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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"They have been discouraged from using this webforum as a forum because they do not feel safe to post as a result of these incessant notifications and looming persistent scorecard ratings. That is FUCKING STUPID. That means the site is broken and is fundamentally failing to encourage people to use it. It means that the reaction system, which exists to provide feedback on individual posts, is having a chilling effect on the entire site."

And he himself isn't? The paypigs aren't? God, what a faggot.

Josh, you can't stop anyone from posting on KF for more than a few minutes. All you do is make people resent you and pull friends they've made offsite when not making a sock to troll you again.
"They have been discouraged from using this webforum as a forum because they do not feel safe to post as a result of these incessant notifications and looming persistent scorecard ratings. That is FUCKING STUPID. That means the site is broken and is fundamentally failing to encourage people to use it. It means that the reaction system, which exists to provide feedback on individual posts, is having a chilling effect on the entire site."

And he himself isn't? The paypigs aren't? God, what a faggot.

Josh, you can't stop anyone from posting on KF for more than a few minutes. All you do is make people resent you and pull friends they've made offsite when not making a sock to troll you again.
I said it before but somebody should get a bunch of trans ppl and strap Josh to chair and watch him suffer, oh and film it of course
The site isn't fun anymore guys :(

View attachment 57086
KF going down the exact same failure mode as Something Awful?
>gentlemen, i do like all of us to set our timers so if kiwifarms does indeed become like something awful, our timer will ring and we can all point and laugh at the absolute state of the farms
good at evading bans, and having umpteen parachutes and socks
oh wow...., it turns out a trolling site has, get this, ban evaders and sockers?? i didn't know that. you know, there are special groups of people on the farms that are hell-bent on keeping kiwifarms sock-free and ban evader-free. they repeatedly scream at me to not sock and ban evade. i guess those people are wrong after all
Unless he's going to stalk DMs literally all day, nothing stops socks or re-regs from friends dragging friend networks away. Literally nothing stops anyone from pre-emptively trolling off main or re-regging once they have nothing left to lose. I was getting sick of a lot of bullshit and figured I'd get my last laugh in before moving on.

I still cannot get over how uncannily this is copying SA's decline. It's always a dramatic minority of shitheads kissing up to authority too retarded to realize how poisonous the sycophants are, despite Lowtax and SA having threads with reams of posts. lol

Censorship has a cost, free speech has a cost. Null knows both. Null seems to want to pay both of them in the worst way. He could have maneuvered to be someone, but instead he seems hellbent on alienating people who actually support him and care enough to call him out while getting some short term gibs from a coven of harpies who openly fucking hate him except when he's instrumental to them, and only for as long as he remains so.

Leave it to real women to do what LFJ couldn't, loll.
.... but instead he seems hellbent on alienating people who actually support him and care enough to call him out while getting some short term gibs from a coven of harpies who openly fucking hate him except when he's instrumental to them, and only for as long as he remains so.

Leave it to real women to do what LFJ couldn't, loll.
In other words, Null has a tendency towards self-sabotage (manages to find a way to shoot himself in the foot).
"They have been discouraged from using this webforum as a forum because they do not feel safe to post as a result of these incessant notifications and looming persistent scorecard ratings. That is FUCKING STUPID. That means the site is broken and is fundamentally failing to encourage people to use it. It means that the reaction system, which exists to provide feedback on individual posts, is having a chilling effect on the entire site."

And he himself isn't? The paypigs aren't? God, what a faggot.

Josh, you can't stop anyone from posting on KF for more than a few minutes. All you do is make people resent you and pull friends they've made offsite when not making a sock to troll you again.

lol pointing that out to you is why I ate a ban.

I said it before but somebody should get a bunch of trans ppl and strap Josh to chair and watch him suffer, oh and film it of course
Joselyn is an effeminate man, with little hands, big boobs, a girly voice, an undying love for Rekakas big cock and low testosterone...he'd be perfectly polite to the troons in person.

Null is the ultimate keyboard warrior. I bet he's pretty quiet in person.