• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Assuming Josh is in Texas, he's a real idiot for lying about not being in the U.S. He should have remained in Serbia or whatever Eastern European country because if people dox and find out he is now living in the states, it's clear that this internet drama will get real, very real.

Then there is the donation site being down which is also very suspect because Josh should have kept it up or said he explicitly is closing it down for the foreseeable future, which makes one wonder how much of the money is left and how it's been used. I know Epik fucked themselves over but if I recall, didn't Greer win in court this year? If so, then it could set a precedence for people like Mercante to become embolden enough to sue Josh, more so if she's running on pure feminazi spite alone.
null has likely not been in serbia for some time
he is either hiding out at some european friends/sycophants place or is in the usa
i have suspected he is in the usa for some time
he may even be at his mothers house since she bought a very rural property in a location with no online recording or property database
and only shows pics of european things when he visits someone

null uses red herrings and avoiding publicly recorded documents/data with his name on them as there is no other way for him to hide
I can't prove definitively that Joshua Moon has moved back to the US and is residing in TX but this appears to be pointing in this direction. Texas would be a favorable state for Joshua to move to if nothing else because it is a conservative state and is know for being a firearm friendly state.

So Null effectively doxxed himself during this MATI episode?


I think Texas is a great choice for Null, he's in good company there with Alex Jones and transervative Blaire White, LMAO:


All joking aside, when Null posted on KF about driving around in Western Texas I did point out that Western Texas is a bit far from where Null's two PO Boxes for himself and his LLCs are actually registered:


I remember I wrote here on OF at the time that unless Null's registered agents in SD and WY are willing to forward whatever mail Null gets sent to these two address to the public KF PO Box in WV, Null is gonna have to drive a very very long way from Western Texas to get to his mailboxes in SD and WY that serve as fronts for himself and his LLCs.

Hence why I concluded that Null's post about driving in Texas was likely a location-LARP. But perhaps he really is there.

Interestingly enough? I didn't see Florida at all.

Null no longer has a business registered in Florida. 1776 Solutions LLC has been dissolved in Florida and moved to Wyoming. Lolcow LLC is no longer active in Pensacola and has been moved to WV:


Null also said on MATI that he stopped voting altogether (to avoid getting doxxed through voter records) so he probably no longer shows up as a Florida voter either.

but if I recall, didn't Greer win in court this year?
IIRC that was a copyright violation case, it was about some audio file on KF that Greer wanted to have removed from KF. From the looks of this letter, this new case (if it actually happens) is going to be an anti-stalking case with no copyright violation aspects.

Lane Andrew Haygood (South Dakota): Call 605-224-7554 to check on Lawyer Verification

However, this other lawyer at the same firm has done cases in SD:

https://www.kusklaw.com/thomas-neville Thomas Neville Colorado, but has argued cases in South Dakota

If there's a Texas lawyer at the firm and another one who can sue in South Dakota, that means those lawyers are aware of the fact that the PO Box for Null's registered agent for Lolcow LLC is in Box Elder, South Dakota and they are willing to sue him there if he tries to location-LARP to claim no jurisdiction:


So Null effectively doxxed himself during this MATI episode?

View attachment 63421

I think Texas is a great choice for Null, he's in good company there with Alex Jones and transervative Blaire White, LMAO:

View attachment 63422View attachment 63420

All joking aside, when Null posted on KF about driving around in Western Texas I did point out that Western Texas is a bit far from where Null's two PO Boxes for himself and his LLCs are actually registered:

View attachment 63428

I remember I wrote here on OF at the time that unless Null's registered agents in SD and WY are willing to forward whatever mail Null gets sent to these two address to the public KF PO Box in WV, Null is gonna have to drive a very very long way from Western Texas to get to his mailboxes in SD and WY that serve as fronts for himself and his LLCs.

Hence why I concluded that Null's post about driving in Texas was likely a location-LARP. But perhaps he really is there.

Null no longer has a business registered in Florida. 1776 Solutions LLC has been dissolved in Florida and moved to Wyoming. Lolcow LLC is no longer active in Pensacola and has been moved to WV:

View attachment 63426View attachment 63427

Null also said on MATI that he stopped voting altogether (to avoid getting doxxed through voter records) so he probably no longer shows up as a Florida voter either.

IIRC that was a copyright violation case, it was about some audio file on KF that Greer wanted to have removed from KF. From the looks of this letter, this new case (if it actually happens) is going to be an anti-stalking case with no copyright violation aspects.

However, this other lawyer at the same firm has done cases in SD:

If there's a Texas lawyer at the firm and another one who can sue in South Dakota, that means those lawyers are aware of the fact that the PO Box for Null's registered agent for Lolcow LLC is in Box Elder, South Dakota and they are willing to sue him there if he tries to location-LARP to claim no jurisdiction:

View attachment 63423
View attachment 63424View attachment 63425
@The Gays From LA Null uses a series of mailing addresses and registrations with his "business" in various states to throw people off. But I think we can put the pieces together.

First: Matthew Hardin: Hardin is legally licensed to practice in West Virginia. He is not legally licensed to practice in Wyoming.

Second: Lolcow LLC has been registered and is in good standing in two states (Wyoming and West Virginia).

Third: Null's "official" personal mailing address is Box Elder, SD. Lolcow LLC is not registered in South Dakota. Null would not have to drive to SD to pick up his mail. They would forward his mail to a private mailbox in Texas.

Fourth: A subpoena can be served by mail to the resident's last known address. I am assuming this person who resides in Brooklyn wants to sue Joshua Moon personally. So she found a lawyer who is licensed in two states (where she resides and also where Joshua is likely residing in Texas).

Now the reason for setting up a corporation is to protect yourself personally from liability. If a person has a sole proprietorship for a business, someone can not only sue the business, they can also sue the owner of that business personally and go after his assets.

If the person has a corporation, they can only sue the business because the business is considered an "artificial person" as far the law is concerned. The drawback of a corporation is that it is subject to double taxation. The corporation has to pay taxes on its earnings as a corporation and then if your earnings are taken as personal income you have to include them as income when you file a personal return.

Now an LLC is what is known as a "pass-through entity". This means that whatever earnings an LLC has will be exempt from paying corporate tax and you will only have to pay personal income taxes on those earnings. However, you still have the advantages of a corporation when it comes to being protected from personal liability.

But there are limits to this liability protection. You have to treat the LLC as a separate business (i.e. a separate business account for income and so forth). If you use the LLC like your personal piggy bank (which is probably what Null has been doing) your protection from personal liability goes out the window and your LLC can be treat just like a sole proprietorship. And given Null's problems with being blacklisted by credit card companies and so forth, this is most likely what happened.

This woman has hired a Texas lawyer to inform Hardin that she will sue him personally. And yes, a well-established powerful law firm like Kusk Law will have no problem with proving that Joshua's "Lolcow LLC" is pretty much a crock of bullshit.

Matthew Hardin DC Lawyer WV State Bar .jpg

Matthew Hardin DC Lawyer WY State Bar.jpg

Lolcow LLC Wyoming.jpg

West Virginia LLC.jpg

South Dakota Secretary of State.jpg
That letter reads juvenile even though they do have a case. Not as juvenile as the farms but still juvenile. The former taylor swift stalker put together a better, more mature sounding legal letter than that lawyer and he's not even a lawyer.
I forgot to post this for the people who didn't get to see it the first time around. Here is Null claiming know what it's like to drive in Western Texas:

They also require there be speed limits which is why driving through the US is miserably fucking slow even in western texas.

So, in other words, the US bribe states into enacting laws that are contrary to the state's actual interests.

Here's an excerpt from an old MATI episode where Null was hating his former associate Dick Masterson saying he needs to move to Texas and "unplug from LA":

8:00 I hate Dick Masterson, there's no redemption arc for Dick. Like moving to Texas, and then the unplugs from LA and it's like, hey, I'm no longer retarded.

Most of these we already know but the Green Cove Springs, FL and Rolla MO addresses are a new one to me.
I don't know how reliable the information on that webpage is. I mean, just look at the e-mail addresses listed, those are all outdated. Everyone on KF knows that Null's e-mail address is a pm.me (protonmail short) address, not a gmail address. He posted the @pm.me address several times during #DropKiwiFarms:

If your site is US legal and you need assistance staying up, email me at jcmoon@pm.me with details. I am wondering what sites are out there that need help.

Other addresses Null is known to use are legal@kiwifarms.net and josh@kiwifarms.net but those two aren't listed either

Whoever made that page you've screenshot is going off of old information that they didn't bother to update using OSINT, and that makes me think the information is either unreliable or outdated.

As for the Green Cove Springs, FL and the Rolla, MO addresses, you need to look those up on Gmap and check to see if there's a registered agent company operating a PO Box at those particular addresses.

Again, Lolcow LLC is a PO Box company, so it could be literally anywhere. If Null could get a PO Box on, say, Howard Island, and get someone there to pick up his mail there and forward it to him, Lolcow LLC would be on Howard Island. My own reasoning was: when the registered agents for 1776 Solutions and Null himself are located relatively close... does that mean that Null himself is perhaps in the promixity of those 2registered agents? (read: Maybe Null picks up his mail sent to those address himself?) Therefore, if I went looking for Null, I would start look for him on the WY-SD border, not in Western Texas like he's letting on on KF and MATI.
I forgot to post this for the people who didn't get to see it the first time around. Here is Null claiming know what it's like to drive in Western Texas:

Here's an excerpt from an old MATI episode where Null was hating his former associate Dick Masterson saying he needs to move to Texas and "unplug from LA":

I don't know how reliable the information on that webpage is. I mean, just look at the e-mail addresses listed, those are all outdated. Everyone on KF knows that Null's e-mail address is a pm.me (protonmail short) address, not a gmail address. He posted the @pm.me address several times during #DropKiwiFarms:

Other addresses Null is known to use are legal@kiwifarms.net and josh@kiwifarms.net but those two aren't listed either

Whoever made that page you've screenshot is going off of old information that they didn't bother to update using OSINT, and that makes me think the information is either unreliable or outdated.

As for the Green Cove Springs, FL and the Rolla, MO addresses, you need to look those up on Gmap and check to see if there's a registered agent company operating a PO Box at those particular addresses.

Again, Lolcow LLC is a PO Box company, so it could be literally anywhere. If Null could get a PO Box on, say, Howard Island, and get someone there to pick up his mail there and forward it to him, Lolcow LLC would be on Howard Island. My own reasoning was: when the registered agents for 1776 Solutions and Null himself are located relatively close... does that mean that Null himself is perhaps in the promixity of those 2registered agents? (read: Maybe Null picks up his mail sent to those address himself?) Therefore, if I went looking for Null, I would start look for him on the WY-SD border, not in Western Texas like he's letting on on KF and MATI.

I did a little more research and you may be correct @The Gays From LA
  • A domestic corporation is a corporation that does business in a jurisdition it is registered in.
  • A foreign corporation is a corporation that does business in a jurisdiction that is outside the one it is registered in.
  • Lolcow LLC and 1776 Solutions LLC are both domestic corporations in Wyoming but Lolcow LLC is also listed as a domestic corporation in West Virginia.
  • Under Wyoming corporate law it is perfectly acceptable to have a bank account in South Dakota handling your business transactions.
  • Josh lists has Box Elder, SD as his mailing address which is just outside Rapid City, SD
  • Joshua's attorney Matthew Hardin is probably a Behind the Scenes Partner having been admitted to the WV State Bar in good standing.
Didn't Josh talk about a bank in South Dakota that would accept him doing business>?

Joshua Moon and Wyoming.jpg

Lolcow LLC is the legal entity which acts as a container for the Kiwi Farms. It owns the brand and holds license to all posts.

It was originally started in Florida under my name and registered to my mom's house. It was reorganized in Wyoming with a registered agent.



Have you ran her name through a data broker recently? The address is definitely out there, along with pictures
yes but the recorded documents and stuff are not

for example if null got a new name change again from james gabriel potter hed do it somewhere like there where you cant just search online for the affidavits if the site shows them

he made a mistake doing it in buffalo
in an area he was known to live in
hes dumb but he learns from his mistakes

chances are hes under a newer name now for legal and personal reasons, if he bothered