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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"There're dozens of us, dozens!"
You know, maybe those right wing nutters had a point when they said that Nick Fuentes glows in the dark :story::story::story:

Extremely common wignat L

If Josh is receiving emails like that it may suggest that some retards are treating him like a father figure.
It's already pathetic when people do that to Jordan Peterson, Hamza, Andrew Tate, etc...

But, come on, Josh? :story::story:
Many right wing grifters glow in the dark to be fair. Particularly if they look like they can pass federal physical fitness requirements and have connections to honey pots or hijacked movements and often call their fans to actions that could get them in legal trouble. It's not surprising with how the government treats white supremacy and all the instances of the feds being the ones to instigate the crimes they supposedly stopped because they want to look busy without doing anything. I'm not even right or left wing either I'm just referencing a few instances that were in the news. Also the government is lazy and does things for self interest so that's all it really is. They even do it to the left too by posing as antifa to bust them commiting crimes they suggest to them. Both sides think its some grand conspiracy against them. When in reality the government is just sneaky lazy and sees everyone as fair game.
Yup it's fake asf. That's all I needed to know.
Why do you think it's fake? Ninja said it's a real picture from ED:

The image comes from encyclopedia dramatica. That website claims all the images of kiwis come from an old "selfie thread" back in the forums younger days. Framergirl's posts are real and very disturbing. Josh might edit those posts himself, as he did recently to one of his own posts, to state that it's just jokes. Framergirl is not a banned user.

Hey @thefrogninja can you post the link to the ED article you mentioned above with all the selfies so @Ruust can go and verify the picture of Framergirl for themselves?
They had a selfie thread back in the day that's where the pics come from. And there was also a Tumblr dedicated to doxing the kiwis
Link to tumblr
Link to Ed article
This is supposedly framergirl. Not sure when she was doxed but I'm sure she was ages ago so it wouldn't be hard to look up her socials for other pics.
I checked Elaine's Twitter account for the first time in a long time... and she posted a picture of the woman she claims was Joshua Moon's girlfriend around 2017, FramerGirl:

View attachment 38396

I have no idea where Elaine got this picture from or why she apparently thinks this is Framergirl, I couldn't find any duplicates anywhere else online.

If this is really Framergirl (it's from Elaine so it's unreliable), she's definitely the prettiest of all the Josh Moon women I've seen so far. Though I think I know why Null would pick someone like her...

View attachment 38395

She literally looks like an anime figure, which is what Null is into of course.

Though, I have to say, 1) I never would've expected Null to hook up with someone with a lip piercing (which I take as more evidence of him being a closet sadist who's secretly into the BDSM/submissive female aesthetic with visible piercings) and 2) she's wearing dark eyeshow, and didn't Null say in the Blockland posts that he hated the way Clara Stockings would wear dark eyeshadow to hide the actual shape of her eyes?
Lurk Moar.
It’s incredibly old lore, but legend has it, Framer girl and Josh met up in Pensacola, presumably to fuck, only for Josh to reject her, or friend zone her, so nothing ended up happening.

Framer Girl was doxed via the 2019 Kiwi Farms breach:
And her email address depicted in the above screenshot: drunken.hobo@rocketmail.com

When entered into White Page lookups brought up her dox.

The image was obtained via her Facebook page which is now deleted,
Archive: https://ghostarchive.org/archive/Ou8Ou
Their site is so slow its difficult to document him nearly have a stroke trying to micro manage his entire forum like some discord admin reddit mod caricature.View attachment 38292
What thread is this? lol
It’s incredibly old lore, but legend has it, Framer girl and Josh met up in Pensacola, presumably to fuck, only for Josh to reject her, or friend zone her, so nothing ended up happening.
I thought he fucked emspex or however their username is spelled.
I thought he fucked emspex or however their username is spelled.
He mentioned Emspex yesterday towards the end of MATI, said they were "friends" without specifying if there was anything romantic between them.

He said that Emspex was a mod who disappeared after the 2019 hack, and that his other mod Yawningsneasle who was also his friend and some he spoke to IRL, really hates him now. His own audience had to remind him that Emspex was her alias, which he claims to have forgotten. I find this really funny, that Null would forget the name of a female friend.

Was then asked by a Kiwi in the chat why YS hates him and he sheepishly admitted:
"I'm sure I'm an asshole sometimes, and I deserve it. I don't commit that shit. My strategy for people who don't like me and can't be reasoned with, there's no way to make amends. I literally just delete that shit from my head. I take that is a detriment to me and put it out of mind. And I completely forget out it, because I have shit to do." - Nul on selective forgetting.

... which is why he obsessively reads this subforum and has a whole thread about us on his forum.
To help himself forget.