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Kiwifarms Linked Glowie / Internet Safety Professional / Overlord Khekor / Prateor Khekor / TemperatorBot

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Biggest sperg on the ‘Farms
Glowie is on a mission from autism to post on every account he thinks is one of my socks and do a gay personal army request post as he obsessively follows @Stop Socking Gaylord thinking it's me like a paranoid scizo.

Bold of him to assume glowie is aware when he's making posts like this. Assuming he is one of the retards being baited in question. Unless he's in on it. I on the other hand, am the retard that's aware it's time 4 guillotines as they know him over there. The guys name is stop socking gay lord for fucks sake, I know glowie is retarded but it isn't that hard to make the pieces fit. Which makes me suspect he's in on it to gain people in his gay personal army request that will feel betrayed when they find out he was lied to. Making glowie a target like the good doctor.

Reason: Added screenshot
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Everyone knows ken didn't quit the site. He is letting his mods do more of the work and is a little busy with his other site. He even made another announcement over it.

And he said I need to lurk moar. I already knew about the sticker thing. That's why I cancelled my plans to troll him in a more subtle way. Using a single political themed account in a political thread that would not be off topic to bait him to politisperg and throw a bitch fit on the accounts wall. I was thinking of having users from the dm join too but again, the sticker thing null did stopped it. Saved by the broom again. All he can do is cry to mods.

He hits the mark... (Gaylord being too obvious trying to make it look like me right after his faildox attempt and getting laughed off the site before his account got stuck in the tard cage with the cat fucker posting Pokemon porn.)

But then missed entirely. Under this same logic cringestorian is time 4 guillotines.

Oh well, you win some you lose some.
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Glowie sure loves to call me a tard wrangler for a tard that so often gets wrangled.

Not sure who Felix Lang is and I don't really care to know either.
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Cringestorian is definitely gayopping with Glowie, that's for sure. Either he's feeding Glowie the theories or outright making socks to antagonize Glowie into weirder shit.
I decided to throw him a bone and make a throw away. I wouldn't want to compromise a good sock of mine after all. I showed him the proper delivery of that joke and the fact I'm not sticker spamming is telling. It's up to jannies to approve it but I screenshoted it to post here. I didn't get to his account in time to shit post on it unfortunately.
Reason: People are saying he's been sticker spamming for like an hour so he has to be botting, since he loves AI so much.
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Mod approved one of my posts, waiting for my reply to the user that tagged me.
Reason: Both are approved and I'm not banned yet, we'll see how this plays out.
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I think it's so hilarious because I can see exactly where our vamp is playing them and Glowie is still reeing about "Arkomia! Zrcalo!" while missing the big blinking arrow pointing towards what's actually happening in that thread.
I think it's so hilarious because I can see exactly where our vamp is playing them and Glowie is still reeing about "Arkomia! Zrcalo!" while missing the big blinking arrow pointing towards what's actually happening in that thread.
The funny thing is, his thread has not only died twice but also got derailed. hard