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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Boyce was at Evergreen with his mobile phone, and will talk to anyone, because his handlers like it that way.
Josh: "I'm sort of a social misfit"
Then he starts talking about "goons" which he doesn't explain and then the other guy asks him to explain what a goon is.

He's getting under 500 views and chat is dead. Benjamin has no idea what is going on and Josh doesn't want to explain anything and as usual is just trying to get to his sob story.
"owner & operator of the most embattled site on the World Wide Web: kiwifarms dot net."
Will they ever give it a fucking rest? The vast majority of people have no idea Kiwi Farms even exists, and I've seen Kwiffar even post to that effect, that "muh normies" don't even know any of this is going on. (And why would or should they? Most people use one or two sites, then log off and go about their day).
And no, Josh, it's not because of trannies or whatever, it's because you're not as big time as you think you are.
"But mainstream pubs are talking about it!"
So what? Who the hell reads mainstream news sources outside of sports coverage any more?

Josh: "I'm sort of a social misfit"
Then he starts talking about "goons" which he doesn't explain and then the other guy asks him to explain what a goon is.
Exactly my point. Josh just assums everyone knows what's going on and is hip to the lingo.
Exactly my point. Josh just assums everyone knows what's going on and is hip to the lingo.
I think he's just super narcissistic and isolated so he thinks everyone knows this stuff by now cause all the people he talks to do and also he hates explaining anything due to said narcissism.

Null is not coming off well he seems nervous and is talking faster than I've ever heard him. He is very careful to avoid any political affiliation when Benjamin brings up politics.

At least Benjamin was smart enough to record this and not stream it like Null with Channing Creager.
I think he's just super narcissistic and isolated so he thinks everyone knows this stuff by now cause all the people he talks to do and also he hates explaining anything due to said narcissism.

Null is not coming off well he seems nervous and is stalking faster than I've ever heard him. He is very careful to avoid any political affiliation when Benjamin brings up politics.
Because Josh's idea of politics is whatever brings him the most diet soda and carbs for the least amount of actual work. Not exactly the kinda stirring material that'd win you sympathy.
He sounds like hes about to cry.
He is a presumably straight male running a gossip site, despite gossip being an inherently female habit. He has done nothing else with his life except running a site that hardly anyone knows or cares about. Most of his "supporters" are just there until he inevitably, finally loses for good and they go back to 4chan or wherever. He has never met his father, and never will.

Maybe it's sinking in.

(And before anyone asks, I don't insult @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt for running this site like I do Josh for running KF because Ken doesn't sit around pretending he's a based martyr or whatever)

Null goes on a tangent on "oversocialization" in the internet age while also talking about being on the internet since he was 9 and Ben asks "so how have you resisted this oversocialization.

Null says he tried to go back on twitter and other social media and that he hated it all. He says if KF went down he would have to abandon the internet altogether. Benjamin then says "but you're still online, it's just YOUR online". Absolutely bodies null for surrounding himself with people who just agree with him.

Null goes on a tangent on "oversocialization" in the internet age while also talking about being on the internet since he was 9 and Ben asks "so how have you resisted this oversocialization.

Null says he tried to go back on twitter and other social media and that he hated it all. He says if KF went down he would have to abandon the internet altogether. Benjamin then says "but you're still online, it's just YOUR online". Absolutely bodies null for surrounding himself with people who just agree with him.

So how long till he says Benjamin was put up to this by the trannies?

Also, "oversocialization" my ass, Josh, you're just a lazy narc who thinks the world should kiss your ass for existing. It's amazing the pretzels people will bend themselves into just to avoid taking personal responsibility for their actions.
Holy shit this guy is actually pressing him on why KF is such a problem to keep up. Null is going to blow a gasket and add this guy to the total retard war.
Implying that he would ever find anyone he wouldn't add to the retard war. Josh only wants unconditional, total asskissers, and even then, he'd still bitch about it. Already does.

Josh says his posting style makes him come off as an unhinged person and a bad guy. Ben says "Thanks for making me a stop on your PR tour"

What, really, Josh? You mean people don't like you posting about black people chewing too loudly and that random people just living their lives are niggercattle? Well, shit. Looks like you're admitting you've fucked yourself over yet again.

How the fuck do you know this? Why the fuck do you know this? Crusading against the troon menace doesn't mean you have encyclopedic knowledge of an extremely niche foreign fetish from a country you claim to hate.

Do you think Caroline Farrow knows what Daughter-son is and wants to share that knowledge at the drop of a hat?
Ben: "Josh moon is there anything you do when you're not doing this? What brings you joy?"

I wish someone would ask all the Kwiffar, Lolcow Farmers, etc, etc this. Forget everything else. Just ask them this. I'd honestly love to see the responses, because I find it hard to believe they could provide an actual answer.