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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Dindu Nuffin

Nigress/Nigresses LGBTIAQ2SP+ BLM Ukraine Palestine Defund The Police BBW
Remarkable Onion
You should keep something in mind about Null: he didn't grow up in Pensacola. He grew up in a town, Niceville if I recall correctly, that's approximately an hour away. He lived in a trailer and didn't have a father. He never even met the man. As a result, he's likely to spend his whole life bouncing from one ideology to another because he was never given proper moral grounding. If you listen to his podcast, he inadvertently reveals this about himself many times, often criticizing fatherless people, etc. He also likes to crap on people that make a living from the internet. Like him. SHAMFURU DISPRAY!
Guess I shouldn't be surprised at the hypocrisy of someone whose life is a so-called free speech website dedicated to getting people he doesn't like to "just get off the internet", but I'll never understand how people like that can live with the internal inconsistencies.

Kunikazu Okumura

Remarkable Onion
From the Pantsu thread:

What a joke. Of course, people are going wild there, she's obviously decided to break it off from Ralph. It's amusing and obviously what was going to happen months ago. Captain never had a father here had to SHUT IT DOWN!

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An Onion Among Onions
This is what Josh and his users are hand-wringing and kvetching about currently, implying nothing he or his website has done could ever compare. While deifnitly in poor taste, he and his website considers this "defacing" a grave as if he left graffiti and piss all over it.
View attachment 40711
Dick and Nick make a great point at Josh's moronic idea that his users users don't engage in any malfeasance.

'Member that time a Kiwifarms user drove by lolcow Ethan Ralph's Mexican home to confirm he lived there and a seperate user, the notorious Kengle X, asked said user to get a better picture of the plates so he could potentially report it to the Mexican authorities? FrogNinja 'members. Neither user was ever warned, banned, or scolded as Josh implies would happen. In fact, it was heavily cheered on because at the time Ralph was his mortal enemy.
Days after lolcow Ethan Ralph's address was posted to Kiwifarms he was swatted. Now a seperate Kiwifarms user visited his residence to confirm that he lives there. He's also told people to contact Ralph's neighbors. Remember, "no trolling ops!"
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Kengle X is there asking for the user to take more pictures and videos for him. Gee... I wonder what Kengle X wants to do with knowledge of Ralph's and his truck's legal status in Mexico. Surely it's not to contact the police should either be not so legal, right? Of course not. That would be against the rules!
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Josh's moral outrage is very limp, like his penis.
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youthful_ shannel

Hellovan Onion
Dick and Nick make a great point at Josh's moronic idea that his users users don't engage in any malfeasance.
View attachment 40763View attachment 40765

'Member that time a Kiwifarms user drove by lolcow Ethan Ralph's Mexican home to confirm he lived there and a seperate user, the notorious Kengle X, asked said user to get a better picture of the plates so he could potentially report it to the Mexican authorities? FrogNinja 'members. Neither user was ever warned, banned, or scolded as Josh implies would happen. In fact, it was heavily cheered on because at the time Ralph was his mortal enemy.

Josh's moral outrage is very limp, like his penis.
"Karen Farms" is so accurate.

Crimson Fucker

An Onion Among Onions
WTF Did Null seethingly run down this guy's entire post history just because he made some posts that hurt his fee fees? Next month Null will just be doxing anyone who accidentally double posts.

I got called a sperg reported by users warned by mods and eventually banned for going through post history of retards but when he does it it's ok? Rules for thee but not for me energy. The entire point of redditfarms is snooping and going through post history of people they don't like.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
A recent legal victory was overturned. Clearly there was zero merit and this was a result of Jewish meddling. You can help by buying a shirt.
Screenshot_20231016-173547-588.png Screenshot_20231016-173614-276.png

@thefrogninja can you please post that recent appeals court verdict in the Russel Greer case you were referring to earlier? I don't want to go to his site to get it.

Null gave his take on his defense against Russel Greer in the following 2020 blog article on his Mad At The Internet website:

Meanwhile, Russell Greer is suing me in Utah, again pro se in forma pauperis. This time, it’s for contributory copyright damages and false light (a kind of defamation). Russell Greer is an ex-Mormon who considers himself a civil rights activist because he has a paralyzed face from a congenital disability (Mobius syndrome). He wants to legalize prostitution so that people with disabilities can pay for sex.

That’s not what makes Russell Greer a laughingstock. Instead, it is his obsession with famous women. He has sued both Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande for not taking him out on dates. He would send them gifts, such as original lyrics for songs, and then expected them to reciprocate by giving him something he wants in return (a date / sex). He also has been convicted of cyberstalking a woman local to him.

After losing his first case against Swift, he self-published a book called Why I Sued Taylor Swift: and How I Became Falsely Known as Frivolous, Litigious and Crazy which included a full-color comic where she literally stabs him in the heart. He’s a very funny guy, unintentionally.

Greer’s other creative work is Yo, Yovanna!, a love song directed at Yovanna Ventura, a Dominican actress and model. It’s a generic sounding pop track he wrote the lyrics for, but paid someone else to perform (his condition prevents him from verbally articulating himself clearly). This song ends up posted on the Kiwi Farms and is harshly criticized for being creepy. Greer responded to this criticism by sending me a DMCA complaint demanding that the song be removed. I refused and told him that it’s being used fairly for the purposes of criticism and ridicule. He escalates the matter to the courts by suing me personally and “Kiwi Farms, a website.”

Greer tends to use the court system as punishment. Displease him, and he will try to litigate you into doing what he wants. Humorously, when he sued Taylor Swift, he took her to small claims court. These courts typically try to keep costs down by forcing people to represent themselves instead of hiring attorneys. His strategy was to force TayTay to show up in person and deal with him. Instead, Greg Skordas was allowed to represent her, however, and Greer never managed to set up his romantic date in a Utah small claims court.

Greg Skordas is a Utah attorney and was the Democratic nominee for Utah Attorney General in 2020. He has represented Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and yours truly. Greer thusly considers Skordas his nemesis and has harassed his family over Facebook.

Greer’s complaint against me was two-fold: he alleged that I contributed to theft of his song by allowing it to be posted (using Napster as a comparison), and that I put him in “false light” when a sentence alleging Greer had “victims” was featured on the front page of my website. His actual legal argument is: he was only convicted of cyberstalking once, so he has only a single victim, thus claiming he has multiple victims is defamatory. This is not a joke.

The court upheld that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects me from damages caused by user generated content on my platform. Section 230 is important and provides protections for alt-tech just as it does for big tech. Any proposals to amend Section 230 should be considered very carefully.

Skordas’s firm has competently represented my interests in Utah. Greer’s case was dismissed, and so were his post-mortem motions to have the case reopened. He is now appealing the decision in a higher court. Skordas has also been generous in not charging me for all billable hours, but even half of an attorney’s bill is a lot of money.

With Greer, I believe he works a job and I can garnish his wages. He might also have money I could try and take. His family is wealthy and they might choose to bail him out of debt. I could also ask for the rights to Yo, Yovanna! and write that off as part of his debt. Then, I could make money with it. My users would probably buy a vinyl press of Yo, Yovanna! and it would be good fun.

Greer v. Moon (2019)
U.S. District Court District Court for Utah, Central Divsion (2:20-cv-00647-TC)

Archived: https://archive.ph/UXv5u
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