Null is very mum on the responses he got to those shake-down letters he sent to Epik and the troons as a precursor to his lolsuits. What's up with that, Null? Did they reply? Did they offer to settle? Did they tell you to fuck off and stick your legal threats up your ass? Where are you with those lolsuits?
"I want Null to win", why though?
I don't want Null to win. I won't want customers of ISPs who get special treatment (a secret backroom deal to violate the ToS with impunity) to be able to harass their ISP endlessly when their ISP is placed under new management and the new management decides that everyone has to follow the same rules. If the ToS doesn't cover your site's content, either lobby the ISP to change the ToS or go to an ISP that was a ToS that reflects your content. Null should've never agreed to a secret backroom deal with Epik's former CEO as a basis for keeping his domain up. That's a flimsy basis to begin with. It's illogical of Null to expect his secret agreement with Brian Royce to extend indefinitely, even after Royce has left the company. For all we know, no one currently at Epik even knew that Null had some secret backroom agreement with Brian Royce, because Royce never disclosed it to anyone before he left.
BTW, if you want an indication as to why Brian Royce ended up leaving Epik... it seems to me like Royce and Null had struck a special backroom deal for Null to violate the ToS with impunity, perhaps because he knew business was going down since he became CEO, and desperately wanted to keep Null as a loyal customer.
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Now, for argument's sake, I
would want Null to win if Null was suing LFJ and Caraballo over what they actually conspired to do during #DropKiwiFarms - hacking and DDoSing, de facto cybercrimes in other words - but instead of doing that, he claims he's gonna sue them over some bullshit xeets. That I do not support. LFJ and Caraballo are a bunch of mentally ill, narcissistic, extremist, far-left, lawless anarchists, but they still have a right to free speech, the same way KF does. But if Null and Hardin think they can hack California's strong anti-SLAPP better than Marilyn Manson's team of Hollywood lawyers were able to (and they failed), they are welcome to try.