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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
There are lots of people who have it out for KF and are motivated to constantly DDOS it, and there has been for years before LFJ and Caraballo were even particularly mad about KF. I honestly don't think LFJ and Caraballo had anything directly to do with the prolonged DDOSes. Null just has a personal vendetta against them so likes to get his base riled up about them.

I've barely seen him mention the Kevin guy who pretty much openly admits to being one of the people attacking the site, he just really wants to blame DA TROOOOOONS
Is it possible that null mentioned techncail details about the DDOS somewhere? If he did, maybe thats how they found out.
Josh the "radical centrist" praying for one of the (formerly) most advanced white societies on Earth to decay to the point where foreigners are raping their meaningless figurehead.

What is with him and every other person like him, and their obsession with hating Europeans and wanting white men to get raped by brown cock? Do they not realize how retarded and deranged it sounds?
Josh the "radical centrist" praying for one of the (formerly) most advanced white societies on Earth to decay to the point where foreigners are raping their meaningless figurehead.

What is with him and every other person like him, and their obsession with hating Europeans and wanting white men to get raped by brown cock? Do they not realize how retarded and deranged it sounds?
Something something mutts law
It's my personal speculation.
To be fair, I don't think Epik would go that far because to prove that Josh himself was responsible would involve them having to bring forth the events that led up to it, giving Josh more evidence for his own case. Don't think Epik believes the risk is worth the reward when they're in hot water as it is.

I think they're both in situations where moving forward would cause more harm than good so they won't do shit to each other. I think Josh hopes they'll throw their toys and do something incriminating but he also doesn't see much of a benefit in jumping on a sinking ship.
I looked at both LFJ and Karhan's githubs and didn't see a DDOSing tool. LFJ does have a tool that can bypass the proof-of-work for BasedFlare, which is some sort of Cloudflare for based and redpilled sites. Level 7 OSI is application level so they could break kiwiflare then resume the DDOS. I haven't looked at the current version, but it does some sort of md5 hash in javascript on client-side. The issue is that you'd have to be really motivated because it doesn't use real variable names and has no comments. I'd assume on purpose, but I've seen Jersh's other code so it could be his laziness. Well, anyways, all modern processers have SSE instructions to compute md5 which are very fast. A 10 year old laptop could decimate the proof-of-work.

What's with the younger people referring to people they don't like as "my ops"? Is this some sort of "urban" influence?
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While LFJ and Kevin Karhan were posting their "dual use weapons" onto Github, hackers on Twitter were openly bragging about targeting KF with DDoS attacks:

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LFJ does have a tool that can bypass the proof-of-work for BasedFlare, which is some sort of Cloudflare for based and redpilled sites.
can you share the link to this tool? i would very much need it to bypass the shitty ass cloudflare wannabe anti-ddos shit on the farms. would make browsing the broken shithole much more faster and easier
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Null, despite cowering for years in whatever Eastern European hovel will allow him in because he hates the West, lectures Canadians on how they're all weaklings for not staging a violent uprising against their government.
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Null, despite cowering for years in whatever Eastern European hovel will allow him in because he hates the West, lectures Canadians on how they're all weaklings for not staging a violent uprising against their government.
I love how he went from "start votin' ya fools" to "democracy is... le bad!" in one debate :haha:

Twitter has started banning accounts that are posting the StoneToss dox.
stonetard should be grateful for twatter to censor his dox. otherwise, he can rest assured that he won't be able to live safely without antifa and other leftists freaks threatening to kill his fat ass
Josh the "radical centrist" praying for one of the (formerly) most advanced white societies on Earth to decay to the point where foreigners are raping their meaningless figurehead.

What is with him and every other person like him, and their obsession with hating Europeans and wanting white men to get raped by brown cock? Do they not realize how retarded and deranged it sounds?

Similar to how right wingers love posting pornographic fantasies about being raped by trannies, they also love to post fantasies about being raped by "brown people." They don't actually see trannies or darkies as genuine threats; if they did then they would pick up fire arms and kill them. But they do see them as sexual objects that they can insert into their (usually homosexual) sex fantasies. In the case of Europeans, many Americans have an unwarranted inferiority complex towards Europeans and so they will create these elaborate revenge-rape fantasies; they also want to project themselves into the role of the European being raped.

It all comes back to the fact for right wing Americans, being raped by a tranny or a dark skinned person is the height of sexual adventure and they're desperate to experience it.
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Null, despite cowering for years in whatever Eastern European hovel will allow him in because he hates the West, lectures Canadians on how they're all weaklings for not staging a violent uprising against their government.
"Yeah bro it's your fault everything is the way it is, inaction is an action, by the way I left the USA."
"Also you have to do something, but voting is pointless."
Ah I see, the Vaush approach.