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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Gee imagine if he got off his fat ass and moved to a state like Florida where you can kill trespassers it would be easier and make him look like a man instead of the bitch he is.
that wouldn't work for the same reason this won't work, its not the 90s. As Jorge Zimmermann showed us, the state doesn't give a shit if you're justified if you're on the wrong side of the progressive stack and for that same reason any redneck null hires can and will squat on the property and either let some enemy of his take the mail or better yet post it online for people the same way Ethan's father-in-laws would.

i know people that are in their 3rd year of being evicted, and any court would side against a guy like null, and thats not accounting for how hilariously shitty the lawyer he'll end up hiring will be.
Josh is very paranoid and that overrides a lot of common sense. Hr has a forum membership that would be the envy of a lot of forums. Cheap living? A drive of a few hours from Pensacola would have solved that. Remember that tabloid newspaper he tried to publish? An intern majoring in digital communications from a community college would have worked. Revenue stream? If he had toned down KF a bit he could an opportunity to earn revenue through ad streaming. He threw this all away.
you really need to have somewhere for those arcs, that was like 2017 right? my common sense says it should have happened before the EDF month in jan 2017 and him trying to do the whole server and isp adventure but it feels more likely that he did it around the start of IBS later that year.

also while he might refuse toning it down for non-existent ad dollars, at least two different Mike & Svens have their own separate way to process payments to gain access to their websites filled with hate speech and beloved community forums, why the fuck couldn't he do something similar? as you said a membership of 90,000 people, if even 1% of those people are paying $10 a month to access a champagne room style sub forum he'd be sitting quite pretty, as patreon has shown people don't really give a fuck if you charge them once or monthly the amount of people that would draw a line is basically negligible, which is what marketers found out in the 80s, and patreon helped fat useless retards with podcasts in the 2010s, hell almost every podcast has a useless $50/month tier now on patreon. there is no reason he couldn't be clearing 200k a month with the amount of retarded simps there are on that site; the horrifying thing is realizing the sort of shit null would get up to if he could even clear 200k a year. the last time null had spending money and free time was the blockland days.

speaking of pedos... dick masterson does nothing but hang out with pedos all day and he was able to set up NP2 in a week, and Null himself admits that Null is the sole reason NP2 crashed and burned and Dick Masterson would be king of the internet if he didn't try to help him. I personally feel pedos might have a bigger part to play in that whole scheme, as do the drug accusations people leveled at dick that seemingly went nowhere, but if null wants to say he's worse than pedos so be it

seriously though, i'm supposed to believe Null hasn't been able to have the social skills that other fat autistic nazis have been forced to acquire in order to keep their small forums going all this time?

just from how much minor e-fame he's gotten since starting MATI and the website i highly doubt there isn't a few web devs that could help him with this and would love to help him. for fucks sake anyone i know that doesn't autisticlly follow this stuff but knows null thinks he's some zoomer mix of Louis Theroux and Abbie Hoffman.

they buy that whole "last DJ" bullshit Null's been spewing for almost a decade now and would actually give him some good advice.
View attachment 27478

Josh, despite being obsessed with the Sneed meme to the point of naming his software after it, has somehow never seen a single episode of the Simpsons. If you want to watch a fat guy provide shit tier commentary for a Simpsons episode, you better pay up Paypiggy and subscribe to his Gumroad.
first off thats not happening, its just him spitballing the way every broke retard does, its how people talk about becoming an e-celeb or stand up or cam girl. its all talk and they move on because they're lazy, the ones that actually try don't realize the investment vs payoff ratio and how much having legit skill will factor into that and will stop before gaining any real momentum, especially null who autistically hated streaming games on trovo because he had to stop playing videogames he was obsessed with like ss13 in order to play rage bait like like is strange so people could superchat him and encourage his bad wings/dsp impression.

the fact that ss13 was such a huge part of his life he personal army'd the forum into helping him have the biggest ss13 server and also was playing it during his last dozen appearances on the dick show and to this fucking day hasn't streamed himself playing shows how fucking retarded he really is.
View attachment 27478

Josh, despite being obsessed with the Sneed meme to the point of naming his software after it, has somehow never seen a single episode of the Simpsons. If you want to watch a fat guy provide shit tier commentary for a Simpsons episode, you better pay up Paypiggy and subscribe to his Gumroad.
null would make more money showing off his naked body on cam than doing simpsons write ups, especially him, he's neither cultured nor good at critique which is why he's boring as shit when he's not just summarizing kiwifarm threads, for fucks sake he's not even entertaining then either.

There's a reason Jim could make 10k on an indie platform watching a cheaply made saturday morning cartoon.

We all know what a Null write up would be "they're a bunch of fags, they're acting like cucks, this guy is based, this guy is not" as much as he bitches at ralph he's not better and he doesn't seem to realize that the key to being entertaining is to have fun or be able to pretend you are. the reason MATI works is because he's giving a summary of a thread in a way that is enjoyable.

Joshua Moon drop 4.0 A pick n mix drop

This drop is a bit of a Penny Candy or Pick n Mix drop. The previous drops required a deep dive explanation of everything because without explanations about things like Flow Chemical or Fancy Bear, I can’t share screenshots or information that people will understand or take seriously.

This one is more of a short and fun one and an easier read because the previous few have been wordier than I assume people would usually tolerate.

First up, we have a steam account of Josh’s:
Archive: https://archive.ph/PyMfc
Steam ID UK:
Profile on Steam UK:
Archive: https://archive.ph/oQ1l3
A 6 year old archive shows his old username lol
You may ask how we can confirm this is his, but look no further. As always Josh unintentionally confirms his own shit for us:
Archive: https://archive.ph/yHWNn
This account is private but actually not really. Steam has a feature that appears to archive people’s files, screenshots, etc, in a way that you can view them publicly:

Archive: https://archive.ph/VVsDT

Archive: https://archive.ph/m2EVV

It was in the Guides “Bushes Knocked Down the Towers” post by Josh:
Archive: https://archive.ph/0YwqD
that I stumbled across yet another alias of Josh’s, which he signs the post with:

I couldn’t find many accounts associated with this alias until I found an abandoned Twitter account nicknamed “Joshua Ashcroft”
Archive: https://archive.ph/vbWhE
Extra Archive: https://ghostarchive.org/archive/Ukdej
As always, my favorite parts:
It is hard to archive Twitter accounts so here are the screenshots of his posts, followings, etc.. in an archive:

Tweets & Replies:


The most surprising thing was that he had actually met up with KFlay, and hadn’t just bullshitted as usual:
In case he wants to deny this being his account, he follows the same artist, StressedJenny, he followed on his Deviant Art 2Tsuki Account:

Next, we have some very weird chat logs. So what’s happened here is, Null and his friends were interacting (hard to tell which platforms) and someone decided to archive the whole conversation and post it on Pastebin for preservation. (Thank you hero of the farmers Anon that I will probably never encounter)

I’m guessing none of them knew about this because the URLs don’t contain their aliases or anything, so there would be no way of searching for it without using specific tools.

Here are some of my favorite parts:

(Weird inner Kiwi circle jerk talk)
Archive: https://archive.ph/8xLyT

(Moleman9000_ drama)
Archive: https://archive.ph/3iG2k

(Janny Drama)
Archive: https://archive.ph/MKAER

(Null wants to hands over KF to Katsu Kitty)
Archive: https://archive.ph/TrLA0

(lolcow.farm Slap fights featuring Dynastia)
Archive: https://archive.ph/c55xs

In some screencaps on Josh’s Steam, we can get an idea as to who he was/is friends with (friends lists in bottom right of the screen):

As you can see he’s friends with a user named BLOOD BATH, remember this username coming up in his Deviant Art Account 2Tsuki?
Flow Chemical Vincent, from earlier drops, is also in his friends list:

Next we have the documents for Lolcow LLC containing Josh’s signature:

Lots of people were asking questions and had their own theories on who Vincent Canfield (mentioned in my last drop) is. The identities of everybody mentioned in my previous drop have been found, with proof.

Despite temptation, the release of the above information is tabled. I do promise a future release, but that cannot happen at this time. This isn’t down to blackmail or anything to do with those people. I don’t get blackmailed by speds.

Stay safe & God bless

As always, you can contact me via email
2022Odysseus@proton.me with any non public info regarding Josh or Kiwi Farms that you don’t want to post yourself. Everyone will be kept anonymous.


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Joshua Moon drop 4.0 A pick n mix drop

This drop is a bit of a Penny Candy or Pick n Mix drop. The previous drops required a deep dive explanation of everything because without explanations about things like Flow Chemical or Fancy Bear, I can’t share screenshots or information that people will understand or take seriously.

This one is more of a short and fun one and an easier read because the previous few have been wordier than I assume people would usually tolerate.

First up, we have a steam account of Josh’s:
Archive: https://archive.ph/PyMfc
Steam ID UK:
Profile on Steam UK:
Archive: https://archive.ph/oQ1l3
A 6 year old archive shows his old username lol
View attachment 27524
You may ask how we can confirm this is his, but look no further. As always Josh unintentionally confirms his own shit for us:
Archive: https://archive.ph/yHWNn
View attachment 27525
This account is private but actually not really. Steam has a feature that appears to archive people’s files, screenshots, etc, in a way that you can view them publicly:

Archive: https://archive.ph/VVsDT

Archive: https://archive.ph/m2EVV

It was in the Guides “Bushes Knocked Down the Towers” post by Josh:
Archive: https://archive.ph/0YwqD
that I stumbled across yet another alias of Josh’s, which he signs the post with:
View attachment 27528

I couldn’t find many accounts associated with this alias until I found an abandoned Twitter account nicknamed “Joshua Ashcroft”
Archive: https://archive.ph/vbWhE
Extra Archive: https://ghostarchive.org/archive/Ukdej
View attachment 27529
As always, my favorite parts:
View attachment 27531View attachment 27532View attachment 27533View attachment 27534View attachment 27536
It is hard to archive Twitter accounts so here are the screenshots of his posts, followings, etc.. in an archive:

Tweets & Replies:


The most surprising thing was that he had actually met up with KFlay, and hadn’t just bullshitted as usual:
View attachment 27538
In case he wants to deny this being his account, he follows the same artist, StressedJenny, he followed on his Deviant Art 2Tsuki Account:
View attachment 27539View attachment 27540

Next, we have some very weird chat logs. So what’s happened here is, Null and his friends were interacting (hard to tell which platforms) and someone decided to archive the whole conversation and post it on Pastebin for preservation. (Thank you hero of the farmers Anon that I will probably never encounter)

I’m guessing none of them knew about this because the URLs don’t contain their aliases or anything, so there would be no way of searching for it without using specific tools.

Here are some of my favorite parts:
View attachment 27546View attachment 27547View attachment 27548View attachment 27549View attachment 27550View attachment 27551View attachment 27552View attachment 27554View attachment 27555View attachment 27556View attachment 27558View attachment 27560View attachment 27561

(Weird inner Kiwi circle jerk talk)
Archive: https://archive.ph/8xLyT

(Moleman9000_ drama)
Archive: https://archive.ph/3iG2k

(Janny Drama)
Archive: https://archive.ph/MKAER

(Null wants to hands over KF to Katsu Kitty)
Archive: https://archive.ph/TrLA0

(lolcow.farm Slap fights featuring Dynastia)
Archive: https://archive.ph/c55xs

In some screencaps on Josh’s Steam, we can get an idea as to who he was/is friends with (friends lists in bottom right of the screen):
View attachment 27562View attachment 27563View attachment 27564View attachment 27565View attachment 27566View attachment 27567View attachment 27568View attachment 27569View attachment 27570View attachment 27571View attachment 27572View attachment 27573View attachment 27574View attachment 27575View attachment 27576View attachment 27577

As you can see he’s friends with a user named BLOOD BATH, remember this username coming up in his Deviant Art Account 2Tsuki?
View attachment 27578View attachment 27579
Flow Chemical Vincent, from earlier drops, is also in his friends list:
View attachment 27580

Next we have the documents for Lolcow LLC containing Josh’s signature:
View attachment 27541View attachment 27542View attachment 27543View attachment 27544

Lots of people were asking questions and had their own theories on who Vincent Canfield (mentioned in my last drop) is. The identities of everybody mentioned in my previous drop have been found, with proof.

Despite temptation, the release of the above information is tabled. I do promise a future release, but that cannot happen at this time. This isn’t down to blackmail or anything to do with those people. I don’t get blackmailed by speds.

Stay safe & God bless

As always, you can contact me via email
2022Odysseus@proton.me with any non public info regarding Josh or Kiwi Farms that you don’t want to post yourself. Everyone will be kept anonymous.
This nigga's dota gear is shit lol imagine playing Legion Commander, what a fucking scrub.
Also I find your post extremely informative.

Joshua Moon drop 4.0 A pick n mix drop

This drop is a bit of a Penny Candy or Pick n Mix drop. The previous drops required a deep dive explanation of everything because without explanations about things like Flow Chemical or Fancy Bear, I can’t share screenshots or information that people will understand or take seriously.

This one is more of a short and fun one and an easier read because the previous few have been wordier than I assume people would usually tolerate.

First up, we have a steam account of Josh’s:
Archive: https://archive.ph/PyMfc
Steam ID UK:
Profile on Steam UK:
Archive: https://archive.ph/oQ1l3

Maybe Eve or some of the online games he plays will ban him. A lot of MMOGs get antsy about open pedophiles playing. Dat pesky rep wiv parents of players. Man, it would suck to lose a really old really well developed Eve account. @Odysseus fan project for board members?