• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
You have probably heard ad nausem how he moved to the Ukraine to cut down on expenses. Bullshit. He could have shared an apartment in Pensacola to cut down on expenses. He could have moved an hour or so north to rural Alabama which is probably as cheap as it gets. Sacrifices? He could have found an anonymous offshore hosting service and maybe worked part time to help cover the costs if he had more staff to cover routine stuff. When you consider the plane ticket and other relocation expenses, what is it that he was saving?
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XenForo is particularly resistant to abusive staff. Anything that gets deleted could just be undeleted in a few minutes, and of course logs to check everything on a daily basis. Josh could easily throw 10 more people on the team and fuck off the website, leaving it to run on its own, but he insists on spending 2 hours editing hundreds of posts in the Capital raid thread manually to get rid of spaces below the reply boxes like the autist he is. He's also stated that he hates both women and jewish people, so why mods like Trombonista, Okkervils, Cosmos, and Meowthkip stayed/have stayed on for so long cleaning his website for free is honestly a mystery, although its probably just ego.

No dignity. They ought leave if they have even an ounce of love for themselves.

He could've shared an apartment with someone, but I can't think of anyone who would be able to tolerate him, and he knows it too. He's also extremely paranoid and has someone check his mail for him before he receives it, so I'd reckon that also played a part in him moving to bumfuck nowhere. With how much his website is targeted, I wouldn't be surprised if moved out there to genuinely become an international fugitive if shit hit the fan for an easier escape instead of being stuck in the US with the FBI on his ass.
There's a theory he moved out of the US because of legal trouble, and I don't think its too far fetched. Its been exaggerated to him raping children, which I very much doubt to be the case, but he could've done other things only he and perhaps the government knows about.
What surprises me is how Ukraine and Serbia are full of attractive girls who would fuck you just because you are an American. Yet here he is, downloading fat girl porn instead. I’m sure expenses are lower but instead he’s isolated in a country that he knows little or nothing about. Doesn’t make a lot of sense but it definitely helps to fuel his martyr and savior complexes.
Not to add Null's maxed out like, what, 2 credit cards now to fund KF?

This is what happens when you fall for the "just start your own webhost" meme in response to people shutting you down. Null could've easily just gone with some shady Russian webhost like 8chan/8kun ended up doing but he decided to spend $30,000 just to go full on to start a "free speech friendly" webhost that charges out the ass for a 10GB SSD VPS.
Null gets a lot of money coming in. He gets regular donations and sells a good amount of merchandise to meet his targets. Notice he always talks about being on the precipice of being broke but never actually says he is. More money rolls in that way. Wouldn’t surprise me if it ends up being several thousand a month, able to cover costs, feeder porn subscriptions, etc.

I’d be surprised if he’s helping weev out because the stuff weev works on tends to be a lot more stable.
I’m sure expenses are lower but instead he’s isolated in a country that he knows little or nothing about.
He's been vocal that he doesn't give a shit about assimilation into the communities he's staying in. He doesn't care about the culture, the language or the people and then he complains about it. One of the reasons he's made explicit for why he stays in countries with weaker economies is because there are less brown people. His politics and worldview are largely informed by /pol/ memes which he regularly spouts when talking about foreign nations.
He could have found an anonymous offshore hosting service
This isn't necessarily true. They aren't at all made for something which operates at the scale that Kiwi Farms does. He owns the hardware, you'll have an EXTREMELY tough time finding one that does colocation since they're all very fucking dodgy. Plus, they aren't at all stable and can go down at a moment's notice.
He doesn't care about the culture, the language or the people and then he complains about it. One of the reasons he's made explicit for why he stays in countries with weaker economies is because there are less brown people.
This always struck me as odd. He has seen some of the most beautiful places on the planet and has traveled across Europe yet rather than visiting amazing landmarks or appreciating these places he stays inside guzzling carbonated beverages and playing SS13.
During one of his meltdowns, he took some pictures of Serbia but it felt more like he was lying to himself about enjoying the architecture, culture, etc. because it all felt half assed. Meanwhile I’m sure he knows the cup size of every BBW porn star like the back of his hairy-palmed hand.
During one of his meltdowns, he took some pictures of Serbia but it felt more like he was lying to himself about enjoying the architecture, culture, etc. because it all felt half assed. Meanwhile I’m sure he knows the cup size of every BBW porn star like the back of his hairy-palmed hand.
How would anyone even go about living in Serbia without being able to speak Serbian? Actually I can't think of too many places in Europe where anyone could live without at least attempting to learn the local lingo. Germany is the only one I can think of where people not only learn English at school, but seem quite happy to speak in English if needed. Ofc it helps if du sprich ein wenig Deutsch, as the Krauts appreciate the effort, which makes them only happier to speak English.
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Actually I can't think of too many places in Europe where anyone could live without at least attempting to learn the local lingo.
When I was visiting central Europe pretty much everyone there spoke pretty decent English. I'm not sure about Serbia or other Eastern European places. He said he spoke "enough Russian to get by" in Ukraine.
When I was visiting central Europe pretty much everyone there spoke pretty decent English. I'm not sure about Serbia or other Eastern European places. He said he spoke "enough Russian to get by" in Ukraine.
English is spoken in many parts of Europe as a second language, but I get the feeling that the locals tend to be a lot happier about it if you at least attempt the local lingo. Naturally this varies a bit by country: the French will start being nice to you if you make a real effort to speak French, but they won't let you off the hook as quickly as Germans will.

Folks that say the French are rude tend to be those who don't bother learning any French, instead relying on speaking slowly and/or raising their voice, as if doing this stuff invokes some sort of magical babel fish inside a French person's brain.
I think that 1776 Hosting may be a scheme to get access to small business loans and payment processors. Go to 1776hosting.com, it's a barebones site using the default WHMCS theme, the plans he sells have outright ridiculous pricing even compared to EC2 and Lightsail. It doesn't operate like a business trying to make a profit along with the fact that Josh has mentioned that he has taken out small business loans before. I refuse to believe that any bank would give a small business loan to a gay internet forum about trannies which has been deplatformed in every way imaginable. It'd be much easier to pass the sniff test and get the money when your business is selling services in a multi billion dollar industry. He also mentions that he invoices his big paypigs. If it were just regular crypto donations I'd imagine you wouldn't need to invoice them but if he's using a payment processor of some sort he may need to?