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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
@thefrogninja please listen carefully to this part:

Who did Null say "Thank you!" to at this part? Someone in the room there with him? It sounds to me like one handed him something, like a drink or a snack or something, and he was thanking them away from the mic. What do you think?
To me it sounds like he was thanking the superchatter and briefly mutes the mic to sneeze or cough.
null 1.png
null 2.png
Null discusses the Jewish State of America after Osama bin Laden's letter is posted.
View attachment 41776
View attachment 41777
Null discusses the Jewish State of America after Osama bin Laden's letter is posted.
Dude goes from bitching about A&H /pol/tards ruining the site in the man hate thread to posting about how based a terrorist was for naming the Jew in an A&H thread. Absolutely zero self awareness. :story:
self-contradiction as usual mateys! nothing new here. my anglo schizo tard nigger alwaaaaaays self-contradict himself like a true anglo nigger. so whenever he bitch about le heckin /pol/tarderinos, just throw this at him to remind him how much of a hypocritical anglo faggot he is. but of course, he's a power-tripping doofus without any bright future nor hope so expect some bannings from him

hmm... yes... i can smell nool's cum stained broom from afar
Funny that Null is so high and mighty about food but the only things he has mentioned since being in "Serbia" is Pizza and missing subway subs with banana peppers during the pepper saga. With all that amazing cheese and fresh bread all he could think about was Subway with its bullshit bread and even more bullshit cheese.

It's almost as if that whole cheese thing was bullshit and his tastes are finely tuned to nutritionless goyslop.
It's almost as if that whole cheese thing was bullshit and his tastes are finely tuned to nutritionless goyslop

It all starts to make sense when you realise that null has the phenotype of a grazing prey animal.

Wide set eyes to give a large field of view to spot predators more easily

High squeaky voice for distress calls

Reduced cerebral capacity and large, slow moving flabby body with slow metabolism to more easily subsist on nutritionally poor but easily available foods