Wait, which story is that? I've never heard this story! I only know two stories about Null having sex with an IRL woman: I know the story about the woman he picked up at work (at the fast food joint), who indicated she was into him before he showed interest in her. Null claims to have had sex with his co-worker more than once, which I guess means she was really into him and enjoyed the sex they were having. Null however said that he never had was with anyone he was in love with, so I guess he only fucked her because he was horny or he was looking for an opportunity to lose his virginity. He ended up writing this [semi-fictional?] story about that experience on his Deviantart account at the time:
The second story I know of, is of Null and this girl (presumably not the above woman) going to a party and making out in front of everyone, not giving a shit about making all the other people non-consenting participants to whatever they were doing (he didn't specify what but implied it was something sexual, maybe he was finger-banging her in front of everyone like the Internet Artistocrat did with his wife or something). This exhibitionism led to Null and his girlfriend being thrown out by the host who disapproved of them making a show out of themselves. Null said that his pockets were filled with spare change, so he scooped out a fist-full of change and threw the coins at the host for kicking him and his horny girlfriend out of the party.
These are the only two stories that I know, so please tell me the story about the Asian girl. If you have a link to Null himself telling this story, all the better.
It's pretty clear to me that Null's sexuality is essentially sadistic. I didn't even have to see those old Blockland posts to figure this out about him. It became especially clear to me that Null is a closeted sexual sadist when I downloaded and watched his MATI reaction Livestream to that Buck Breaking documentary. There was a part at the end of that reaction Livestream, where Null goes through a series of screenshots of drawn animations of black men being buck broken by their white slave owners. The way Null discussed those images and was laughing at the depictions of male-on-male rape, it definitely gave me the impression that he was genuinely enjoying watching helpless naked black men in poses of physical restraint on the verge of getting raped.
Null remark on a recent MATI about how women "want to be submissive" further reinforced my perception of Null as a very closeted sexual sadist. I wish Null would just accept his sadistic sexuality (it's ultimately just about control and wanting to control people and their responses) and find a consenting BDSM partner to explore that part of himself in the context of a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship. Instead, Null has surrounded himself with TERFs and trad-LARPers who aggressively disapprove of his sexuality and have caused a kind of kneejerk reaction in him whenever the topic is brought up. I suspect Null fears the topic of BDSM for the same reason he hates homosexuals: he fears that if he gives into his sexual sadism, he will go on a slippery slope that results in the most depraved degeneracy, the same way he thinks that all homosexuals are gay just to become full-on perverts. Null doesn't understand that people just try out things to see if they like them without inevitably becoming full-blown lifestyle degenerates. Everything is very black and white with Null: you're either a 24/7 coomer degenerate or a pious trad family man, with nothing in between. Maybe Null himself is that way - if he goes for something, he goes all-in - but that's not everyone.