Baby Onion
Great for you that you had such seemingly positive interactions with Trombonista, but you might wanna read the Trombonista thread here on OF to read about some of the very negative interactions others on this forum had with her:
Kiwifarms Linked - Sara Trombonista Seitelman/William Dunsparce Davenport
Should've unbanned me from chat when you had the chance. Sara Seitelman January 3rd, 1989 ADDRESS REDACTED BY MOD https://la-trombonista.livejournal.com/ WORKPLACE REMOVED BY MOD ========================================================================== Courtney Mckenzie Jurica (Wife)...www.onionfarms.com
No I don't like her chief, she's a dipshit and the only time she'd lift a finger was to bury tranny rape accusations. I always found it funny if it was a necro about any other subject nobody would touch it. If it was something about a tranny rape she'd delete the thread instead of just locking it.
On rare occasions UM would still merge threads some once in a bit.