• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"Keep calm, and carry on" That's Bong propaganda, that is. nfn A lot of the damage done to London and surrounding areas was from British anti aircraft fire falling short. Seemed fitting to mention.


Based post, and not just because it ironically describes Josh to a tee.
Josh immediately deleted a comment about trusting the "Plan" 😂
Free speech right up until the bantz stings his pride too much. Apparently the "Plan" is to edit Wikipedia, a place well known for it's autistic gatekeeping of edits.
Le Plan.png

The trannies dastardly plans will fall apart if they can just get positive PR inserted into their Wikipedia article, which they are discussing in public.
"Just edit the Wiki article, bro," he says while defending a site full of derogatory slurs considered "no-nos" in today's society.
Maybe he can sue the spergs who hang out on Wikipedia talk pages after they 100% delete his edit.
Just trust the Plan, he's going to sue the entire Internet and all the trannies will go to tranny prison and everyone will clap
Maybe he can sue the spergs who hang out on Wikipedia talk pages after they 100% delete his edit.
Just trust the Plan, he's going to sue the entire Internet and all the trannies will go to tranny prison and everyone will clap

Josh doesn't quite understand that it doesn't matter what "good" KF has done when he harbors literal poison to any company's bottom line in the form of politispergs. He invited them because he wanted to be the king of the gossip rag dump, only to essentially doom himself. His grandiose plan to root them out and compel them to leave without looking like a hypocrite by inviting the radfems only made his doom even more certain because their spergery isn't liked either. The only way he could save KF would be to ban the whole lot and recruit the kinda posters you'd find on snark subreddits like r/FundieSnarkUncensored or even r/antiMLM and r/creepypms. Yep. Josh would have to appeal to Redditors of the "basic Becky" variety. The men? Well, they can just post their le wrong generation screeds on the off topic boards. Not much to be offended about by whining about "muh good old days" when you were just a dumb kid who didn't know any better.

Damned if he does, damned if he don't at this point, really. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. All that warmth from those bridges you burnt ain't so good now, is it, Josh?
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Based post, and not just because it ironically describes Josh to a tee.
It's a very 1984 phrase (and Blair did do that kind of work for the gubment). Side sperg here, but it's well passed 5 o clock (in the PM) here, but the phrase inspired one of the most popular Brit Film Franchises...
Famous for "Phnarr, knockers..." "rude" humour, they started of as entertaining proto Police Academy type movies. Very knock about stuff, about a motley crew of varying fuckwits, loonies, randy men buggering stuff up, mostly nicking stuff from Abbot and Costello, 3 Stooges et al.

Commie Farms has that kind of vibe, minus the "good guys" (or the people you empathize with and root for), or the jokes, dolly birds (plenty of shrews and rolling pin hair net types, I'll give them that).

Just imagine all the jannies from them thar Commie Farms waking up one day on an alien planet, like Predators, or a Cube... like the Cube (90s) and actually having to do something IRL. Just imagine the Cube movie but with 100% Autards, instead of one. I wouldn't watch it.
Remember when the idea of a lolcow was just someone you shit talked and laughed about in your spare time?
Besides touching the poop or however you want to say it, lets say KF is able to stay up and go back to "normal". How do you dial it back after the whole site has been going so hard? This is a whole new level of antagonism between users and the cows they follow and that isn't just going away.

Next time some cow says something against KF are they going to go and screw with the Wikipedia and try to get articles written about them? Farmers aren't really discerning on something that might be slanderous or damaging to the site and someone just slinging some bantz.

This is going to become the standard way to deal with anyone who talks shit about null and he's just going to pretend not to see it and fall back on muh internet protections.
Remember when the idea of a lolcow was just someone you shit talked and laughed about in your spare time?
He made the mistake of trying to attach some grander political thing to a trolling directory. You can't be a public facing political activist when your entire reputation has been poisoned since you were 16, let alone the many mistakes that have been made since
How do you dial it back after the whole site has been going so hard?
For the longest time I figured that if you just removed the doxing element every problem the site has faced would disappear. It keeps the internet on the internet, doesn't blur lines for idiots. It keeps out the people that are solely there just to harass others, it doesn't enable vigilantism nor does it muddy investigations. It forces most discussions to actually be about a funny person and not just a scumbag, and there's no comedic value in my opinion.
But then, and I don't when this started happening every day, people just started making up shit about really fucked up shit and the idea of being critical to every thing you saw just disappeared.

So I don't know if there is a way to dial it back.
For the longest time I figured that if you just removed the doxing element every problem the site has faced would disappear.
It's way too late for damage control or good PR but yes, that would have likely prevented a lot of issues. As has been said, allowing someone's social security number to remain up is going to be viewed as completely reprehensible to the vast majority of people.
Kiwi Farms will almost certainly be a footnote in Supreme Court case law but likely as part of shutting the door on doxing, not an increase in freedom of speech. I could see that finally being the thing that makes Josh quit, realizing that all of his actions have actually caused more harm than good
Remember when the idea of a lolcow was just someone you shit talked and laughed about in your spare time?
>moralfagging about lolcowdom
Never change.

>Remember when the idea of a lolcow was just someone you shit talked and laughed about in your spare time?
No, because that was the never the case

For the longest time I figured that if you just removed the doxing element every problem the site has faced would disappear. It keeps the internet on the internet, doesn't blur lines for idiots. It keeps out the people that are solely there just to harass others, it doesn't enable vigilantism nor does it muddy investigations. It forces most discussions to actually be about a funny person and not just a scumbag, and there's no comedic value in my opinion.
But then, and I don't when this started happening every day, people just started making up shit about really fucked up shit and the idea of being critical to every thing you saw just disappeared.

So I don't know if there is a way to dial it back.
Again, more moralfagging.
And no, there's no way of "dialing it back", it's the logical conclusion of your literally gay gossip.
You're part of the problem, moralfag and literal fag
Strangely on Twitter and Telegram he keeps saying he has a few aces up his sleeve and a plan in motion but on KF itself he seems even more of a depressed eyore than ever.
Twiter/Telegram are where he speaks to the public but Kiwi Farms is a super hidden place where he can let his gunt down, thusly why he's using it to discuss his battle plans and organize a trolling campaign against the company he's claiming is unfairly oppressing him.
Trust the Plan
Trust the Plan

“Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. If they will face death, there is nothing they may not achieve. Officers and men alike will put forth their uttermost strength. Soldiers in desperate straits lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of refuge, they will stand firm. If they are in the heart of a hostile country, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no help for it, they will fight hard. Thus, without waiting to be marshaled, the soldiers will be constantly on the alert, and without waiting to be asked, they will do your will; without restrictions, they will be faithful; without giving orders, they can be trusted.
Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts.
Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.”
― Josh Tzu, The Art of War​
