Summary until this point.
Liz Fong-Jones is an ex-Google transgender ideology extremist who was a notable embarassment for Google after it was discovered he was one of several "plurals", or "multiple systems": a now-dead fad for transgenders like Liz Fong-Jones to pretend they were multiple people within a single human body which could "front" as different personalities at different times. He even wrote handbooks as a primer for his coworkers on how to treat him, such as by asking "who is fronting currently, and what are their pronouns?"[1]
In 2017, Liz Fong-Jones started using his email address to harass our providers, hoping to assist Nina Chabaul and Greta Gustava[2], then board members of Trans LifeLine, a suicide prevention hotline monitored by the Kiwi Farms due to suspicions of fraud. It would turn out that LFJ's friends had inured $350,000 from the suicide prevention charity, as described in an IRS filing from Trans LifeLine signed under penalty of perjury by new management.[3]
For undisclosed reasons, Liz Fong-Jones lost his job at Google, claiming he left, but sources inside Google say he was paid to leave. He then switched to being Chief Field Technology Officer of, a "solutions provider", and invested into Tallpoppy, a personal reputation management company for businesses and famous people.
Keffals, a transgender streamer, would accuse the Kiwi Farms of swatting him. This was a knowing fabrication, and the CA$100,000 he raised off the back of this lie would later be spent on drugs, landing him in an Irish rehab facility after a few months. This movement, called #DropKiwiFarms, involved Liz Fong-Jones, but as he became disastified with Keffals's behavior, he would fork it to #EndKiwiFarms, a movement he would list on his LinkedIn page alongside his real jobs.
During this time, he randomly decided to announce to the world he was credibly accused of sexual assault, coining the term "consent accident".[4]
Two years passed and there was no end of Kiwi Farms, causing him to look a bit silly with #EndKiwiFarms on his professional profile. He would rebrand this to "End Networked Harassment", and this more nebulous mission statement was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in 2025.
During this bout of unmitigated failure leading up to the incorporation of his nonprofit, Liz Fong-Jones would sue Vincent Zhen, a personal friend of mine who was about five degrees separated from the Kiwi Farms. Vincent allowed this nonsense to result in a default judgment, thinking the courts would dismiss it on its own due to its lack of merit.
[1] +
The present.
Liz Fong-Jones (from what I have seen) made knowingly false representations to the court of Australia regarding Vincent's association with the Kiwi Farms, the importance of his Internet resources to our ability to stay up, as well as the content on the Kiwi Farms.
In 2024, the Kiwi Farms raised $150,000 as a legal defense fund into a trust, My original intention was to litigate several entities. In short,
(1) Epik for false statements on Twitter about illegal content hosted on the Kiwi Farms,
(2) Alejandra Carabello for false statements on Twitter in regards to the same issue, as well as targeting the EFF to deprive us of potential resources,
(3) Russell Greer, who has been suing us for 5 years pro se over a bullshit copyright claim, and
(4) Liz Fong-Jones, for all of the above.
The results,
(1) Epik retracted their statements,
(2) Alejandra Carabello deleted their statements [and if he gets arrested for threatening federal agents we'll probably still sue],
(3) Russell Greer is currently in a death spiral in his case and has accrued a sanction, facing up to two more presently, and
(4) Liz Fong-Jones failed to get the court order he paid a lot of money for.
A significant portion of funds raised by the Kiwi Farms in 2024 went to help overturn this judgment, in part to help Vincent, but mostly for a selfish reason: to avoid a favorable court order against us which would significantly help Liz Fong-Jones scare our providers.
LFJ would lose the appeal against his default judgment on the merits of the case. For all the reasons previously mentioned, the superior court decided that Vincent's defense would likely prevail in the lower court. It would have ultimately resolved in Vincent's favor, but he went bankrupt, and signed a settlement behind my back. This settlement effectively was an apology with minor financial rewards (Vinnie is bankrupt, so my assumption is he sold the IP range he had for approximately US$10k), and a note from Vincent saying he disavows both the forum and me personally.
This is not the win that LFJ wanted when he spent literally hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it would not have gone anywhere if Vincent had just listened to me and answered the case promptly. Fong-Jones will cling to this desperately as proof he's in the right when begging providers to drop us, but his real motivation was personal: he wants me to feel bad.
My heart is already steeled to these kinds of personal attacks. Every weak man in the last 12 years who has tried and failed to make me censor whatever bullshit they're upset about will eventually start going after people around me who have no investment in the Kiwi Farms, usually women. This is the typical modus operandi of the desperate and sadistic.
His new non-profit, which is effectively just a way for him to pay people to harass us and our providers as a tax writeoff, has already spun up trying to attack providers and their upstreams, exactly as before. His signed letter is proving to not be as effective as he would have liked.
Giving up at any point will provide Liz Fong-Jones a blueprint for his company Tallpoppy: a reproducable series of steps to censor any content online, allowing him to gild and glaze anyone willing to pay enough money for the privilege of a squeaky clean online reputation -- even if they've been credibly accused of sexual assault. You can try this with his name: google Liz Fong-Jones and see how many gushing articles about him you find.
There will never be a reason to do charity outside of the country again. Our future is American. I will finish setting up the foundation, we will federate a series of reliable service providers in the United States, and we will claw back every inch of freedom lost. By the end of this decade, mentally ill sexual sadists like Liz Fong-Jones will not have power anywhere in my country.