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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

>be me
>hate jannies

So true! Many such cases!

Never gonna happen, Kiwifarms is Josh's/James' only "accomplishment" in life with any sort of relevancy.

He might not have created Kiwifarms, similarly to how Elon Musk did not create Tesla, but he's never going to give the association up and both are intrinsically linked at this point, again, similarly to Elon Musk. Even though comparing James Gabriel Potter to Elon Musk is like comparing Emperor Norton to Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

Kiwifarms is Josh's life project, his only life project.
And he should consider unbanning me like he did to SIGSEGV (twice) and ACP so I can contribute to it.

I saw in random.txt recently that they are making fun of the mountain jew or the conservative sci fi writer for changing their names to evade Kiwifarms but Josh changed his name from Joshua Conner Moon to James Gabriel Potter to evade Encyclopedia Dramatica and this place.
Yeah, that's why it's probably going to end up being lost completely eventually. He won't give it up but he can't keep it up forever and eventually it will end up like encyclopedia dramatica. It also funny because he went through all the effort to change his name but someone can make a simple edit to his ED page. Like with the other people who tried the exact same thing. Another instance of him not being as smart as he thinks he is resulting in lolcow flight behavior.
And there's also the child killing of a Somewhat Awful user, that was even featured, and Josh proudly proclaimed in the featured post that no Kiwifarms user has ever killed a child, when reality begs to differ, a Kiwifarms user killed 2.

Edit: LMAO

View attachment 38357
"Couch cuck totally wasn't one of us guys, he only had like a hundred posts and we all hated him. So basically like most users but that's not the point! We are cherry picking damn it, the point is we arbitrarily decide who is one of us based on how their actions make us look."
-Kiwi copers
KF users would cry out for Daddy Null
The tears would be delicious.
View attachment 38360

>be me
>hate jannies

So true! Many such cases!

View attachment 38361
>calls both Russia and Ukraine cringe and their shills retarded causing both sides of a pre existing shit fest to sperg out even harder than normal

"Wait that's illegal."

Null said he needs to lose weight before appearing in court in the US in person, because he's worried about people seeing just how fat he is IRL.

Maybe this is a good idea for him, maybe he can hit up his old flame Nuclear Clara Stockings and she can tell him how to get into this program, LMAO:

I'm watching this FuckCozyStream because of pre-recorded Josh interview and I got to give Josh credit he can put me to sleep.
Did he actually say anything of note?
"Josh Moon welcome to the Fuck Cozy Festival"

It's starts with Null laughing at Nick Fuentes saying he's gonna rape someone with cat ears (apparently this was in refernce to libertarian Youtuber Styxhexenhammer666, but Null says "he[Styx]'s not his type". Says when Fuentes was very young, Null was impressed by his "audacity" which he saw as a form of "white-pilling" for young people. ("I'm gonna be Hitler 2.0" is the white-pilling of America's youth...:rolleyes:)

Null then says, "I've gotten e-mails from people who have served time in prison and are now registered felons because they did what Nick Fuentes told them to do.", this is exactly the kind of "Befehl ist Befehl" you're gonna get from dumbfucks who don't want to take responsibility for their own actions or think for themselves. They only want a Fuhrer so they can blame the Fuhrer for their own lack of forethought or discernment. "I just did what Daddy told me to do!" is so fucking immature and juvenile, yet that's what these dumbfucks are crying to Null about in their e-mails. No, Nick Fuentes isn't your Daddy and he isn't to blame for what happened to you. You are to blame for what happened to you. Grow the fuck up and stop blaming others for your problems. Stop looking for online father figures.


It's starts with Null laughing at Nick Fuentes saying he's gonna rape someone with cat ears (apparently this was in refernce to libertarian Youtuber Styxhexenhammer666, but Null says "he[Styx]'s not his type". Says when Fuentes was very young, Null was impressed by his "audacity" which he saw as a form of "white-pilling" for young people. ("I'm gonna be Hitler 2.0" is the white-pilling of America's youth...:rolleyes:)

Null then says, "I've gotten e-mails from people who have served time in prison and are now registered felons because they did what Nick Fuentes told them to do.", this is exactly the kind of "Befehl ist Befehl" you're gonna get from dumbfucks who don't want to take responsibility for their own actions or think for themselves. They only want a Fuhrer so they can blame the Fuhrer for their own lack of forethought or discernment. "I just did what Daddy told me to do!" is so fucking immature and juvenile, yet that's what these dumbfucks are crying to Null about in their e-mails. No, Nick Fuentes isn't your Daddy and he isn't to blame for what happened to you. You are to blame for what happened to you. Grow the fuck up and stop blaming others for your problems. Stop looking for online father figures.

The old "i was just following orders" excuse. Because it worked so well during the nazi trials amirite? Imagine simping for content creators. I watched styxhexenhammer666 a bit back in the day and his takes can be hit or miss but i haven't kept up with his content in a while so idk if he fell off or not. I used to watch more political commentary in general but it feel like it's just all just grifting, at least more than before. Watching them is fine but when people start treating them like a cult leader is when it gets cringe.
I checked Elaine's Twitter account for the first time in a long time... and she posted a picture of the woman she claims was Joshua Moon's girlfriend around 2017, FramerGirl:


I have no idea where Elaine got this picture from or why she apparently thinks this is Framergirl, I couldn't find any duplicates anywhere else online.

If this is really Framergirl (it's from Elaine so it's unreliable), she's definitely the prettiest of all the Josh Moon women I've seen so far. Though I think I know why Null would pick someone like her...


She literally looks like an anime figure, which is what Null is into of course.

Though, I have to say, 1) I never would've expected Null to hook up with someone with a lip piercing (which I take as more evidence of him being a closet sadist who's secretly into the BDSM/submissive female aesthetic with visible piercings) and 2) she's wearing dark eyeshow, and didn't Null say in the Blockland posts that he hated the way Clara Stockings would wear dark eyeshadow to hide the actual shape of her eyes?
"I've gotten e-mails from people who have served time in prison and are now registered felons because they did what Nick Fuentes told them to do."
You know, maybe those right wing nutters had a point when they said that Nick Fuentes glows in the dark :story::story::story:

Extremely common wignat L

They only want a Fuhrer so they can blame the Fuhrer for their own lack of forethought or discernment. "I just did what Daddy told me to do!" is so fucking immature and juvenile, yet that's what these dumbfucks are crying to Null about in their e-mails. No, Nick Fuentes isn't your Daddy and he isn't to blame for what happened to you. You are to blame for what happened to you. Grow the fuck up and stop blaming others for your problems. Stop looking for online father figures.
If Josh is receiving emails like that it may suggest that some retards are treating him like a father figure.
It's already pathetic when people do that to Jordan Peterson, Hamza, Andrew Tate, etc...

But, come on, Josh? :story::story:
If Josh is receiving emails like that it may suggest that some retards are treating him like a father figure.
It's already pathetic when people do that to Jordan Peterson, Hamza, Andrew Tate, etc...

But, come on, Josh? :story::story:
"Hello Null. I was reading your opinions on free speech and I think you're like the greats of gamergate, like Sargon of Akkad, and I respect your willingness to defend free speech to such a strong degree even if it gets you enemies.

I don't know why people are just cruel to you, I think you're honestly a pretty considerate and kind person especially given everything. I don't even know why people call you autistic, it doesn't make any sense.

Anyways I was curious on what you think of dating a japanese girl? She doesn't seem to know how bad japan is and so I started red-pilling her based on the things you said but she makes excuses and says things like: "I'm misrepresenting the facts." and using "half-truths."
I don't even know what a "half-truth" is.

Thanks for saving freedom of speech, hopefully we make these degenerates disappear with god's light!"
I checked Elaine's Twitter account for the first time in a long time... and she posted a picture of the woman she claims was Joshua Moon's girlfriend around 2017, FramerGirl:

View attachment 38396

I have no idea where Elaine got this picture from or why she apparently thinks this is Framergirl, I couldn't find any duplicates anywhere else online.

If this is really Framergirl (it's from Elaine so it's unreliable), she's definitely the prettiest of all the Josh Moon women I've seen so far. Though I think I know why Null would pick someone like her...

View attachment 38395

She literally looks like an anime figure, which is what Null is into of course.

Though, I have to say, 1) I never would've expected Null to hook up with someone with a lip piercing (which I take as more evidence of him being a closet sadist who's secretly into the BDSM/submissive female aesthetic with visible piercings) and 2) she's wearing dark eyeshow, and didn't Null say in the Blockland posts that he hated the way Clara Stockings would wear dark eyeshadow to hide the actual shape of her eyes?
The image comes from encyclopedia dramatica. That website claims all the images of kiwis come from an old "selfie thread" back in the forums younger days. Framergirl's posts are real and very disturbing. Josh might edit those posts himself, as he did recently to one of his own posts, to state that it's just jokes. Framergirl is not a banned user.
You mean to tell me the guy that purged his discord because a friend of his was alleged to be a pedophile, falsely accused two people of being a pedophile, starts internet fights daily and copyright strikes criticism. Isn't the based, chad, wholesome hecking arbiter of truth and in fact just reads off kiwifarms articles?
How could this happen? Null told me he was based.
The same thing happened in Null's discord. Plate got on his discord and showed all his mods his pedo background and he had a little melt down and deleted his discord and banned most of the users in a tism fit cause they kept calling him a pedo.
The same thing happened in Null's discord. Plate got on his discord and showed all his mods his pedo background and he had a little melt down and deleted his discord and banned most of the users in a tism fit cause they kept calling him a pedo.
Was that why Josh started adding "(pedophile, liar)" after every mention of him?

