up the difference through other indirect means.

So with this knowledge, that I have always been open about, that the site does not make money, it's worth considering why I come down hard on certain demographics more than others. It's because you cause problems that I have to deal with. Every second I spend writing a post like this, dealing with reports, dealing with interpersonal drama, and trying to keep two groups of people apart who should no excuse for not self-moderating, that is time I am losing from either doing something that does make money, or doing something I actually want to do.

This is not hard to comprehend. I don't know why you assume "you can say what you want to say" translates to "you can shit and piss all over my house without being told to fuck off" in your mind. If you do think asking you to abide by bare minimums is censorship, you are probably too stupid to live.

I mean, we could leave, but we don't have to. We can rebel, same as you are rebelling against actually powerful people, if we don't agree with an authority acting like a big gay pissbaby and it's so fucking trivial to circumvent your powreless tard baby chimp rage bitch bans on a website that has no legal recourse to defend itself even if you could identify us, which also, by your design, goes out of its way to teach people how to circumvent bans upon joining, and indeed be untraceable, and also encourages laughing at morons to have fun.

You don't have to actually deal with all of this shit you claim to have to deal with! You can fucking ignore it or let your jannies deal with it. You can tell the antagonistic women to stop being antagonizing, or to grow a thicker skin either way.

Sorry to say, you're the lolcow now, and your milk is sweet. I might get some Serbian cheese later to celebrate.

Reason: dunking on a big fat nekoshota tard baby chimp nigger
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Hold up.

Null has serious crypto money and chose to be a thundering megafaggot instead of just putting it in securities and getting a life and some cock reconstruction?
He could have had a nice little newsblog with income from subscriptions, advertising, Patron and so forth and and an investment portfolio. But yeah you are spot on: He threw that away just to be a giant douchebag and grifter.
There is no financial benefit to tolerating any of you.

There is, however, financial benefit to tolerating the radfems. Appealing to the BP women makes money. They spend frivolously. They're too stupid to realize he's milking them for their money, and he's too stupid to realize that radfem money is a poison pill that will kill the site in the not-so-long term.

You don't have to actually deal with all of this shit you claim to have to deal with! You can fucking ignore it or let your jannies deal with it.
Exactly! Hell, there are A&N specific moderators for that EXACT purpose! Fucking faggot has such a victim complex it's absurd.
There is, however, financial benefit to tolerating the radfems. Appealing to the BP women makes money. They spend frivolously. They're too stupid to realize he's milking them for their money, and he's too stupid to realize that radfem money is a poison pill that will kill the site in the not-so-long term.

Exactly! Hell, there are A&N specific moderators for that EXACT purpose! Fucking faggot has such a victim complex it's absurd.

Reading KF over several years he's halfway there in turning it into some facsimile of SA complete with simps/radfems/members constantly being outed as groomers of some kind. But those are the people with the money. So they get the site they want.
that will kill the site in the not-so-long term.
Reading KF over several years he's halfway there in turning it into some facsimile of SA complete with simps/radfems/members constantly being outed as groomers of some kind. But those are the people with the money. So they get the site they want.
weird. i always thought of kiwifarms's future as this weird synthesis between encyclopedia dramatica and SA. it's quite fitting tbh because kiwifarms's purpose is to "document" lolcows latest decent lolcow threads that aren't PA calls and blog post pretending to be a lolcow thread these days are quite rare to come by on commiefarms and the hivemind mentality of SA. only this time, instead of the typical SJW bullshit politics SA has, it will be right-wing SJW and radfem bullshit politics.
weird. i always thought of kiwifarms's future as this weird synthesis between encyclopedia dramatica and SA. it's quite fitting tbh because kiwifarms's purpose is to "document" lolcows latest decent lolcow threads that aren't PA calls and blog post pretending to be a lolcow thread these days are quite rare to come by on commiefarms and the hivemind mentality of SA. only this time, instead of the typical SJW bullshit politics SA has, it will be right-wing SJW and radfem bullshit politics.

Doubt it'll be right-wing, it's pretty obvious Josh wants KF to be left leaning at this point for all his lip-service to the right his actions / bitching about A&N even existing yet obviously never going there show he wants the other. The radfems will probably take it over first, then it'll be restrictions on language and stuff before going full on "well we grew up" while null acts disinterested and orders high end cheeses.

Guess he'll get to have his Ozma and Icequeen soon enough and can take his crown as Nulltax.

There are also people trying to say him saying "75% of the money comes from BP" was a joke of some type... If it's the case it's not a joke I bet it's some glowie bitches throwing him money to gain his ear. A&N being one of the few places that you could actually get some unfiltered news during the last few elections probably chapped some asses and it always seems like it's the BP people that bitch the loudest about it.
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