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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh is blaming his broken chairs on their shitty quality instead of the weight of his giant doughey ass. Fat nigger goes through chairs like candy.
Josh played minecraft with some faggot named Turkey Tom yesterday. He's one of many youtubers that makes a living off reading kiwifarms threads. Neither really likes the other and both are just trying to clout-chase of one another. Users are bashing him for being defensive of trannies, but Josh is suddenly very forgiving of respecting tranny pronouns. He'll look over flaws if you scratch his back.
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Josh played minecraft with some faggot named Turkey Tom yesterday. He's one of many youtubers that makes a living off reading kiwifarms threads. Neither really likes the other and both are just trying to clout-chase of one another. Users are bashing him for being defensive of trannies, butJosh is suddenly very forgiving of respecting tranny pronouns. He'll look over flaws if you scratch his back.
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Josh loves e-fame, its why he became a killstream reoccurring guest during the youtube/steam-me days and why he was like one of the most reoccurring guests on the dick show pre-mansion saga.

A big reason he hates Jim is probably because of Jim's no friends rule, even if that was bullshit because it allows Jim not to have the sort of baggage Null always has by befriending so many lolcows. Jim has some pretty minor marks on his record despite being a known guy for about 8 years and being on the internet for about double that, meanwhile every year one of Null's friends ends up becoming the new lolcow of the year. Josh loves his internet friends so much he was willing to appear live on stream for dick masterson's roast and sleep in his house, it would have been the first time we've gotten a video of josh in a very long time. Jim wouldn't facedox for anyone but Josh was perfectly fine doing it for Mr.cuties himself, who Josh would admit is a sociopath and a retard.

People seem to forget that if covid happened a month later Josh would have been a captive of Dick Masterson and forced to be a co-host and would have gotten the shit beat out of him by Ethan Ralph live, literally in a world where Covid never happened or even got leaked a month later kiwifarms wouldn't even exist. Dick would have forced Null at knifepoint to fuck Pantsu and Mint after the roast and he would have blackmailed null with the sex tape to take down the thread forever, the resulting backlash would have forced the site down.

Don't get me started on Dick forcing Null and Ethan into the same room and laughing his ass off when the two fats get into a fight and null gets his ass handed to him, beyond that Null probably looks fucking awful, our last photos of him are from way too long ago. Also Josh was perfectly fine sleeping on Dick's gunt stained air mattress too.

That doesn't even start the horrible things that would have happened with a Josh in America against his will arc, 2020 may have been rough, but Josh survived by being in a 3rd world country that doesn't even know covid exists, Josh being forced to be a forrest gump to all the most fucked up arcs of 2020 would have destroyed the site itself, he'd have pictures of him with faith, pantsu, ethan, dick and all the more notable lolcows of the time, his reputation would be in the shitter hard.
Josh played minecraft with some faggot named Turkey Tom yesterday. He's one of many youtubers that makes a living off reading kiwifarms threads. Neither really likes the other and both are just trying to clout-chase of one another. Users are bashing him for being defensive of trannies, butJosh is suddenly very forgiving of respecting tranny pronouns. He'll look over flaws if you scratch his back.
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Another freeze peach warrior that will look over joshs werido shit for clout
Turkey Tom reads Kiwifarms enough to know who Keffals is. He says he doesn't know how Keffals got famous but somehow knows the Catboy Ranch stuff is "unverified."

Tom is a huge Destiny respecter, someone Josh hates, and showed up to one of his live debates.
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