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Meta Gaylord's Retarded Gutterlife

Or: A Ralpamales Journey

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
Almost went to jail trying to steal jerky last night. Thankfully my boss was on hand to help smooth shit over


unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns *make beat noise with the mouth to avail*
Hellovan Onion
Got exposed to HIV+ blood today and tried smelling salts for my bosses amusement. Don't think any of the blood got into any of my hand cuts but going to go get tested next month when we're in a big city. Pretty shitty but not stressing about it since there's nothing I can do.
unyuns for the real is hope you are not AIDS monkey

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
Shit mang, I got fucked out of some money cuz incompetency. But we about to open 4th of July, so mad money.
Grindset mindset 🔫
It's been a fun night, kicked it hard with some new people in the outfit. Took pics for when locations is way past relevant

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Can you quit stoking her pipe and just at least let Ashley post in my thread?
Anyone sane would see there were shots fired on both sides. Just saying, if you got the balls to host threads about them, you're honestly obligated to allow them to speak, if only for drama's sake.
Same reason I tell you to allow Elaine to post and unmod @Empresa in her thread because of poo touching bias.
Even Josh will make containment zone concessions. Be better than him


Still have Ashley Hutsell Jankowski's Address in my Banner
An Onion Among Onions
Anyone sane would see there were shots fired on both sides. Just saying, if you got the balls to host threads about them, you're honestly obligated to allow them to speak, if only for drama's sake.
She doesn't deserve to be let out of her tard cage. And every time she was allowed to 'speak' Ashley Hutsell Jankowski began shitting the thread up with her nonsense. I wanna see your gutter life not Ashley's fat paragraphs.


unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns *make beat noise with the mouth to avail*
Hellovan Onion
She doesn't deserve to be let out of her tard cage. And every time she was allowed to 'speak' Ashley Hutsell Jankowski began shitting the thread up with her nonsense. I wanna see your gutter life not Ashley's fat paragraphs.
who is? i see everwhere naming her. who? what do? She bad?