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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
You believe in Menopause? That's a myth.

You sure this isn't Elaine? Positively sure?
She would have to post some proof its her if she wants anyone to believe it's really her. Also the wash my dishes thing coming from a feminazi would be peak irony since that's a very common thing to tell a feminist to do when you want piss them off. Because it's their job. :trollface:
null 1.png
null 2.png
null 3.png
Noted male feminist Joshua Moon takes the fight to the incels of Kiwi Farms.
Is there some great 4D chess move that I am not seeing here?
Joshualine "Vaseline" Conner Moon is a Gender Abolitionist trans-lesbian who's about to lead the women at the Man Hate Thread into perpetual cat-ladydom.
I've been vindicated in everything, and you fuckers still won't give me the credit I deserve for hacking kiwi farms and blowing the lid off this entire operation. What do you have to say now, onion freaks?

Odysseus was right.

You're welcome.

You insects are so far beneath me you didn't even deserve this post.
Sit on my face 🤤
Josh might shut the site down tomorrow. He was fucking ANGRY in that announcement thread, lmao.
I know he won't because where the hell would he get money?

I just read this part of the Cogent thread and yes, he definitely does sound more pissed off than usual:

I am just shocked at how fucking retarded people are and it genuinely does more to dissuade me from moving forward with this fucking site than anything the trannies do. Like it's all for the benefit of total retards.

Since I can't talk to people about shit I guess I'll just do whatever the fuck I want at this point.

Null is yelling that Kiwis aren't giving him any viable suggestions on how to proceed:

HOW IS THIS ANY DIFFERENT THAN THE EFF??????????????? nigger there is literally no choice and you fucking niggers present no alternative
Null · Post #386 · Yesterday at 6:43 PM · Forum: Forum Discussion

As much as I hate Null, I don't think it's fair for Liz Fong-Jones to target Vincent just because he's Null's 先生, so I would've recommended that Null contact Assange's Australian lawyers, who work for PEN Sydney... but I checked their website and look at what it says at the bottom of the front page:


So no, I am definitely NOT gonna recommend Null contact PEN Sydney to ask if they can recommend a good libel tourism/forum shopping lawyer for Vincent. I know Greenwald was defending KF on his Twitter account during #DropKiwiFarms, but I am sure Null doesn't want to talk to him either, given that Greenwald is an out gay man, though I am sure Greenwald of all people knows a lot of good libel tourism/forum shopping lawyers all over the world, plus he's on Odysee just like Null so Greenwald would've been a natural match in this situation, if only Null wasn't such a rabid homophobe with an audience of even more rabid moral police fundamentalists.

Edit: Assange is also represented by the MEAA (Australia's Media, Arts and Entertainment Alliance), don't know if they're willing to support a shady American website but they might give Vincent himself some good libel tourism/forum shopping lawyers' contact information.

This Kiwi, "Mongolian Bowman", responding to Null is gonna get his account nuked:

Your first and most reliable response to feedback is to dole out bans for anything that isn't mollycoddling.
Even constructive input is dismissed and the providers are banished if it does not soothe your ego.
You're exactly as neurotic as the troons you intend to fight this fruitless forever-war with.
I believe the healthiest path for you is to close this website and go start a t-shirt run to afford talk therapy.
The internet turned you into a cretin.

Did he lie though?
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If KF was run by someone that actually wanted it to succeed
Dunno what you mean by succeed, but if I were in Null's shoes I'd do two things; Remove posts that get complained about as he is doing with the redaction he implemented, and try to get more money.

The first thing is just because his ass WILL be on the street if he doesn't. And if that happens, he can kiss his KF tugboat goodbye. The site being up is the only way he can get money right now.

Clearly, the bottleneck in his operation is money. He doesn't work, and relies on donations. It seems clear to me that his #1 priority should be making it as easy and enticing as possible to send him money, but he does basically the opposite.

As for how to get money, I'd have more (and more varieties of) merch. Stickers, posters, etc. Whatever you can put on redbubble. I don't know how he's doing the payment for his current merch stuff and I don't really care, but the fact of the matter is that Kiwifarms has a marketable brand.

Also, have it up front and CRYSTAL CLEAR how to send me crypto. I've seen a lot of people asking "how do I turn my cash into crypto" and never seen Null help them through it. I wonder how much money he's left on the table that way.

Of course, he won't get out of his own way and continually alienates people who seemingly would give him money by being a standoffish, angry retard whenever he posts, but I think it's a lot smaller of an aspect than it would initially seem. People put up with autism when they can be paypigs, just look at any twitch streamer.
If KF was run by someone that actually wanted it to succeed then what kind of changes would be needed to make it viable? Probably getting rid of the porn for one.
I don't think it's possible at this point. He's just burned too many bridges. When you google kwf it's articles talking about how it kills people.

The closest thing I can think of is to just delete/hide all the transexual content. They're the hot-button cause now plus the ones getting the site shut down. Maybe charge for registrations. It would help with the alt problem. Site would be 20x better without a thin-skinned faggot running it.
The first thing is just because his ass WILL be on the street if he doesn't.
He won't though, according to that Mother Jones article Null has money, he just doesn't want to spend it on KF. $300k might not be a lot of money in the US but it is a lot of money in Serbia (assuming that's where he really is).
He won't though, according to that Mother Jones article Null has money, he just doesn't want to spend it on KF. $300k might not be a lot of money in the US but it is a lot of money in Serbia (assuming that's where he really is).
Don't you claim to watch every stream? He explained in a stream not too long ago that he doesn't have $300k in bitcoin and never did and that they calculated that number based on all crypto donations that KF has ever received and they took the price of bitcoin at it's peak to say that it is equal to $300k. The price for bitcoin changes daily so saying someone has $300k in bitcoin is dumb to begin with because the price is not stable and goes up and down. He also said he spends crypto for his daily life expenses so he doesn't hold on to all of the crypto he has ever received. Journalists just lie about shit, why do you take their word for it? And why do you know everything Null has ever said on MATI with timestamps but apparently went deaf when he explained this not too long ago?

Null is poor and will always be poor because he's not smart enough to turn what he has into money and he won't listen to anyone's advice. As long as he has money to pay for his pizza and soda he is complacent. He just likes to complain. I think he also knows if he actually DID have money it would put a way bigger target on his back for people to sue him to get a piece of it.
And why do you know everything Null has ever said on MATI with timestamps but apparently went deaf when he explained this not too long ago?
1. You are prolly wasting your time. You are prolly blocked. 2. Gays also was bemused as to what the "Russian Connection" was. They just got banned for being annoying on KF and now is here still desperate for the brooms attention.