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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
something that trannies and people who wants kiwifarms to die don't realize is that kiwifarm's echo chamber and josh are doing a far better job at destroying kiwifarms than any lolcows and trannies combined. remember encyclopedia dramatica? remember the many lolcows who shout "shut down encyclopedia dramatica!1!!1!"? now those lolcows can rest, knowing that ED is now irrelevant and no one cares about it anymore. when i see the current state of ED (encyclopedia dramatica) i see kiwifarms's future.

it's not going to be a surprise when kiwifarms not only ends up as something awful in the future but also ends up like ED, like this weird synthesis between ED's lolcow documentarian autism and something awful's obnoxious echo chamber.
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You're banned because you talked to someone I don't like and you were mean to me.
You're banned because you didn't thumbnail a couple images, have a different view on vaccines, posted on a site that criticizes me and are a "faggot" (straight female btw)!
My favorite hypocricy of Joshy's is his double standards when it comes to cow interactions. He can talk to Bossmanjack, send him bongs or whatever, but other people get threatened with halals for chatting with their kf username on kick. He contacted king cobra's dad about buying a house for him to live in. Nobody can talk abouit Elaine except when he does a mati segment on her.
Or when he had access to Chris's bank account for some reason.
View attachment 57037
He knows the name of every single of his alogs. I have never even seen this poster before but apparently, he is an agenda poster seeking to take over the farms and destroy Josh moons life.
I'm pretty sure acting like a "reprehensible cunt" is just Just A Butt's trolling strategy to try to break up the hugbox and see who will take the bait. Nice to know low IQ FAS Josh took the bait.
>says the guy who spent 10+ years on kiwifarms
I mean, you're definitely a sperg to spend that much time on KF but I've been on it since 2015 and I've never sucked off null.
If you've had a negative interaction with trombonista then you're a sperg of the highest order.
Oh shit, oh fuck...
The LGBT community in his viewpoint are a bunch of sex fiends
Rare null W.
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Joselyn is an effeminate man, with little hands, big boobs, a girly voice, an undying love for Rekakas big cock and low testosterone...he'd be perfectly polite to the troons in person.

Null is the ultimate keyboard warrior. I bet he's pretty quiet in person.
he even calls other men "penis bros" derisively
i know his doesnt work
his limp is dick, forever. the potter curse
so he isnt one of the boys anymore
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From a practical standpoint, it was kind of a dick move for his X account to get suspended. But those posts about D-Day must have hit a nerve with Elon Musk. No Josh was not supporting violence but his account was already right on the edge of being kicked off and I will bet Elon was just itching for an excuse to give him the boot. But he has options. He could probably go on Gab, Truthsocial.com. He could set up his own Twitter on the fediverse.