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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null can never decide on what he actually wants with KF:

Commentator "Mad at the Internet"
Part of my motivation with this stuff is to try and legitimize the site more. I'm deliberately using my resources to spearhead things which will cement that the Kiwi Farms is an entity that exists within legal boundaries, does good work, and has the ability and wherewithal to find information when most people don't want to.
Null · Post #37,142 · Thursday at 2:02 PM · Forum: Balldoverse Collapse

Null: "KiwiFarms is just a gossip forum, nothing on KiwiFarms is meant to be accurate, reliable or authoritative"

Also Null: "I want KiwiFarms to be a source of accurate information on individuals that's unavailable anywhere else"

So what do you want your forum to be then, Null? A shit-talking forum or a shittier version Cryptome.org for doxx on people?
Josh is too busy to explain the outcome of lawsuit with Liz-Fong Jones, but not busy enough to continue seething on twitter about topic-of-the-day.
Has he always been this angry about Muslims? This feels new.
Yes. Josh's entire worldview has always boiled down to "BROWN PEOPLE (and most heterosexual white men) BAD!"

For anybody who still has sympathy for Josh getting "debanked" (i.e. had his account suspended since doxing and encouraging SWATings and mass shootings violates every TOS ever), remember that Josh is only mad because he's the one getting "debanked". Josh is happy when people he doesn't like get banned from payment processers and banks (For example, most sex workers and porn sites, Laura Loomer, Nick Fuentes, Dick Masterson, Ethan Ralph, Candace Owens, the Tate Brothers, Gab, Poast, the Trans DIY site, lolicon/shotacon sites, furry sites, etc...), yet seethes uncontrollably when it happens to him. Any claim by Josh or ISPS that they "oppose debanking" only applies to Josh himself, Kiwi Farms, and the dozen or so sites that Josh politically aligns with and hasn't burned bridges with during one of his constant meltdowns.
Yes. Josh's entire worldview has always boiled down to "BROWN PEOPLE (and most heterosexual white men) BAD!"

For anybody who still has sympathy for Josh getting "debanked" (i.e. had his account suspended since doxing and encouraging SWATings and mass shootings violates every TOS ever), remember that Josh is only mad because he's the one getting "debanked". Josh is happy when people he doesn't like get banned from payment processers and banks (For example, most sex workers and porn sites, Laura Loomer, Nick Fuentes, Dick Masterson, Ethan Ralph, Candace Owens, the Tate Brothers, Gab, Poast, the Trans DIY site, lolicon/shotacon sites, furry sites, etc...), yet seethes uncontrollably when it happens to him. Any claim by Josh or ISPS that they "oppose debanking" only applies to Josh himself, Kiwi Farms, and the dozen or so sites that Josh politically aligns with and hasn't burned bridges with during one of his constant meltdowns. ...meltdowns.
Josh when he gets banned from anything or when things don't go his way :