• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
>brits are white
How did you find out they were involved in that?

With regards to LFJ, LFJ was openly collaborating with a German hacker called Kevin Karhan who repeatedly openly indicated his willingness to break the law just to target KF. He posted many many unhinged threats against KF and Kiwis, threatening that he take care of them himself so he wouldn't have to get LE involved. Together with Kevin Karhan, LFJ started the GreyHat Academy on Github, a reference to grey hat hackers who operate on the boundaries of illegality. On the GreyHat Academy's github account, Kevin and LFJ uploaded and maintained so-called DROP lists, but these DROP lists were really meant to be "dual use weapons", that were intended to be used as DDoS lists by the hackers targeting KF. They effectively concealed the cybercriminal intent behind the creation of these lists by misrepresenting them as DROP lists.

Here is Kevin Karhan himself posting on Twitter about the GreyHat academy lists, while openly tweeting out a blackmail threat to Cloudflare that he would add them to these DROP lists within 48 hours if they refused to stop protecting KF: "Fair Warning: @cloudflare - or every other hoster providing services to #KiwiFarms - will be added after a max. 48 hour grace period if they don't #DropKiwifarms...", "I hope @Cloudflare , @fiberhub & @VSYShost consider this the last warning shots..."


Liz Fong Jones posted many many tweets at the time, such the following, where he made it clear that he had closely studied KF's architecture and had termined which specific kind of DDoS attack would be the most effective way to target the website ("L3" and "L7" in this tweet refers to Layer 3 and Layer 7 DDoS attacks, these are two different types of DDoS attacks that LFJ had considered would be the most effective against KF):


While LFJ and Kevin Karhan were posting their "dual use weapons" onto Github, hackers on Twitter were openly bragging about targeting KF with DDoS attacks:


There was widespread speculation at the time on Twitter that the reason Liz Fong Jones campaigned Cloudflare (KF's anti-DDoS protection ISP) to drop KiwiFarms was because he knew that the moment KF lost their anti-DDoS protection, they would be attacked by hackers and DDoSers. There were countless of tweets at the time speculating that LFJ was essentially aiding and abetting anticipated cybercrimes against KF by targeting Cloudflare and making sure KF had to protection. LFJ and Alejandra Caraballo, throughout the summer of 2022, were doing public interviews and podcasts where they openly bragged about the denial of protection being a great way to target websites like KF. An example of such media coverage at the time:

A Technical Guide to Burning Down a Troll Farm - The New Stack
https://thenewstack.io/a-technical-guide-to-burning-down-a-troll-farm/ Archived: https://archive.is/ghF0l

Here are some examples of these tweets from others that I saw at the time:


On top of this, there was Ellen Murray, Keffals' Irish partner, who had posted detailed technical information about the DDoS attacks being carried out, information he could've only garnered if he was in touch with the hackers carrying out the DDoS attacks. Whenever there was a DDoS attack, Ellen and Keffals would go into a secret Signal channel where apparently they would discuss the details of these DDoS attacks:



"It's less than a thousand requests a second"... how did Ellen know this specific number, unless he was personally involved with those DDoS attacks, or knew the people who were carrying them out and they were the ones who gave him that number?

Here's Ellen Murray again, referring to "very small scale DDoS attempts"... again, how did he know they were "very small scale", unless he was personally involved or was in touch with the people doing them?


Again, all this evidence is circumstantial, speculative and hearsay, but for me personally it's sufficient to conclude that there was a 99.99% chance that Liz Fong Jones and the rest of #DropKiwiFarms, including Keffals and Murray, were directly in touch with the hackers carrying out the DDoS attacks, if they weren't personally involved with those DDoS attacks themselves (especially Murray given his public technical knowledge of the specifics of those attacks). Liz Fong Jones condoned this activity for weeks, bragging the onslaught of cybercrime he had allowed to commence against KF by taking Cloudflare out of the way. Liz Fong Jones also kept on posting various technical details about Null's software, hardware, IP addresses and ISPs, seemingly to aid and abet the cybercrimes being committed against the website. Liz Fong-Jones admitted that he had collected this information about Null's systems by obsessively port-scanning KF's IP addresses (non-consensual port-scanning is something that many ISPs around the world consider to be malicious activity in and of itself). In anything, LFJ knew that by making this technical information public on his Twitter account it would aid and abet the hackers, who had already admitted they were targeting the site, with their attacks.

But Null is not going to sue Caraballo and LFJ over any of this actually cybercriminal shit. He's gonna sue them over some bullshit xeets and for sending e-mails to ISPs, both of which are protected activity in California under anti-SLAPP. He thinks he will totally win this.


  • EllenMurrayBraggingAboutDDoSingKFOnTor02.jpg
    115.5 KB · Views: 69
There are lots of people who have it out for KF and are motivated to constantly DDOS it, and there has been for years before LFJ and Caraballo were even particularly mad about KF. I honestly don't think LFJ and Caraballo had anything directly to do with the prolonged DDOSes. Null just has a personal vendetta against them so likes to get his base riled up about them.

I've barely seen him mention the Kevin guy who pretty much openly admits to being one of the people attacking the site, he just really wants to blame DA TROOOOOONS
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Here, this is the MATI I was referring to where Null played the Irish song and referred to St Patrick's Day as "one of the many Fuck England days":

Final Moments (March 18th, 2022) - Mad at the Internet

"Yesterday was St Patrick's Day, which is celebrated more in the US than in Ireland, there's more, like, Irish descendants in the US than in Ireland. But, uh, I consider St Patrick's Day one of the many "Fuck England" days that exists on the calendar that I keep track of. And all those holidays put me in good spirits. Anything that is just decisively, "you know what? England can go fuck itself", that is a cause for celebration. Though, I don't know, Ireland has its own problems." - Null.

Here's the song he played, but this is a cover, not the original:

Come Out, Ye Black and Tans is an Irish rebel song referring to the Black and Tans, or "special reserve constables" (mainly former World War I army soldiers), recruited in Great Britain and sent to Ireland from 1920, to reinforce the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) during the Irish War of Independence.[1][2] The song was written by Dominic Behan as a tribute to his Irish Republican Army (IRA) father Stephen,[3] who had fought in the War of Independence, and is concerned with political divisions in working-class Dublin of the 1920s.[1] The song uses the term "Black and Tans" in the pejorative sense against people living in Dublin, both Irish Catholic and Protestant, who were pro-British.[2][1] The most notable recording was in 1972 by the Irish traditional music group The Wolfe Tones, which re-charted in 2020.[1]

Contrary that what I thought it isn't about the Irish fighting the British but about anti-Royalists fighting Royalists, so it's about in-fighting amongst the Irish themselves. ("the song itself is a dispute between republican and unionist neighbours in inner-city Dublin in the Irish Free State era of the mid-1920s.")

I was born on a Dublin street
Where the Royal drums do beat
And the loving English feet
They walked all over us
And every single night
When me da would come home tight
He'd invite the neighbours out with this chorus
Come out ye Black and Tans
Come out and fight me like a man
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell her how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra
Come tell us how you slew
Them ould Arabs two by two
Like Zulus they had spears and bows and arrows
How brave you faced one
With your 16-pounder gun
And you frightened them damned natives to the marrow
I've barely seen him mention the Kevin guy who pretty much openly admits to being one of the people attacking the site, he just really wants to blame DA TROOOOOONS
Not only that, Kevin openly admitted on Twitter that he had people stalking Null IRL. Kevin bragged on Twitter about how he was trying to sic various LE agencies in Germany onto KF, while openly threatening Kiwis, sending blackmail ultimatums to Null's ISP and bragging about the stalking, which are all illegal under German law. Nary a word from Null about this.

Null doesn't want to get involved in legal proceedings outside of the US, because that would be him admitting that KF is a transnational website subject to foreign jurisdictions, not (just) an "American legal website" as Null insists it is. I suspect this is one of the many reasons he wants to return to the US. He realizes he cannot play this game of "my website and my business are in the US, it's just my person that isn't" for much longer. He wants the protections afforded to him by US law without the obligations of maintaining an international audience for the site.

Null said that he was considering moving to Texas when he returns to the US... but is he paying attention to this?

Oh, right, I forgot, porn isn't porn anymore when it's cross-posted to KF, then it becomes "fair use porn criticism" or whatever. Remember, Null said he was looking to buy property in Texas and Washington, D.C.. He recently alluded to having found the property he was looking for, but didn't disclose which State it was. If Null moves back to the US and moves to Texas to "create public networks", as he called it, this is going to apply to him as well.

relating to the publication or distribution of sexual material
harmful to minors on an Internet website; providing a civil

commercial entity required to use reasonable age verification
methods under Section 129B.002(a) shall:
(1) display the following notices on the landing page
of the Internet website on which sexual material harmful to minors
is published or distributed and all advertisements for that
Internet website in 14-point font or larger:
is potentially biologically addictive, is proven to harm human
brain development, desensitizes brain reward circuits, increases
conditioned responses, and weakens brain function."
this content is associated with low self-esteem and body image,
eating disorders, impaired brain development, and other emotional
and mental illnesses."
increases the demand for prostitution, child exploitation, and
child pornography."; and
(2) display the following notice at the bottom of
every page of the Internet website in 14-point font or larger:
1-800-662-HELP (4357)

IMO, Null should put these mandatory Texas law health warnings on every KF page that contains porn (read: almost every other lolcow thread) regardless.
In my experience outside of large cities you can go days, possibly even weeks without seeing anyone who isn't white.
i knew this "britain isn't white hurr durr" is a huge meme

holy mother of autism, what? seeing a web server error page pleases you?

Can’t wait for Josh to brick all featured threads just in time for another ‘DDoS’

yeah, super conenient how the (((((((((tranny ddos)))))))))) just so happen ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((coincidentally)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) right after josh does anything with his site

Not only that, Kevin openly admitted on Twitter that he had people stalking Null IRL. Kevin bragged on Twitter about how he was trying to sic various LE agencies in Germany onto KF, while openly threatening Kiwis, sending blackmail ultimatums to Null's ISP and bragging about the stalking, which are all illegal under German law. Nary a word from Null about this.

Null doesn't want to get involved in legal proceedings outside of the US, because that would be him admitting that KF is a transnational website subject to foreign jurisdictions, not (just) an "American legal website" as Null insists it is. I suspect this is one of the many reasons he wants to return to the US. He realizes he cannot play this game of "my website and my business are in the US, it's just my person that isn't" for much longer. He wants the protections afforded to him by US law without the obligations of maintaining an international audience for the site.

Null said that he was considering moving to Texas when he returns to the US... but is he paying attention to this?

Oh, right, I forgot, porn isn't porn anymore when it's cross-posted to KF, then it becomes "fair use porn criticism" or whatever. Remember, Null said he was looking to buy property in Texas and Washington, D.C.. He recently alluded to having found the property he was looking for, but didn't disclose which State it was. If Null moves back to the US and moves to Texas to "create public networks", as he called it, this is going to apply to him as well.

IMO, Null should put these mandatory Texas law health warnings on every KF page that contains porn (read: almost every other lolcow thread) regardless.
yeah... no, that shit is right-wing schizo bullshit
There are lots of people who have it out for KF and are motivated to constantly DDOS it, and there has been for years before LFJ and Caraballo were even particularly mad about KF. I honestly don't think LFJ and Caraballo had anything directly to do with the prolonged DDOSes. Null just has a personal vendetta against them so likes to get his base riled up about them.

I've barely seen him mention the Kevin guy who pretty much openly admits to being one of the people attacking the site, he just really wants to blame DA TROOOOOONS

No need to ddos the site. The site will rot from the inside out from the reddit/tumblr/lcf/cc refugees that Null protects.