On the latest MATI: LFJ lawsuit segment: 52:45 - 1:04:54
>Jewsh: I'm not a party to this (LFJ suing and winning against Vinny Zheng).
Yes, you are. You donated the 160K KF fundraiser to your friend and he lost. Own it. I don't care that LFJ didn't sue you directly and decided to target your stupid friend instead. You are involved. You lost as well.
>Jewsh: A significant portion of the crowdfunding money (5 figures - $10,000-$99,999) went to overturning this default.
Yikes! Sorry KF'ers. No refunds. You flushed that money down the toilet. All for nothing. Haha. How can you say you're not a party to the lawsuit when LFJ depleted your warchest?
>Viny went bankrupt.
Holy shit. Jewsh ruined his friend's life.
>Jewsh: My lawyer told me to stop spending money on the Australia case. And I have pending lawsuits with Russel Greer to deal with.
==Whoa buddy!== Even your lawyer told you to fuck off with wasting the crowdfunded money.
>Jewsh: I got what I wanted effectively (from this Viny loss to LFJ).
>Jewsh: Bc there is no court order stating the KF is defamatory. It's just an apology from Viny.
Huh? Bro, you were bankrolling this using the KF slush fund. Did anyone want a definitive court statement stating the Farms is defamatory? I think you got outplayed by a Chinese-American tranny. If you think that was his goal, you lost already. He wasted your warchest, bankrupted your friend, and made him bent the knee and submit. And he destroyed your friendship with him. LFJ won. Humiliating defeat for you, buddy. Quit coping.
>Jewsh: Viny lost everything from not answering the litigation as I had advised him over multiple months (doing what I told him to do).
Oh buddy. Look at that hubris! If only Viny had listened to the brilliant Jewsh Moonpie, things would be different!
>LFJ tried to bankrupt a random person.
No, not a random person. Your best friend, who is linked with you and the Farms. A random person would be me. Viny is clearly your former friend and business partner, which LFJ used to destroy him. That must hurt to know your bullshit doxing website destroyed your best friend. But knowing you, your mind won't let you accept that and you will blame the block-jaw, small-eyed tranny instead.
<Jewsh: Viny and I played DOTA. And at some point Viny started up a company, that had IP addresses we were going to develop together.
WHAT? You were going to develop IP addresses together? Wtf does this mean? How does one develop an IP address? You mean you owned some IP addresses and maybe wanted to turn them into websites one day? So you are linked together through business. So you are lying in your previous statement that Viny Zheng is a random person.
<Jewsh: I ended up making use of the IP addresses over time. But they are not essential to the KF. I used them when KF was under attack and we were jumping IP addresses.
Huh? Direct contradiction. If you used these addresses to keep KF up on the internet, they were essential. I'm gonna guess that LFJ set up this trap for you and you walked right into it, checkmating yourself. LFJ probably DDOS'ed the KF nonstop to drive you offline. Then you used these alternate IP addresses from Viny's company. Then LFJ in his court documents, stated that you used these IP addresses from Viny to run KF. So looks like he checkmated you. Imagine being outsmarted by an autogynophile troon, when your whole shtick is hating on troons.
>Jewsh: Btw, this is how I found out about the settlement. I was not told. I have a feeling there was a certain amount of embarrassment involved in this. So I was not clued in on this proceeding.
Who is supposed to clue you in? Hardin, your lawyer? Viny? So you are saying Viny was embarrassed in yielding and taking a knee to LFJ, so he didn't tell you? Bro, you have ruined your best friend's life along with LFJ.
>Jewsh: LFJ did not get what he wanted. To get a defamatory judgement that KF is defamatory and posed a risk to all hosting providers. He got an apology from an unrelated third party, which he sued mindlessly for the sake of suing somebody.
Oh boy. Look at this distortion. LFJ did not pick a random person and sue them.
>@1:01:55 (Jewsh sounds like he's choking up about to cry): Viny didn't know anything. He was not a partner in crime. LFJ decided he would make this very personal and deprive me of somebody I knew as a friend, which was effective.
Bro, you are crying on air 'cause LFJ destroyed your relationship with your best friend and ruined his life.
<Jewsh: We are going to completely and totally eradicate people like LFJ from any positions of power, across the USA, public or private, for the remainder of our natural lives.
Whoa. Good luck! You said yourself he's a litigious multimillionaire with tech connections. That won't be easy.
<Jewsh: If push comes to shove, we can conjure $150,000 out of our fucking asses.
Oh boy. Basically an admission Jewsh blew the KF warchest on the Viny-LFJ lawsuit. And he thinks he can just do it again. Will the braindead KF'ers be up to do it all again? I knew this fundraiser warchest was bullshit before a single dollar had been spent. Why didn't the Farmers know this? How many will sign up for it all again, having seen how poorly you managed the money and how easily LFJ outsmarted you.
It's interesting that Jewsh calls Viny a "chink" for the first time here, after Viny bent the knee to LFJ. Are you starting to feel animosity towards your former friend?
>Jewsh: I don't ask for much. But when I do, people over backwards to give it to me.
Oh Jesus Christ! Look at this entitlement. Bro, you collect superchats every stream. What do you mean you don't ask for much? Your entire existence is funded by others. You don't work or support yourself.