• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Anime is one of Josh's scapegoats for his deranged behavior during his Blockland days. It all ties into his aversion of accountability. He's not gay for lusting after catboys, it was the anime. He's not an incel for wanting to rape and torture that girl on Blockland or his mom, it was 4chan. He's not fat because he's a lazy slob and eats like a pig, it's because he can't fit diet and exercise into his busy NEET schedule.
The only thing I can't figure out if his violent shitfits about anime are to protect his image in the eyes of his following, or a cope to himself that his catboy-loving phase was not his true and honest self.

Kinda ironic how Jersh has a thread that is dedicated to dunking on lolicon/shotacon when he's a closeted shotacon himself. Honestly, him banning all the loli defenders makes him unable to ever admit to being a shotacon. He will never be his True and Honest Self™.

Also, I heard somewhere that the 9chan CP raid Jersh uses to "prove" all anime fans (or at least lolicons) are pedos was actually the work of a troon that went by AbashedHermaphrodite. Really wish I had a way to confirm this, but it's just a rumor.
Kinda ironic how Jersh has a thread that is dedicated to dunking on lolicon/shotacon when he's a closeted shotacon himself. Honestly, him banning all the loli defenders makes him unable to ever admit to being a shotacon. He will never be his True and Honest Self™.

Also, I heard somewhere that the 9chan CP raid Jersh uses to "prove" all anime fans (or at least lolicons) are pedos was actually the work of a troon that went by AbashedHermaphrodite. Really wish I had a way to confirm this, but it's just a rumor.
Also wasn't Jersh a mod for 8kun (when it was called 8chan) back in the day and worked with people like Hotwheels (aka Fredrick Brennan)?

So for those that don't know or don't remember, 8chan was founded back in 2013 by Hotwheels where he wanted to create a more free speech version of 4chan (because 4chan wasn't edgy enough for him at the time and some 4channers wanted something much more extreme). On October of 2013, 8chan would open its doors as a more extreme version of 4chan. Get some popcorn because I'm going to tell the insane, disgusting, and fucked up story of Jersh.

Now 8chan was controversial from the start because it was filled to the brim with fedposting white supremacists, discussions about illegal drugs, the most batshit insane takes from the extreme-left and the extreme-right, crypto (shit like Bitcoin used to be an underground thing prior to its mainstream popularity), and 8chan at the time was filled to the brim with pedophiles.

One of the most controversial aspects of 8chan during the leadership Fredrick Brennan was that 8chan had pro-pedophile boards; I'm not talking about lolicon and shotacon boards (although those also did existed on 8chan at the time), I'm talking about the pro-pedo boards 8chan had at the time that had actual pedophiles talking about their sexual desires (this was before the term MAP was coined to describe pedos) and they even shared videos and photos of real life children that the degenerate anons were attracted to (before you get a heart attack, mind you that the videos and photos in question were not illegal pornography, 8chan at least had a rule against CSAM so the only thing that was allowed to be posted on 8chan at the time were random perfectly legal photos and videos of children that you can find anywhere on the clearnet but the pedos at the time used said perfectly legal material to express their extreme sexual desires).

Guess who was also working with 8chan when Fredrick Brennan allowed actual pedos on his platform? Joushua Moon. Around 2015, Jersh would start working with Hotwheels as an admin and Jersh was commissioned to code a new version of 8chan called "Infinity Next" but that never took off and eventually Hotweels and Jersh went their separate ways. It's safe to speculate that Jersh was most likely making money off an imageboard filled with pedophiles that wanted to hurt real life kids during his time with 8chan; it should also be noted that Hotwheels commented that during his entire time working with Jersh he commented how Jersh had a massive persecution complex and a drama queen and so Hotwheels didn't wanted to deal with Jersh's toxic personality anymore (Hotwheels would later come to regret creating 8chan and he denounced Jersh during the #StopKiwiFarms campaign by Keffals).

As you know the story, 8chan would be the main topic of news media after the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand and was taken down for months and they would come back on the clearnet rebranded as 8kun under the leadership of Jim and Ron Watkilns (with several of the controversial boards being removed after 8kun was launched in order to redeem the website's reputation).

I'm saying this bluntly because Jersh likes to pretend that he has some moral high ground but if you actually look at Jousha Moon's Internet history, he's a degenerate that has no issue with the pain and suffering of others so long as he gets his cold hard cash (Jersh should be held accountable for his past sins). People bring up the 9chan thing with Jersh but what people should talk about more with Jersh was his time with 8chan and how Jersh knew about how the anons there were gooning it to real life minors and he did nothing about it.

None of this is bullshit; Encyclopedia Dramatica acknowledges Jersh's time with 8chan and Wikipedia also acknowledges Jersh's time with 8chan as well. The only reason why Jersh isn't being cancelled over this is because half of Kiwi Farm's userbase these days are zoomers that were never there when this shit went down back in the day.
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a troon that went by AbashedHermaphrodite. Really wish I had a way to confirm this, but it's just a rumor.
You mean BGR, Blaine Gaven Ross?
Anime is one of Josh's scapegoats for his deranged behavior during his Blockland days. It all ties into his aversion of accountability. He's not gay for lusting after catboys, it was the anime. He's not an incel for wanting to rape and torture that girl on Blockland or his mom, it was 4chan. He's not fat because he's a lazy slob and eats like a pig, it's because he can't fit diet and exercise into his busy NEET schedule.
The only thing I can't figure out if his violent shitfits about anime are to protect his image in the eyes of his following, or a cope to himself that his catboy-loving phase was not his true and honest self.
Almost everything Josh says about feminism and hating anime is overcompensation virtue-signaling to atone for his past. He was a neko-shota gooner and defended lolicon/shotacon back when he was a mod of 16chan and 8chan. So now he has to go the other way to atone and pretend it's all bad. He has writings and deranged psychotic rants where he fantasized about anally-raping a girl to death on Blockland and how he also wanted to go on a rampage raping and killing women until a SWAT team finished him (suicide by SWAT team). All 'cause a girl rejected him. And he despises his Mom. So the feminism roleplay is to overcompensate and atone for his incel misogyny. And to attract a woman by pandering to what he thinks she wants. His cope about his past is to say "I don't recognize that person from 10 years ago. They were just a kid. I've changed." But this sort of charity is never offered to anyone else he wants to attack. So it's all bullshit. Also you can't change being gay if you like catboys or shota. I don't care what he tells himself to cope, he's still gay/bi.

>Anime is bad or degenerate.

This is truly one of the dumbest arguments put forward by Josh and the Kiwi Farms drones that parrot his talking points. Anime is a genre of movies and tv shows. This is a broad category akin to stating "movies are bad" or "video games are bad" or "fiction is bad." What anime? Which movies? Which games? Which books? Movies could be wholesome 90's Disney animated films all the way up to hardcore horror movies like Saw or Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Fiction could be children's books all the way up to Stephen King. Video games could be Mario all the way up to Grand Theft Auto. Anime could be anything from Hayao Miyazaki films like Spirited Away all the way up to hardcore action anime like Berserk or Cowboy Bebop. And then of course there is porn which is a subgenre called hentai. You end up looking dumb by painting "anime" with such a broad brush. It's an immediate dead-giveaway that you don't know what you're talking about but want to virtue-signal by trashing something so broad.

Actually because that is the way he is. He's a mentally ill recluse and has been for years. That explains why he is so mercurial, bitchy, moody, and gay. He wants to settle down and start a family. He figures supporting feminism will help him attract a female. Why he wants to be a "skinny queen". Because he realizes being very obese is bad on his health. Even when he was in the Philippines, he ballooned in weight. Why he's fat? You don't need HRT to keep you fat. He has a very high calorie diet of pizza and fast food. Why he has no recent pictures? He's probably embarrassed at being morbidly obese and the fact he wants to keep his in real life identity hidden would answer that logically enough. Before we assume he is taking female hormones, let's look at the more common reasons.
It was a joke bro. But agreed. I don't believe Josh is an actual tranny, close to chopping his cock off. I think he is an effeminate fat faggot. But some of the stuff he does freaks me out and give me proto-troon vibes. Like one time he was caught unironically posting on some LGBT forum. One time he slipped up on stream, when blacks were throwing bricks through college building windows (I think this was during George Floyd riots), and said something like "Your average white person is sitting at home and jerking off to sissy-hypno porn. They won't do shit." And chat was shocked and repulsed by this and called "projection" on him and he was stunned by chat's reaction. Damn, now I wish I could locate this MATI episode to clip it. The context was there was some viral clip on a college campus and a couple white college guys were virtue-signaling down to the street at blacks marching below. And they claimed to be on their side during some Black Lives Matter riot. One black guy off-camera threw a brick up to the 2nd floor window and glass shattered everywhere. That was the clip he was playing when he said this thing about sissy-hypno. At the time I laughed at it but let it go without cataloguing or clipping it. which was a mistake.

And let's be honest. Josh watches all these weird fat women. And they all have one thing in common. They fuck black guys. SagitariusShawty and FoodieBeauty (Chantal). This sort of demoralizing content is basically a cuck simulator. I guess Josh is trying to work out trauma from his Mom dating black guys when he was a kid. No wonder he hates his Mom. Josh also reads all these nasty demoralizing Reddit posts which he forces on his audience usually involving cucks, sexual degeneracy or trannies. Little incidents like reading Lipstick Alley and the Lidl Drip sock account thing if true, are telling. Just overall, he has weird proto-troon vibes.
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You mean BGR, Blaine Gaven Ross?

Almost everything Josh says about feminism and hating anime is overcompensation virtue-signaling to atone for his past. He was a neko-shota gooner and defended lolicon/shotacon back when he was a mod of 16chan and 8chan. So now he has to go the other way to atone and pretend it's all bad. He has writings and deranged psychotic rants where he fantasized about anally-raping a girl to death on Blockland and how he also wanted to go on a rampage raping and killing women until a SWAT team finished him (suicide by SWAT team). All 'cause a girl rejected him. And he despises his Mom. So the feminism roleplay is to overcompensate and atone for his incel misogyny. And to attract a woman by pandering to what he thinks she wants. His cope about his past is to say "I don't recognize that person from 10 years ago. They were just a kid. I've changed." But this sort of charity is never offered to anyone else he wants to attack. So it's all bullshit. Also you can't change being gay if you like catboys or shota. I don't care what he tells himself to cope, he's still gay/bi.

>Anime is bad or degenerate.

This is truly one of the dumbest arguments put forward by Josh and the Kiwi Farms drones that parrot his talking points. Anime is a genre of movies and tv shows. This is a broad category akin to stating "movies are bad" or "video games are bad" or "fiction is bad." What anime? Which movies? Which games? Which books? Movies could be wholesome 90's Disney animated films all the way up to hardcore horror movies like Saw or Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Fiction could be children's books all the way up to Stephen King. Video games could be Mario all the way up to Grand Theft Auto. Anime could be anything from Hayao Miyazaki films like Spirited Away all the way up to hardcore action anime like Berserk or Cowboy Bebop. And then of course there is porn which is a subgenre called hentai. You end up looking dumb by painting "anime" with such a broad brush. It's an immediate dead-giveaway that you don't know what you're talking about but want to virtue-signal by trashing something so broad.

It was a joke bro. But agreed. I don't believe Josh is an actual tranny, close to chopping his cock off. I think he is an effeminate fat faggot. But some of the stuff he does freaks me out and give me proto-troon vibes. Like one time he was caught unironically posting on some LGBT forum. One time he slipped up on stream, when blacks were throwing bricks through college building windows (I think this was during George Floyd riots), and said something like "Your average white person is sitting at home and jerking off to sissy-hypno porn. They won't do shit." And chat was shocked and repulsed by this and called "projection" on him and he was stunned by chat's reaction. Damn, now I wish I could locate this MATI episode to clip it. The context was there was some viral clip on a college campus and a couple white college guys were virtue-signaling down to the street at blacks marching below. And they claimed to be on their side during some Black Lives Matter riot. One black guy off-camera threw a brick up to the 2nd floor window and glass shattered everywhere. That was the clip he was playing when he said this thing about sissy-hypno. At the time I laughed at it but let it go without cataloguing or clipping it. which was a mistake.

And let's be honest. Josh watches all these weird fat women. And they all have one thing in common. They fuck black guys. SagitariusShawty and FoodieBeauty (Chantal). This sort of demoralizing content is basically a cuck simulator. I guess Josh is trying to work out trauma from his Mom dating black guys when he was a kid. No wonder he hates his Mom. Josh also reads all these nasty demoralizing Reddit posts which he forces on his audience usually involving cucks, sexual degeneracy or trannies. Little incidents like reading Lipstick Alley and the Lidl Drip sock account thing if true, are telling. Just overall, he has weird proto-troon vibes.
Yes, I do believe it is BGR the rumor is referring to. After looking at info about them, I would not be surprised if they did something like that. BGR has spammed other forums and imageboards according to the 'jaks.

But was that 9chan incident really enough to get Jersh to start calling people pedophiles over ubercringe anime drawings? That can't be all there is to it.
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Catching up to MATI right now. Wow, Josh just blatantly admits that he left his so-called "best friend" hold the bag and get fucking bankrupted because it didn't benefit Joshua in any way to provide further assistance. He "got what he wanted", in his own words. And he wonders why nobody wants to be his ally.
I lol'd when, a few sentences after admitting he'd stopped bankrolling Vinnie, he whines that he only found out about the settlement from LFJ's boasting on BlueSky. Like, no duh, retard. You said yourself that a. you're not a party in this lawsuit and b. you stopped bankrolling Vinnie and pushed him into bankruptcy, effectively ruining his life. Why the fuck would he care to let you know that he had no choice but to bend over and take the tranny cock to the hilt?

Something is truly broken in Josh's brain where he can't comprehend why people you fucked over wouldn't want anything to do with you anymore. Reminds me of his recounting, on the CRP Person Stream, of his bewilderment at CRP refusing to help him with extending his Ukraine visa only days after he had told CRP to go fuck himself. I honestly can't decide whether Josh is an actual sociopath, or simply just mentally deficient like that.

Edit: Lol. "(Elliot) doesn't have penis, he can't cum, so he's not able to ejaculate or feel sexual pleasure. So, his roundabout way to experience euphoria (...) is to do shit like this". Pot, meet kettle. Dong Long Gone, meet Broke Dick Josh. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing.
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His cope about his past is to say "I don't recognize that person from 10 years ago. They were just a kid. I've changed." But this sort of charity is never offered to anyone else he wants to attack. So it's all bullshit.
And this is basically the core of why he's getting more and more psychotic with time: Hypocrisy. "I've changed in 10 years, I'm not that person anymore" is actually a pretty believable statement in regards to edgy, retarded shit done in one's teens and early 20s. The problem is that he's the owner of a website where that very idea is completely haram because it wouldn't be "funny". Like, yes, retards like Chris Chan, DSP, Ethan Ralph, etc. don't really change because of many factors, but that doesn't apply to everyone as much as Josh wishes it does since it generates content.

And so, he can't just say "Yes, at one point I really hated women and/or jacked off to anime catboys but over time I've come to realize that I was overreacting to women and I've made efforts to not jack off to anime catboys because it's an inappropriate paraphelia that I got from being introduced to porn early in life", he has to make it so that none of that ever happened. Except it did happen, and Josh doesn't have a time machine, so how can he do that? Well, of course, it's to swing super extremely in the opposite direction so that people who didn't know him back then won't believe he was ever like that, ban everyone who reminds him of when he was like that, and deflect back to other topics whenever his past is brought up.

A man eventually learns to accept his "cringe" self, as the zoomers would say. He learns to forgive his past self for mistakes and stupidity and improve. Sometimes he even realizes that some of those "cringe" things are shameful to him because they indicate things about himself that he can't change and doesn't like (such as being gay or bisexual). A man will eventually make peace with these things, and he won't make it everyone else's problem.

Josh, however, is still a boy in a man's body. A very, very fat man's body. Everything else about his psychology extends from there.
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"I've changed in 10 years, I'm not that person anymore"
Screenshot_20250309_144232_Samsung Internet.jpg
Joshua has released an official statement on the lawsuit between Liz Fong-Jones and Vincent Zhen, as well as Liz's non-profit Tallpoppy.

Summary until this point.

Liz Fong-Jones is an ex-Google transgender ideology extremist who was a notable embarassment for Google after it was discovered he was one of several "plurals", or "multiple systems": a now-dead fad for transgenders like Liz Fong-Jones to pretend they were multiple people within a single human body which could "front" as different personalities at different times. He even wrote handbooks as a primer for his coworkers on how to treat him, such as by asking "who is fronting currently, and what are their pronouns?"[1]

In 2017, Liz Fong-Jones started using his @Google.com email address to harass our providers, hoping to assist Nina Chabaul and Greta Gustava[2], then board members of Trans LifeLine, a suicide prevention hotline monitored by the Kiwi Farms due to suspicions of fraud. It would turn out that LFJ's friends had inured $350,000 from the suicide prevention charity, as described in an IRS filing from Trans LifeLine signed under penalty of perjury by new management.[3]

For undisclosed reasons, Liz Fong-Jones lost his job at Google, claiming he left, but sources inside Google say he was paid to leave. He then switched to being Chief Field Technology Officer of Honeycomb.io, a "solutions provider", and invested into Tallpoppy, a personal reputation management company for businesses and famous people.

Keffals, a transgender streamer, would accuse the Kiwi Farms of swatting him. This was a knowing fabrication, and the CA$100,000 he raised off the back of this lie would later be spent on drugs, landing him in an Irish rehab facility after a few months. This movement, called #DropKiwiFarms, involved Liz Fong-Jones, but as he became disastified with Keffals's behavior, he would fork it to #EndKiwiFarms, a movement he would list on his LinkedIn page alongside his real jobs.

During this time, he randomly decided to announce to the world he was credibly accused of sexual assault, coining the term "consent accident".[4]

Two years passed and there was no end of Kiwi Farms, causing him to look a bit silly with #EndKiwiFarms on his professional profile. He would rebrand this to "End Networked Harassment", and this more nebulous mission statement was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in 2025.

During this bout of unmitigated failure leading up to the incorporation of his nonprofit, Liz Fong-Jones would sue Vincent Zhen, a personal friend of mine who was about five degrees separated from the Kiwi Farms. Vincent allowed this nonsense to result in a default judgment, thinking the courts would dismiss it on its own due to its lack of merit.

[1] https://archive.ph/4DIbD + https://kiwifarms.st/threads/liz-fong-jones-elliot-william-fong-lizthegrey.128419/post-12879251
[2] https://kiwifarms.st/threads/2017-08-18-liz-fong-jones-harassing-people-for-hosting-my-email.33411/
[3] https://translifeline.org/the-leadership-transition-2017-taxes-and-how-were-moving-forward/
[4] https://kiwifarms.st/threads/liz-fong-jones-elliot-william-fong-lizthegrey.128419/page-887

The present.

Liz Fong-Jones (from what I have seen) made knowingly false representations to the court of Australia regarding Vincent's association with the Kiwi Farms, the importance of his Internet resources to our ability to stay up, as well as the content on the Kiwi Farms.

In 2024, the Kiwi Farms raised $150,000 as a legal defense fund into a trust, My original intention was to litigate several entities. In short,
(1) Epik for false statements on Twitter about illegal content hosted on the Kiwi Farms,
(2) Alejandra Carabello for false statements on Twitter in regards to the same issue, as well as targeting the EFF to deprive us of potential resources,
(3) Russell Greer, who has been suing us for 5 years pro se over a bullshit copyright claim, and
(4) Liz Fong-Jones, for all of the above.

The results,
(1) Epik retracted their statements,
(2) Alejandra Carabello deleted their statements [and if he gets arrested for threatening federal agents we'll probably still sue],
(3) Russell Greer is currently in a death spiral in his case and has accrued a sanction, facing up to two more presently, and
(4) Liz Fong-Jones failed to get the court order he paid a lot of money for.

A significant portion of funds raised by the Kiwi Farms in 2024 went to help overturn this judgment, in part to help Vincent, but mostly for a selfish reason: to avoid a favorable court order against us which would significantly help Liz Fong-Jones scare our providers.

LFJ would lose the appeal against his default judgment on the merits of the case. For all the reasons previously mentioned, the superior court decided that Vincent's defense would likely prevail in the lower court. It would have ultimately resolved in Vincent's favor, but he went bankrupt, and signed a settlement behind my back. This settlement effectively was an apology with minor financial rewards (Vinnie is bankrupt, so my assumption is he sold the IP range he had for approximately US$10k), and a note from Vincent saying he disavows both the forum and me personally.


This is not the win that LFJ wanted when he spent literally hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it would not have gone anywhere if Vincent had just listened to me and answered the case promptly. Fong-Jones will cling to this desperately as proof he's in the right when begging providers to drop us, but his real motivation was personal: he wants me to feel bad.

My heart is already steeled to these kinds of personal attacks. Every weak man in the last 12 years who has tried and failed to make me censor whatever bullshit they're upset about will eventually start going after people around me who have no investment in the Kiwi Farms, usually women. This is the typical modus operandi of the desperate and sadistic.

His new non-profit, which is effectively just a way for him to pay people to harass us and our providers as a tax writeoff, has already spun up trying to attack providers and their upstreams, exactly as before. His signed letter is proving to not be as effective as he would have liked.

Giving up at any point will provide Liz Fong-Jones a blueprint for his company Tallpoppy: a reproducable series of steps to censor any content online, allowing him to gild and glaze anyone willing to pay enough money for the privilege of a squeaky clean online reputation -- even if they've been credibly accused of sexual assault. You can try this with his name: google Liz Fong-Jones and see how many gushing articles about him you find.

There will never be a reason to do charity outside of the country again. Our future is American. I will finish setting up the foundation, we will federate a series of reliable service providers in the United States, and we will claw back every inch of freedom lost. By the end of this decade, mentally ill sexual sadists like Liz Fong-Jones will not have power anywhere in my country.
:Null During this bout of unmitigated failure leading up to the incorporation of his nonprofit, Liz Fong-Jones would sue Vincent Zhen, a personal friend of mine who was about five degrees separated from the Kiwi Farms.
Hey look, Null is already trying to distance himself from his "friend" Vincent Zhen!

:Null It would have ultimately resolved in Vincent's favor, but he went bankrupt, and signed a settlement behind my back. This settlement effectively was an apology with minor financial rewards (Vinnie is bankrupt, so my assumption is he sold the IP range he had for approximately US$10k), and a note from Vincent saying he disavows both the forum and me personally.
If only the Findom Asian had listened to Lawtube Latoya over here.

:Null Every weak man in the last 12 years who has tried and failed to make me censor whatever bullshit they're upset about will eventually start going after people around me who have no investment in the Kiwi Farms, usually women.
lol, what? Wasn't the judge who ruled in favor of Liz a woman?

:Null By the end of this decade, mentally ill sexual sadists like Liz Fong-Jones will not have power anywhere in my country.
He referred to Eliot as "Liz" quite a few times in this post, is he scared?
he still refuses to say how much was spent on this Australian court case.
Realistically, he'd have to be an idiot to spell it out. He said from the get-go that one of the intended uses of his lawfare fund was to act as deterrent against further lawsuits.
As long as he keeps his mouth shut, it can act as Schrodinger's war chest until he can organize another crowdfund.
Catching up to MATI right now. Wow, Josh just blatantly admits that he left his so-called "best friend" hold the bag and get fucking bankrupted because it didn't benefit Joshua in any way to provide further assistance. He "got what he wanted", in his own words. And he wonders why nobody wants to be his ally.
I lol'd when, a few sentences after admitting he'd stopped bankrolling Vinnie, he whines that he only found out about the settlement from LFJ's boasting on BlueSky. Like, no duh, retard. You said yourself that a. you're not a party in this lawsuit and b. you stopped bankrolling Vinnie and pushed him into bankruptcy, effectively ruining his life. Why the fuck would he care to let you know that he had no choice but to bend over and take the tranny cock to the hilt?

Something is truly broken in Josh's brain where he can't comprehend why people you fucked over wouldn't want anything to do with you anymore. Reminds me of his recounting, on the CRP Person Stream, of his bewilderment at CRP refusing to help him with extending his Ukraine visa only days after he had told CRP to go fuck himself. I honestly can't decide whether Josh is an actual sociopath, or simply just mentally deficient like that.

Edit: Lol. "(Elliot) doesn't have penis, he can't cum, so he's not able to ejaculate or feel sexual pleasure. So, his roundabout way to experience euphoria (...) is to do shit like this". Pot, meet kettle. Dong Long Gone, meet Broke Dick Josh. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing.
It goes further than this.

So way back in the day (I think before Kiwi Farms even existed), Jersh was a Roblox kid and he was infamous in the Roblox community at the time due to his edgy behavior. (I don't know why these stories usually start with either Roblox or League of Legends because those two video games attract some of the Internet's biggest retards).

Sometime at the start of the 2010's, Jersh would meet a woman going by the name of Stocking in the Roblox community. You can say Stocking was one of the Internet's early examples of an e-thot as she did gained a following in the Roblox community back in the day.

Now Jersh was a massive simp for Stocking (he was very desperate for that Roblox pussy and he was on a Love Quest just like Chris-Chan). I think Stocking was in a relationship with Jersh out of pity but then would cut him out of her life once the shit with Jersh kept getting worse.

Stocking would reveal the many things she knew about Jersh. One of them being a chat log of the infamous neko shota incident where Jersh was talking to someone and Jersh shared a link from a now defunct shotacon-themed hentai website to explain what shotacon is (this includes Jersh being explicit with how he jacked off to the shotacon hentai as well as allegedly jacking off to IRL content of men). Other chat logs posted by Stocking was Jersh suicide baiting so that Stocking can stay with him, showering Stocking with unwanted gifts, posting unwanted sexual advances, and according to Stocking in her own words where in one incident Jersh threatened to find Stocking's address so he can rape her, kill her, and dismember her body (these are her words, not mine and I'm not sure how true is the rape threat to be honest because it was a long time ago). This took place where I can estimate that happened sometime in the time span from 2011 to 2012. Now to be fair, Stocking isn't a good person either as she has her own shit that makes her a lolcow based on what I've read about this (but this is another story for another time).

There's also the now infamous archived chat log of Jersh where allegedly he was admitting that he watched CSAM (this includes torture porn) on the Tor network and he enjoyed it.

So this impulsive and erratic behavior you see with Jersh whenever the topic of lolicon and shotacon comes up; it starts to make sense why Jersh goes full A-Log when it comes to Japanese entertainment in general, why he A-Logs the porn industry at times, and why he A-Logs the Tate brothers. While there are plenty of legitimate criticisms against the anime community, the porn industry, and people like the Tate brothers; much of this is projection on Jersh's part.
And this is basically the core of why he's getting more and more psychotic with time: Hypocrisy. "I've changed in 10 years, I'm not that person anymore" is actually a pretty believable statement in regards to edgy, retarded shit done in one's teens and early 20s. The problem is that he's the owner of a website where that very idea is completely haram because it wouldn't be "funny". Like, yes, retards like Chris Chan, DSP, Ethan Ralph, etc. don't really change because of many factors, but that doesn't apply to everyone as much as Josh wishes it does since it generates content.

And so, he can't just say "Yes, at one point I really hated women and/or jacked off to anime catboys but over time I've come to realize that I was overreacting to women and I've made efforts to not jack off to anime catboys because it's an inappropriate paraphelia that I got from being introduced to porn early in life", he has to make it so that none of that ever happened. Except it did happen, and Josh doesn't have a time machine, so how can he do that? Well, of course, it's to swing super extremely in the opposite direction so that people who didn't know him back then won't believe he was ever like that, ban everyone who reminds him of when he was like that, and deflect back to other topics whenever his past is brought up.

A man eventually learns to accept his "cringe" self, as the zoomers would say. He learns to forgive his past self for mistakes and stupidity and improve. Sometimes he even realizes that some of those "cringe" things are shameful to him because they indicate things about himself that he can't change and doesn't like (such as being gay or bisexual). A man will eventually make peace with these things, and he won't make it everyone else's problem.

Josh, however, is still a boy in a man's body. A very, very fat man's body. Everything else about his psychology extends from there.
Jersh never changed despite what he claims.

He's too lazy to go to the gym, he is too inept to stay in a long-term relationship, everyone he becomes friends with eventually leaves him due to his toxic personality, and he's bad with money and I bet he has a bad credit score. Even though Jersh is now an adult, much of his impulsive and erratic behavior still manifests itself now.

I said it here before and the only advice I can give to the Kiwis is to abandon ship before Jersh hits the iceberg and there is not enough lifeboats to save everyone when the inevitable does happen.
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Also, one cannot raise $160,000 if you are truly banned from banking. Josh Moon is lying. He's just mad that Liz Fong Jones or Zoom or whomever he was feuding with at the time, is going around and fucking him up financially.

Has Null sued Liz Fong-Jones and/or Caraballo yet? *CRICKETS*
If he doesn't sue them, then he has fundraised on the basis of false promises. He explicitly mentioned LFJ and Caraballo as his legal targets when he was fundraising, and lot of Kiwis made it clear they were giving him money because they wanted him to go after the troons who organized #DropKiwiFarms.

>Jewsh: Btw, this is how I found out about the settlement. I was not told. I have a feeling there was a certain amount of embarrassment involved in this. So I was not clued in on this proceeding.
Who is supposed to clue you in? Hardin, your lawyer? Viny? So you are saying Viny was embarrassed in yielding and taking a knee to LFJ, so he didn't tell you? Bro, you have ruined your best friend's life along with LFJ.

I am actually shocked to read this part. If Vincent settled with LFJ behind Null's back and didn't tell Null a thing about the settlement, that to me suggests that Vincent lost t trust in Null or that he no longer trusted the at alleged $10k an hour lawyer that Null was effectively sponsoring for Vincent's appeal.

>@1:01:55 (Jewsh sounds like he's choking up about to cry): Viny didn't know anything. He was not a partner in crime. LFJ decided he would make this very personal and deprive me of somebody I knew as a friend, which was effective.
Bro, you are crying on air 'cause LFJ destroyed your relationship with your best friend and ruined his life.

This is genuinely shocking to me. I thought Vincent would've conceded that it was beyond stupid and naive of him not to respond to the lawsuit when he was served, and that Null was offering to help him by sponsoring his appeal lawyer.

<Jewsh: If push comes to shove, we can conjure $150,000 out of our fucking asses.
Oh boy. Basically an admission Jewsh blew the KF warchest on the Viny-LFJ lawsuit. And he thinks he can just do it again. Will the braindead KF'ers be up to do it all again? I knew this fundraiser warchest was bullshit before a single dollar had been spent. Why didn't the Farmers know this? How many will sign up for it all again, having seen how poorly you managed the money and how easily LFJ outsmarted you.

It's hubris. People can't donate money to him right now the way they did the first time around. He knows people aren't going to be as generous right now as they were on the back of #DropKiwiFarms, but he thinks he can fake it til he makes it. Go ahead and prove me wrong Null!

It's interesting that Jewsh calls Viny a "chink" for the first time here, after Viny bent the knee to LFJ. Are you starting to feel animosity towards your former friend?

Again, genuinely shocked at this, and Null using a slur for his former best friend is a clear indication that that relationship has capsized.