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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
trust me, anyone that's super against welfare own absolutely nothing of value in their lives. welfare requires capitalism to function and by extension, it is funded by the tax money of the people. what people don't get about welfare is that it's not about free stuff like free housing, healthcare, education, etc. it's a public service, that means you have to pay with your tax in order to get those services for """free""" (spoiler alert: no, these services aren't free because the people fund it with their tax money).

so many normies like him misunderstanding what welfare is will always be hilarious in my eyes. first, read more political philosophy books if you want to discuss about ideologies, fatty
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Moon's Goons
That fits the SA 2.0 failure mode, lmao.
very fitting, since 20% of his userbase are zoophiles, 10% of his userbase are furfags, 10% of his userbase are zoosadists who jacks off to the kiwi zoosadist archive, 40% of his userbase are cocksuckers and orbiters, while 20% of his userbase are roasties and bpd bitches who uses null as a shield against any criticism from the le mean scrotes. yup, a very fitting name indeed.

From a practical standpoint, it was kind of a dick move for his X account to get suspended. But those posts about D-Day must have hit a nerve with Elon Musk. No Josh was not supporting violence but his account was already right on the edge of being kicked off and I will bet Elon was just itching for an excuse to give him the boot. But he has options. He could probably go on Gab, Truthsocial.com. He could set up his own Twitter on the fediverse.
he's not something you associate with web development, software engineering, and IT security. remember the data breaches kiwifarms had? yeah
The thing with social security benefits (not to be confused with SSI, aka disability tugboat) is that you have to actually work legit jobs for many years before you pay enough into the system to become eligible to collect. This is assuming of course that the fat cunt lives long enough to meet the age requirement.

Joshua is pretty far behind in this regard, the little stint at Whataburger being essentially meaningless in the grand scheme. With his reputation being what it is, he's pretty much fucked as far as US-based jobs go, and so more than likely he'll never get to collect.

Ayn Rand was also vehemently against the social security program, right up until the point where she became eligible to collect.

Null's a jobless loser; he'd be first in line at the welfare office and we all know it.
In America you actually can only collect welfare for a limited time, like 5 years or something, and then to become eligible again you need to have paid back what you previously collected. Acceptance in the program is also highly biased towards women and children, and being a fat tranny manchild doesn't quite cut it.

He could probably get SNAP aka food stamps though, and get on a waiting list for Section 8. Those two are income-based and as far as I know don't expire the way welfare benefits do.
He's just mad he's never had a real job and is so fat he'd die before collecting if he ever did have a job.

It was never good.
I work with disabled people everyday. It's my job. There is a reason these people are on disability.
very fitting, since 20% of his userbase are zoophiles, 10% of his userbase are furfags, 10% of his userbase are zoosadists who jacks off to the kiwi zoosadist archive, 40% of his userbase are cocksuckers and orbiters, while 20% of his userbase are roasties and bpd bitches who uses null as a shield against any criticism from the le mean scrotes. yup, a very fitting name indeed.

he's not something you associate with web development, software engineering, and IT security. remember the data breaches kiwifarms had? yeah
According to him he's a very good developer that would have a lot to offer.
Ayn Rand was also vehemently against the social security program, right up until the point where she became eligible to collect.
the funny thing is, some psychopaths/anti-social people """special""" people worship her like a god. not knowing that in her later life, she benefited from social security heavily. this is why she earned the nickname "walking talking contradiction". because everything she says in her life is a giant contradiction, from racism* to social security/welfare.

*she calls racism "the lowest and most crude form of collectivism" when referring to white supremacy while being racist against native indians herself (lmao, what a joke)
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very fitting, since 20% of his userbase are zoophiles, 10% of his userbase are furfags, 10% of his userbase are zoosadists who jacks off to the kiwi zoosadist archive, 40% of his userbase are cocksuckers and orbiters, while 20% of his userbase are roasties and bpd bitches who uses null as a shield against any criticism from the le mean scrotes. yup, a very fitting name indeed.

I just liked reading / shitposting about politics and the news? I guess that's part of why he hates A&N, even though some of the shit you'd see roll though was good once you knew how to wade through the ragebait spam of some users.