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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"If people buy this shit they deserve to be raped. I want them literally strapped down and a hostile wire inserted into their brain stem, taking over their ability to move and shit"
View attachment 49427
"P.S. A tomboy is a child. They grow out of it when they want male attention as a teenager. There's no such thing as a tomboy as an adult. They're either just farm girls or mentally ill like android raptor.

P.P.S. die"
Same vibes as those trannies that say Tomboys are not real and to either transition or to stop pretending to be trans.
View attachment 49427
"P.S. A tomboy is a child. They grow out of it when they want male attention as a teenager. There's no such thing as a tomboy as an adult. They're either just farm girls or mentally ill like android raptor.

P.P.S. die"

This exact sentiment has resulted in tomboys being trannified and dying out en masse. Want a gf who will jump into a river and pull up a catfish with her bare hands? Too late, she's chopped her tits off and started taking T because these faggots scream at them for not "being feminine" resulting in them trying to look like men.
Null is so pissed off with the Kiwis wanting their alerts back that he refused to do MATI the other day... or is he secretly moving to the US already?

Null is probably scared of Kiwis showing up in the MATI chat together chanting this song against him:

"Null you are a liar/To hell with you and your forum/Free speech is at the door/The Kiwis will not be humiliated/You create new liars everyday/Dynastia, Didl, Trombonista/They lied about my brothers and frens/Get out Null!"

A mostly reasonable post until this part:
In GamerGate it was a similar test but the government knew what they were doing. Unlike with Occupy Wallstreet, there was no organic media attention that was sympathetic, and they learned how to use Wikipedia and other major trusted sources to solidify their grip on narratives
So the FED that runs the world took a couple of weeks break from stealing all of the wealth of the US to deal with Sargon of Akkad losers crew? Can't it just be occums razor? That a bunch of degenerate sweaty neckbeards can't sort their own life out much less run a movment.
Those problems will arrive soon,
Funny how the broom gasses up the Kwiffar, telling them how important his hugbox is to "freezzzzpeeech, money in my cup plz", how the ABC soup dept are out to get him. But then it's "Nah, they're not fussed about us..." Which one is it?

Then again, Kwiffar aren't the sharpest suit in the wardrobe. "Nonces is bad... apart from the one's my m8z, and jannys, or streamer I like..." IYKWIM.