Rekieta to Null:
"You're a lovable retard. I like you. You don't believe me but I always have."... what's the point of telling Null this over and over, telling him how much brotherly love you have for him? Love only those worthy and welcoming of your love, fuck all the rest. Null is a hater, he only understands hate so don't waste your love on him, give him what he actually wants, which is your hatred, not your love.
Rekieta, I don't know if you will ever see this, but seriously: Null is not gonna bury the hatchet and just talk shit over. Once he burns a bridge, it's burned forever. This drama between you is just way too profitable for him over "gay shit like friendships". You are the Youtuber with the bigger channel and the millions of views, so by milking the drama between you, Null is making money off of your audience. You really don't seem to understand how Null looks at his drama purely as a business opportunity to bring disappointed ex-Rekieta viewers over to KF and MATI. That's the bottom line, and the quicker you figure that out about him, the easier it will be to completely ignore him going forward.
"Hey faggot, message me so we can work this out.", that's never gonna happen. Null can definitely
"afford this gay bullshit" if that Mother Jones claim about the $300k in bitcoin was true.
We must all aspire to reach this blissful state of Pure Zen:
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