• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Never. But then again, Null constantly makes "jokes" about making groypers and young leftist twinks into his concubines. This is extra sus because of his history of gooning to neko shota. Not to mention he can't go five posts without mentioning nigger dicks or prison rape.

Most of Null's posts can be summed up by pic related.

"Hollywood OBVIOUSLY wanted the tranny to win an Oscar for best actress this year, which has literally never happened. WE are definitely winning!"
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The entire thread is gross. I'm sure they all agree Hollywood is ran by pedophile elites, yet they're so invested in who does and doesn't win these silly awards.
Is Kiwi Farms not aware that most award shows often pull off controversial stunts on purpose?

Why didn't they gave Leonardo DiCaprio an Oscar until 2016? Because the Academy Awards were aware of the meme of Leonardo DiCaprio not getting an Oscar despite his impressive performances in various movies so they kept the meme running for what it was worth until they day finally came that he finally won an Oscar. It's to get people to talk about these award shows.

Most award shows are bullshit, they're more fake than reality TV. I don't know why Jersh or Kiwi Farms waste their breath on astroturfed nonsense. Everyone knows award shows are fake and to think otherwise then they're either living under a rock or they're too retarded to know better.
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Most award shows are bullshit, they're more fake than reality TV. I don't know why Jersh or Kiwi Farms waste their breath on astroturfed nonsense. Everyone knows award shows are fake and to think otherwise then they're either living under a rock or they're too retarded to know better.
He is -yet again- catering to the female users of his site, because AFAIK they are the only ones that watch that shit with any sort of seriousness/entertainment.
Thank you for outing yourself as a pedophile and a lover of rape, kidnapping, and homosexuality. Your shitskin hands smear pigshit on everything you touch.
I mean Youthful did defend 'I had coke around my kids' Retika.

Still love you Youthful.
There is literally no difference between Kiwifarms and the front page of Reddit anymore. The slow, intentional shift to Reddit Farms has been completed.
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This is how desperate Josh is to generate activity on his reddit website. Livestreamer "Hasan" was banned for a SINGLE day and it had to be frontpage news.
reddit josh 2.png

He's been banned before in 2021 for saying doubling-down on saying "cracker," but at this point in time Josh didn't want to become Reddit Farms so it was never announced.
I mean Youthful did defend 'I had coke around my kids' Retika.

Still love you Youthful.
I didn't defend Rekaka, I just said he wasn't a lolcow. I know people personally that have had Rekaka style meltdowns complete with child endangerment, these things happen in the real world, happy men put their lifestyle on the line for booze/drugs/gambling.
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This is how desperate Josh is to generate activity on his reddit website. Livestreamer "Hasan" was banned for a SINGLE day and it had to be frontpage news.
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He's been banned before in 2021 for saying doubling-down on saying "cracker," but at this point in time Josh didn't want to become Reddit Farms so it was never announced.
When is sam hyde going to make good on his promises?

On the latest MATI @4 min, Jewsh claims to have lost 14 lbs. Once he gets to his ideal weight, he plans on going to a clinic to get his body fat % measured. 😂 I'm sure some poor assistant nurse will be thrilled to lift up your fat folds of flesh with calipers and squeeze on your gyno bitch-tits. You could just post pictures of your fat body on the Farms and gymchads will laugh at you but still tell you what % you're at. But he won't do that because he doesn't want to be the focus of ridicule but is cool with directing that spotlight onto all the other "cows" on the forum.

That is another interesting phenomenon I have noticed on the Farms. Josh Moon is this big blindspot, eye of Sauron (cause he has power as top janny and is in all threads, poking around) but you are not allowed to really say anything negative or critical about him or the forum. I can't tell you how many times I have written something on a post but then self-censored or literally deleted bits of it, because I'm basically describing something about Moon. This guy is an e-grifter (ok Moon is too), this guy is a faggot (ok Moon is too), this guy scams fundraisers (ok Moon does this too), this guy is fat (ok Moon is too), this guy is basically a pedophile (ok Moon basically is too), this guy is cringe (ok Moon is too), this guy is a freak incel that wants to kill women (ok Moon wrote weird shit like this too), this guy is a dysgenic freak (ok Moon is too), this guy can't do a single pullup (ok Moon can't either). It is this weird blind-spot thing where anything you say, Moon is probably guilty of too, but you're not allowed to say it aloud for fear of getting banned.

So Moon-pot-pie is like this eye of Sauron entity always poking his fish eyes everywhere on the forum where it doesn't belong, giving his shitty ice-old takes, that you're not really allowed to mock. Which is quite ironic considering his fans tout the Farms as the last bastion of free speech. No, there are lots of things you're not allowed to say. Just be aware how often someone on the Farms self-censors for fear of Moon. Sometimes in your head and sometimes literally in the post writing. KF'er self-censorship is as common as a bird singing outside. It would be one thing if Moon was a hypocritical fat retard but kept his mouth shut and stayed in the background as operator and owner of the site. Instead, he posts everywhere, with his retard feminist views and cries all the time about many things. And runs a podcast where he airs his personal views out in the public all the time. So there is really no getting away from him. He forces himself onto you in the threads and then you're not allowed to fire back. Therefore, it's not surprising Josh wants to post on X when he has a whole site to himself; none of his sycophants are honest with him on his site for fear of banning. They just mirror what he says back to him to make him feel good, for the most part. Yeah, you will have the occasional rowdy troll or Sharty zoomer on there but mostly people powder Josh's ass.

Josh jokes that he plans on gaining all the weight back. Which is not a surprise as he is a yoyo dieter, like a lot of fat retards that lack discipline to make permanent change in their lives.

Josh seethed super impotently last MATI about how nobody cares about his valiant effort to keep a gossip website full of revenge porn afloat and on the clearnet. He also wishes for "nuclear hellfire" on X because he can't sell T-shirts. What a nice, kindhearted individual. You should and everyone you love should die just because he can't sell shirts. If Josh can't have it, then neither can you. Such a cartoonishly evil mindset.
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