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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Lol null got pissed that I pointed out he removed notification reacts to cater to the BP trainwreck and banned me.
If you get angry about mean stickers online then you should be mocked. Those BP cunts deserve all the hate they get.

Unrelated news: @The Gays From LA how goes the crusade against those mean trolls?
Has there ever been any proof independent of the broom that they actually showed up at his residence?
Josh's story doesn't make josh look good, and all his lies tend to be toddler-grade self serving nonsense. If he had invented the whole thing I'd have expected him to claim to have done something himself to get rid of them instead of telling a story about how he desperately needed the toilet right after he found out who it was and let his Mummy handle it for him.

Plus I think Greta (the tranny) posted about it on twitter or something?
I can't figure out what exactly Josh wants KF to be. I think he's clinging to "it's just a fun gossip site" but talks about politics when it suits him, and clearly doesn't actually like opinions besides his own. He has an old post up about "you don't want free speech, you want speech that caters to you" and then he caters to a bunch of brittle women and blows up when he catches flak for it.

He obviously takes things way too personally to run a site like KF, and bans people like it fucking matters when Kiwi Farms is probably the easiest site to sockpuppet on the internet and almost everyone present doesn't have at least a few parachutes.

I used to give him the benefit of the doubt, but if the person running the mockery site is this easy to mock, and this easy to troll, lol, lmao even.
I used to give him the benefit of the doubt, but if the person running the mockery site is this easy to mock, and this easy to troll, lol, lmao even
He's always been the biggest lolcow on the site. As far as I can see, nobody he's ever had dealings has anything positive to say about him at all, not even his mother is on good terms. He's a grown man in his 30s acting like a spiteful little brat toddler and as a result of that his only interaction with other people is online, and only where he has banhammer power.
He's always been the biggest lolcow on the site. As far as I can see, nobody he's ever had dealings has anything positive to say about him at all, not even his mother is on good terms. He's a grown man in his 30s acting like a spiteful little brat toddler and as a result of that his only interaction with other people is online, and only where he has banhammer power.
I first went to KF to laugh at CWC because even people IRL were going OMG CWC DID THE BIGGEST RETARD THING YET. I stuck around because of the jail saga. When KF became the ONLY place to talk about verboten subjects like the tranny bullshit omnibus, and then you had LFJ and Keffals breaking the internet because KF kept some receipts, I grew a bit sympathetic.

To see that he's become this weird twisted sort of actual /pol/ reject while also being a bitter little faggot about being the paypig of some feminists who hate him and use him is just retarded. If he had the good will to get 100K in a fucking weekend to fight LFJ, he could have said "hey the site needs help and I'm broke and this is NOT for legal aid" and he would have gotten something for sure. Why he wants to squander this is beyond me.

I was actually about to say "tell me how to donate to you, and I will, if it's that fucking bad jesus christ don't bend the knee to a bunch of e-hags" and the second I click on his name to dm him I see this:


I don't know shit about Crypto because I haven't ever touched that retarded shit but if that's all he can get, well, hey. But now that it's increasingly clear that he's an idiot who is making enemies left in right at the exact time he should be biting his fucking tongue and focusing on his real enemies. It's clear why he has so many enemies and it's so hard for him to get funded. It's clear why he hasn't received more help despite all the shit going on:

Null is a faggot.

I'm just waiting on the first "Ozma" of KF at this point :story:
Doodoocaca aka Dr. Plussy Pounder may be worth keeping an eye on

His current passion project has all the makings of a particularly flagrant tinderbox

I had a few Mormons and Christian-Haters giving me shit and shitting up the thread, but it was minimal.

One funny thing is I asked Josh to feature it, he said no saying "well it's over, not ongoing, how would it help" when it's clearly ongoing.

Another funny thing is a lot of people asked for a feature after John Free fucking killed a guy, and that one mod (I think Trombonista? The fire... avatar whatever person?) went "nah" despite everyone present being so happy to celebrate a pedo child abuser killing another, and himself catching a case.

Also, since you personally care so much about me, why not just ask? We can make out if you're nice.
Banned for reminding people about the time that I was creeping on an underage user and said that I wanted to get her pregnant and then force her to get an abortion.

I mean that's good, but it's not "bantzing him so hard and so often that he can't hack it any more" good. 💅
I had a few Mormons and Christian-Haters giving me shit and shitting up the thread, but it was minimal.

One funny thing is I asked Josh to feature it, he said no saying "well it's over, not ongoing, how would it help" when it's clearly ongoing.

Another funny thing is a lot of people asked for a feature after John Free fucking killed a guy, and that one mod (I think Trombonista? The fire... avatar whatever person?) went "nah" despite everyone present being so happy to celebrate a pedo child abuser killing another, and himself catching a case.

Also, since you personally care so much about me, why not just ask? We can make out if you're nice.
The avatar fire person you're thinking of is Useful Mistake
A&N mod who basically barely mods A&N... I used to report duplicate articles and necros all the time and the only person I ever seen do anything a good 75% of the time was Trombonista and only if it was something about trannies.
More proof that KF is shit, the mods are literal shit at their Job
I used to report duplicate articles and necros all the time and the only person I ever seen do anything a good 75% of the time was Trombonista and only if it was something about trannies.

Great for you that you had such seemingly positive interactions with Trombonista, but you might wanna read the Trombonista thread here on OF to read about some of the very negative interactions others on this forum had with her:
