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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
So a few things

-Back when this was happening (and he was also managing the Jace shit - he had to know the truth, ffs Deagledad was a mod) he was going toe to toe with Lynx and Drybones over who got to write code for HW
-He would do stuff like shut down /v/ for a few hours with a message "THIS IS THE FUTURE YOU CHOSE" because they were making fun of him and his project. When he tried porting Larachan to Inext, it failed. Hard.
-He was super paranoid about Jim stealing his code. I'm on the fence on whether he was sabotaging 8chans codebase to make his own look good or if he was just incompotent
-"They wanted me to backdoor 8chan!" is him deflecting. This is the only time - ever - that this has been brought up
-He wanted to release his big tell-all in drips to really vilify Jim and HW (who he was pissed at for siding with Jim, who he believes wanted to sell his code and possibly kill him). HW released his first.
-HW forgave him because he has glass bones and a glass heart
-Oh yeah, he tried running an imageboard again last year because his finances were looking alright, but had to shut it down because it was too much of a pain in the ass to moderate.
It's even funnier now because Hotwheels has been acting like Jim is a super villain since Christchurch happened and he started his crusade against QAnon. I could be remembering wrong but I could swear I saw him bring up on Twitter that he was afraid of being fed to Jim's pigs before he fled the Philippines. Wondering what Josh did to Jim that created a situation where he felt scared. Because I feel like there is a really interesting untold story behind that. Hotwheels wasn't scared until he started showing up to Jim's naturalization hearings to protest.
Thats simple. Remember, HW is literally dying and that he has this disorder where his bones are super-easy to break. So the dude gets some hot regret and starts simp-athizing with null about his time with Jim.

Wonderful thread, Vex. Dont know where you'll be going next - maybe the Vordrak saga where he shut his site down for a month because vordy got his mom fired? 8chan really is the highpoint of his drama, things get way less interesting from there on out.
Thats simple. Remember, HW is literally dying and that he has this disorder where his bones are super-easy to break. So the dude gets some hot regret and starts simp-athizing with null about his time with Jim.

Wonderful thread, Vex. Dont know where you'll be going next - maybe the Vordrak saga where he shut his site down for a month because vordy got his mom fired? 8chan really is the highpoint of his drama, things get way less interesting from there on out.
Kiwifarms thread is next, and a 4th thread if some interesting things happen. I've got plenty of resources lined up for it!
Kiwifarms thread is next, and a 4th thread if some interesting things happen. I've got plenty of resources lined up for it!
huh, alright. Seems you'd have to go through a bit cuz the place has been up for what, 7 or 8 years by this point? Best to split it in eras or something.

It's even funnier now because Hotwheels has been acting like Jim is a super villain since Christchurch happened and he started his crusade against QAnon. I could be remembering wrong but I could swear I saw him bring up on Twitter that he was afraid of being fed to Jim's pigs before he fled the Philippines. Wondering what Josh did to Jim that created a situation where he felt scared. Because I feel like there is a really interesting untold story behind that. Hotwheels wasn't scared until he started showing up to Jim's naturalization hearings to protest.
I remember Hotwheels telling the pigs story on an old episode of the Killstream (the one he was on with Josh), but it never seemed like he thought he was in any serious danger:

I remember I capped it from Ralph's zencast thingy, but he's since cleared out all the old episodes. It was the "Episode 107: Hotwheels Live, Kraut Meltdown and MundaneMatt Flees Twitter" episode where Ralph was interviewing Hotwheels about the InfinityNext thing and Josh jumped on to tell his side (nothing that isn't already in the OP, tbh).

Anyway, fantastic OP @Vex. Josh not knowing about big-O notation explains so much.


>I'm not educated in programming, I just do programming
I remember Hotwheels telling the pigs story on an old episode of the Killstream (the one he was on with Josh), but it never seemed like he thought he was in any serious danger:
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I remember I capped it from Ralph's zencast thingy, but he's since cleared out all the old episodes. It was the "Episode 107: Hotwheels Live, Kraut Meltdown and MundaneMatt Flees Twitter" episode where Ralph was interviewing Hotwheels about the InfinityNext thing and Josh jumped on to tell his side (nothing that isn't already in the OP, tbh).

Anyway, fantastic OP @Vex. Josh not knowing about big-O notation explains so much.
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View attachment 4321
>I'm not educated in programming, I just do programming
At that point, HW forgave Josh for (?? Seriously, who knows). The only reason that makes sense is because he knows he's running out of time and just wants peace or shit. Forgetting that Josh really is the reason for 8chans decline.

It's more telling that Josh wanted to smear HW after the INext stuff. "Ooo! They wanted me to put in backdoors for 8chan but I refused!" and junk. This seriously is the last time this got mentioned - you'd think he'd make a bigger deal about this if it was true. I'd bet you a dollar he also has the same stuff on his own forum so he can snoop on people better.