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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
No offense but who in kiwifarms is Trad ? They're mostly no life incel weirdos that Josh surround himself with.
You mean to tell me people on the internet can lie about having a wife and kids, lie about being the based protestant/catholic/orthodox/muslim?
How could this be? I don't understand. I was told by Kiwifarms, is in fact, saving the west.
You mean to tell me people on the internet can lie about having a wife and kids, lie about being the based protestant/catholic/orthodox/muslim?
How could this be? I don't understand. I was told by Kiwifarms, is in fact, saving the west.
These guys sit in kiwi chat all day and pretend to have a family. Maybe you should go be with them then instead of blowing Null in chat? If they existed that is.
These guys sit in kiwi chat all day and pretend to have a family. Maybe you should go be with them then instead of blowing Null in chat? If they existed that is.
If I told them I have girlfriend they would start panicking and would post divorce rate charts and everything, god forbid I admit I'm dating a man.
I truly believe every single kiwifag somehow has the most fanatical view of sex that would make a nun seem like an escort in comparison.
If I told them I have girlfriend they would start panicking and would post divorce rate charts and everything, god forbid I admit I'm dating a man.
I truly believe every single kiwifag somehow has the most fanatical view of sex that would make a nun seem like an escort in comparison.
Fr they have similar worldviews as Groypers / Nick Fuentes. It makes me wonder it just projection from them since they're in "moral crusade" against them.
Null on MATI yesterday denied being in the US right now. He said that he's "not ready to go back to the US", despite "someone"(?) claiming to have access to Joe Rogan and supposedly trying to get Null on the Joe Rogan show for a live interview:

WTF, they have Starlink in war-torn Ukraine but they don't have Starlink in West Virginia? Can someone tweet/X this to Elon Musk or Starlink please? Like, Jeremy/The Quartering lives in Wisconsin and he said he has Starlink there. I almost cannot believe this is the case, and I know Null lies, so I wanna verify this.
Doomers in their van in the middle of buttfuck nowhere can get Starlink, rich niggers in the middle of the ocean can get Starlink. I'm calling bullshit.

Also if he wants dry air that bad he could move to Wyoming, get his LLC there and chill because nothing happens in Wyoming. Well, except for some celebrities having mansions there but otherwise nothing happens in Wyoming.
No offense but who in kiwifarms is Trad ? They're mostly no life incel weirdos that Josh surround himself with.
The Beauty Parlour has an unhealthy demographic of married women with children.

I just wanna add this: I'm legitimately terrified for any woman Josh tries to get with or any children he wants to have. If he thinks dealing with trannies and kiwis is rough, colicky infants and toddler tantrums are so much worse. He isn't prepared to be a father and will absolutely become violent towards a woman and children. They are easy targets for frustration and he would justify his own abuse because that's just how the people he surrounds himself with think.

I hope that he seeks mental health help professionally or abstains entirely.
now the captcha isn't working at all. Guess Jewsh decided to fuck everyone over and reset all the passwords of every user on KiwiFarms and not given them the option to reset.
Null remark on a recent MATI about how women "want to be submissive" further reinforced my perception of Null as a very closeted sexual sadist.
Josh says women will follow a "strong man" which he implies he is one of and that any faults women of this and previous generations have are the fault of men which means he believes women have no agency or something.
Josh is working overtime to paint his enemy Hector Martin as a pedophile because he follows some anime accounts. From what was posted in the featured post there was nothing really obscene from I've observed. While Josh himself does not call Hector a pedophile his users sure got the message and are doing that for him in the thread.

It's possible I didn't see anything grotesque because of loading issues with the site. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
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Josh says women will follow a "strong man" which he implies he is one of and that any faults women of this and previous generations have are the fault of men which means he believes women have no agency or something.

This exact mindset is how monsters like Ghislaine Maxwell get away with their horrific crimes. "She's a woman, women aren't cognizant of their actions." Always resulting in horrible crime sprees, like women teachers who molest their students and then get 6 months community service from a Soros judge. The refusal to treat women like adults always comes back to bite society in the ass.
Josh is working overtime to paint his enemy Hector Martin as a pedophile because he follows some anime accounts. From what was posted in the featured post there was nothing really obscene from I've observed. While Josh himself does not call Hector a pedophile his users sure got the message and are doing that for him in the thread.

It's possible I didn't see anything grotesque because of loading issues with the site. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Something Something don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house.
now the captcha isn't working at all. Guess Jewsh decided to fuck everyone over and reset all the passwords of every user on KiwiFarms and not given them the option to reset.
I think people were complaining about this in the TG thread the other day:

Illuminati Order Official said: Someone mentioned no accounts confirmation e-mails (well, last one doesn't matter as new registrations are closed).
OwlShaman: Yeah but that'll all be over with once the altchan drama dies down. It took me 6 hours and multiple tries to get a single email, shit was wack.

Josh is working overtime to paint his enemy Hector Martin as a pedophile because he follows some anime accounts. From what was posted in the featured post there was nothing really obscene from I've observed. While Josh himself does not call Hector a pedophile his users sure got the message and are doing that for him in the thread.

It's possible I didn't see anything grotesque because of loading issues with the site. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Your Right. The site just staying up at this point for his ego, people to defend him and make up bullshit.
Premarital sex is morally wrong. Most relationships like this end without marriage furthermore do you know how many marriages end in failure? And even if it doesn't it will be a loveless marriage until one of you dies and your alone again.
You need to find Christ by sitting in kiwi chat all day like me
You almost had me until the last sentence lmfao :haha:
Josh is working overtime to paint his enemy Hector Martin as a pedophile because he follows some anime accounts. From what was posted in the featured post there was nothing really obscene from I've observed. While Josh himself does not call Hector a pedophile his users sure got the message and are doing that for him in the thread.

It's possible I didn't see anything grotesque because of loading issues with the site. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
look at this faggot