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Kiwifarms Linked Glowie / Internet Safety Professional / Overlord Khekor / Prateor Khekor / TemperatorBot

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Biggest sperg on the ‘Farms
King of making high value threads

View attachment 51012

for those who want to know what he's referring to:

the fact he knows which of my accounts I used to send that PM message is telling.

@Crimson Fucker he still believes that @Stop Socking Gaylord's many commiefarms socks belong to you lol
He keeps saying the quiet parts out loud. He wouldn't know about the group dm chain if it weren't for Gaylord socker. Especially at the time of his first post about it. Gaylord is mad he got backstabbed by both when glowie learned gaylord socker's been talking shit about him for their gay ops. And he can't keep his mouth shut about gay ops for the chance at ass pats. Unfortunately for him those ass pats are more like spankings from his peers.
Reason: I continue to do nothing while watching 🥝 spergs keep eachother busy
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He's just used to cheap goyslop.

Glowie is the type of guy to look for blue paw prints with a magnifying glass and need 4th wall breaking voices of children fueled by schizophrenia to point out where they are for him.

Am I first one on farms to have lolcows that are obsessed me to this extent? Outside Null with his crazy bitch who has hundreds of sock accounts.
no one is obsessed with you, dipshit. it's the other way around pal. it's delicious to see you having us live rent-free in your autistic schizo head.
Tepes is obsessed with me that's a fact
@Crimson Fucker did you see this shit? he calls you obsessed lol. yeah, coming from the guy who makes a failed personal army thread for me and you
Glowie is a cripple with a broken dick confirmed.
Really makes you wonder how many "recovered" gays are in Josh's entourage. I mean, that's got to be it with Glowie. Unless your hormonal system is fubar, asexuality is just a cope to deny your true nature. He does like to toss that word hormonal around.
"Oh you thought I was a hormonal sperg? Well guess what, I piss soy milk, so take that obsessed stalker child."

I can only assume he jerked it to Fritz the Cat a few dozen times as a teen and has spent the remainder of his life letting the world know that dudes who fuck each other in mascot costumes are weirdos.
that's the best part. he seems to never deal with his nonsense alone. he always brings people to deal with his mess. no surprise here seeing why people called him out on his bullshit charade
I spent a hot minute giving him my undivided attention and man, that dude spends so much time seething, it's hilarious. I'm glad he thinks leaving your "Last Seen" unlocked is a point of pride because it painted quite the story.

Did you guys at least have a chuckle at the moment he realized he was getting played by a third party?
Eye for an eye, "Asexual" Glowie 😏
"Glowie, you're winning son!"
"Father, I am tired"

Accounts have been banned for hours, they've both been online since, but are just now coincidentally looking into my socks? No, definitely not communicating...
@Crimson Fucker
I'd assume this middle aged junkie faggot has a sock in whatever DM chain you thought I was privy to.
Either way, we'd be foolish to declare victory over Glowie just yet.
He's been catching shit in DMs for drawing attention to everyone and has decided to start socking.
A small W for now.
Edit: Glowie will be back in 72 hours to mock our grave dancing. Hold it back, bud