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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
The Soska sisters are part of the Sektur too now?

"This is a picture of the Soska sisters making out"... was this what Null was referring to when he told his MATI stans that "it's OK to fuck your sister if she's hot"?

Seem to be right up Null's alley by the looks of it!
LMAO, no wonder Null chose Eric July's side over Nick's!
Takes one to know one!
Looks like broom still seething over Kerfuffels posting the mug shot of his domestically violent Mother.
it's funny to see him having 0 self-awareness as usual. hey fatty, your site host people's ssn numbers and other sensitive shit that could financially endanger them.
A counterpart to the thread here:

•Exposing lolcows to potential financial fraud by hosting dox containing their social security numbers

^^^Post # in /g/ archive:No.68821240
it's funny to see him having 0 self-awareness as usual. hey fatty, your site host people's ssn numbers and other sensitive shit that could financially endanger them.
It's genuinely good that we got that shit taken down but by my calculations it'll take at least a year for Josh to admit he's being an insane retard, not a Libertarian
Total me victory, btw
Likelihood of admitting you're a retard is inversely proportional to how retarded you are, so in fact josh will never admit he's a retard.
No, of course not. This is just a repeat of Josh's realization that lolicon is not a human right.
In fact, once the lolsuits have cleared, the zoosadist shit will go right back online.
Because like Uncle Chang said, some bullshit about catchin em, that's why it's been up this entire time, because fuck you, you're banned for asking
"Hitler Particles" is a meme Vaush made up.
To be fair that is a pretty fucking nice meme.
It's not on the tier of "In Mexico H2O is Aqua." But it is incredibly funny, ngl.
In fact, once the lolsuits have cleared, the zoosadist shit will go right back online.
I hope that you're wrong, that this isn't the case.
null 1.png
Null says the people defending StoneToss are idiots.
even null gets it. when one of the most deranged right-wing looney calls you out for being too insane then you really got a problem

fight night 3.png
fight night 4.png
Null is a radical centrist.
>spends all day dispensing /pol/-tier bullshit
>"I'm a heckin radical centrist u guys 😎"

I don't think you know what radical centrism means, null. the whole point of radical centrism is to incorporate the best part of non-extremist ideologies a.k.a moderate ideologies
Bested by sargoy by a decade at least, typical. :ackshually:
Sargon is a lot easier on the eyes than Null, looking at Null for too long can give you a brain haemorrhage.
even null gets it. when one of the most deranged right-wing looney calls you out for being too insane then you really got a problem

>spends all day dispensing /pol/-tier bullshit
>"I'm a heckin radical centrist u guys 😎"

I don't think you know what radical centrism means, null. the whole point of radical centrism is to incorporate the best part of non-extremist ideologies a.k.a moderate ideologies
I really like Nulls neurotic posting, I feel like he brings his hot takes to the farms after they get ignored on twitter, it's giving up a real insight into the level of his stupidity. His eyes are that far apart for a reason, folx.