• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
null ruves xi.png
"Calling Josh an unlikable doughboy is definitely projection."

Yo, Creative Username, how does Josh's microcock taste? Also, projection? Projection is all Josh and company do. Every accusation really is an admission.

Also, "please kill yourself immediately" is definitely gonna be the kind of content Cogent would love to host. Way to go, buddy!

"To cease being a blight on the human race."

What, like Josh? Josh offers nothing to the human race. And why the sudden humanism? Isn't the Kwiffar belief that there is no such thing as a human race and that the only good race is the white race?
On the subject of KF being culty I always found people who were into Chris Chan were extremely possessive of him. As retarded as say Ethan Ralph people could be they never really cared if someone else made fun of ralph and in fact they usually encourage it. This goes for Null as well when he freaked out over that guy donating to Chris.

That possessiveness carried over to Null himself and a lot of kiwis defend him in this insane way. On some level I get the PR thread they are trying to do but some of these people just follow Null around the board all day to defend his honor. I'd love to say this is just the newfags or whatever but I see Dyn, Anominous and some of the other old guard doing it as well. Maye it seems cold but I've never had any one online that I would cape for this much. I'm mostly just here to talk some shit inbetween going back to IRL where my real relationships reside. This level of attachment to someone I have never and will never meet is just unimaginable to me.

TL;DR what's wrong with these people?
Null is going to talk to "his guy" about getting an attorney to sue Cogent.
I think he's banking on Cogent overplaying their hand in retaliation and it opening up a potential lawsuit for him. Literally all they have to do is stay the course, which they almost certainly will.
Told ya.
Josh probably shouldn't have prefaced his lolsuit with an actual targeted harassment campaign. I know he thinks he can wink his way into plausible deniability with "I'm totally not using you all as my personal troll army, only report content you genuinely think is harmful" but that same tactic worked out very poorly for Andrew Anglin.
Much like him, Josh will be hiding from court fees in the jungles of Southeast Asia by 2025.
Zardork says that Null is bringing heat down on himself, while users afounder and Creative Username run to Null's defense
Lol, yes, Lamarcus is definitely the voice of reason in any conversation about attracting negative attention.
He was so cocky in the SaSu thread.
"Lol nothing remotely bad has happened to me since the journalists exposed me"
That was only back in October. Get comfortable, get cocky, 90 days have passed so things have clearly blown over
Maye it seems cold but I've never had any one online that I would cape for this much. I'm mostly just here to talk some shit inbetween going back to IRL where my real relationships reside. This level of attachment to someone I have never and will never meet is just unimaginable to me.

TL;DR what's wrong with these people?
You're not cold, for I'm exactly the same way. Do I know some people online? Sure I do. Do I like 'em? Sure I do. But I would never cape for them, just like they would never cape for me, and that's fine. Like ou, I'm just here to talk shit before going back to RL - it's all for fun for me. I don't care if people agree or disagree, because the internet isn't the serious business we've been led to believe it is. I mean, if people do agree? Cool. If not? Oh well. Unlike many Kwiffar, I don't take "he disagrees with me" as a sign the West is falling, or whatever. I just shrug and go about my day. But again, this is what happens when you're terminally online: you have no RL to go back to, so your whole life is shaped by online interaction. You value yourself based on how "based" you appear or how "with it" you seem. You value yourself on the idea that a bunch of randos you'll never ever meet are triggered because you posted some basic bitch cuckservative/shitlib slop about libs/chuds. You are likely some generic 9 to 5 wagie IRL, and offer nothing to the company or the coworkers they couldn't get elsewhere so, feeling a desire for some power and control in your life, you embrace radical nonsense like being an incel or femcel. We know that "incels" are largely a media creation meant to replace Muslims as scapegoats for everything wrong in society, but you, the terminally online man, take the label for yourself because you feel it makes you look cool, that it gets back at the women who don't notice you because you have nothing to notice. And it just goes on and on like that, really. "Race realists" on all sides ("muh hapas," "we're the real Jews," etc, etc) also fall under this. Basically, any shit stirrer.

These people will one day end up on talk shows insisting on gibs to rebuild their lives, and you, the taxpaying, working citizen, will be browbeat by the media to fork 'em over. Think about it logically. It's the perfect scheme. Have the media for years fan the flames of division, make little known internet communities seem more powerful than they really are, fuck around and have you, the normal person, find out ("Who shoots up a garlic festival?!") (make sure to put every fucking article behind a pay wall while pretending to be "le free press" too) and then play hero, start "raising awareness" and rig the timeline so it leads to "ex-incels" and the like demanding gibs for "muh mental health" even though they were never really mentally ill to begin with, and were just pretending.

It's a perfect little scheme, honestly.
"I don't have a lot of time to do much."
"I'm extremely proactive about it."

Josh, you sound just like DSP with his begging at this point. Making up obvious bullshit that makes you look like a kid who told his teacher his dog ate his homework and expecting not to be called out over it.

"Doing PR"

What PR could you possibly do, Josh? It doesn't matter what "good" the Farms does when your users are so incredibly lame, let alone spergy, that they'd scare off any curious parties. If the whole point of KF is to just laugh, why do you allow folks like Kali Yuga, Dom Cruise, etc, etc to whine about how "the West is totally falling this time, guiz, any time now" and infest every lolcow thread with stupid shit like cuckold fantasies and taking things way too seriously? I saw you featured that lately. Asking Kwiffar to post the good shit the Farms does.

It reeks of the same energy as "I may be a pedophile, but at least I'm not rude," or however that meme goes. Does he honestly believe normal people (whom, mind you, he has dismissed as "NPC niggercattle") will suddenly look over all this and go gee, that Josh Moon, he's a pretty nice dude just trying to run a cool site?
Null sounds pretty desperate here.
The opening sentence sounds like he wants someone to suggest a Grift Scam Glow arc, the "Dear Loony Patriot Types, my hugbox... er I mean A1 is under threat, sheckels plz" thing
Josh, you sound just like DSP with his begging at this point.
Weeeellll. Phil has been getting away with it all his life. You gotta laugh, DSP whacked off on stream, and he gets Koomstar wanting to help him out, and it makes the broom s-s-s-s-seeeethe.
Does he honestly believe normal people (whom, mind you, he has dismissed as "NPC niggercattle") will suddenly look over all this and go gee, that Josh Moon, he's a pretty nice dude just trying to run a cool site?
"A drowning man will clutch at straws".
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The grift never ends. This guy posts a message Null sent on Telegram but it's far more positive than the ones he has been sharing on KF itself. Don't you think the average kiwi could stand to hear this Null? They are talking about setting up some Goebbels style propaganda centre and Null can't even let them know he has a plan.
This retard really just said "Trust the Plan" kek.
If sperg history has taught me anything, it's officially over but the con will go on longer than you'd think.

Unrelated, but I ran Josh's voice through this analyzer app and it gave me a chuckle.


"I have learned a great deal this week" But is it of any practical use?
"What I need most is for people to not give up before I do." Sounds a little like "Keep on giving me money, as I plan to do a midnight flit"
"Keep calm, and carry on" That's Bong propaganda, that is. nfn A lot of the damage done to London and surrounding areas was from British anti aircraft fire falling short. Seemed fitting to mention.