<~Teslabot> 2[/meta/] 1021 seconds ago 7Anonymous: I, copypaste, the sole administrator of this website between June 10, 2013 and September 27, 2013 am no longer a virgin. I did not see a prostitute but through a nearly unbelievable turn of events had sex. Effective immediately, the next in command, user Glaive will take over ALL administration duties, site decisions and IRC duties.
<~copypaste> breaking news
<~copypaste> bye Glaive
<~copypaste> ;;
<&Glaive> i am in tears
<~copypaste> ;;
<~copypaste> I'd leave already but I'm trying to figure out how to transfer channel ownership
<~copypaste> Please wait a second
<&Glaive> b-b-b-b-ut
<~copypaste> im not a virgin anymore Glaive
<~copypaste> i had sex multiple times
<~copypaste> let it go
<nigger> What happened, exactly?
<spiderbro> you fucking whore
<Hibiki> well
<Hibiki> this is surprising
-ChanServ- You have been set as owner on #wiz by copypaste
* ChanServ sets mode: +q Glaive
<spiderbro> i hope you at least broke a few bones
<~copypaste> I didn't
<~copypaste> :3
<spiderbro> fucker
<~copypaste> Got close once ;3
<Bear> Is this really happening?
<~copypaste> Yes Bear
<spiderbro> happening level: 0
<Hibiki> this almost seems like a joke
* ~copypaste (
copypaste@wizardchan.org) has left #wiz ("Leaving")
* copypaste (
copypaste@wizardchan.org) has joined #wiz
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo copypaste copypaste
<~copypaste> why am i still +q
* ChanServ sets mode: -qqo Teslabot copypaste copypaste
<copypaste> there we go
<Bear> I don't understand, who'd you have sex with?
<sam113101> jesus christ
<copypaste> I expect one of you to ban me now
<sam113101> the crippled guy in a wheelchair
<copypaste> That's correct
<sam113101> had sex
<Hibiki> you know this is almost unbelievable
<Hibiki> right
<sam113101> can't believe it
<Bear> You had gay sex?
<copypaste> I know
<copypaste> No, straight sex with a succubus
<copypaste> She's here right now
<Bear> Who was she!
<Bear> ?*
<spiderbro> Bear: what did you do?
<sam113101> his aid
<copypaste> No one you know
<copypaste> Unfortunately I don't have any aide right onw ;;
<nigger> And what happens to the wizard lore site?
<Bear> What is this, I don't understand why this is happening.
<copypaste> nigger: anachronos owns wizardlore.tk
<sam113101> is she crippled too?
<copypaste> Not me
<copypaste> sam113101: No.
<sam113101> what the fuck
<Bear> This is highly upsetting.
<nigger> How old is she?
<Hibiki> so can you elaborate a little on these almost unbelievable turn of events
<Hibiki> or am I asking too much
<Bear> Yet another member of the staff abandoning us.
<sam113101> he probably used his early powers to bend the laws of physic
<copypaste> 27
<spiderbro> was she fat?
<nigger> Was she a virgin too?
<spiderbro> or ugly?
<copypaste> I already abandoned this place Bear when I started seeing her if you didn't notice
<copypaste> Not fat, nor a virgin, nor ugly
<sam113101> lol I can't believe this is happening
<krhxt> Did the jews trick you into this?
<copypaste> Me neither
<spiderbro> >criticizes mrpacific for being a normalfag
<spiderbro> >dates a succubus in secret
<copypaste> krhxt: No
<spiderbro> >loses virginity
<copypaste> spiderbro: It wasn't in secret, we met today
<copypaste> It was all online before this
<copypaste> And here I am resigning
<copypaste> I don't know why you're complaining
<krhxt> Its usually that way with the jews, Im pretty sure we can blaim the jews for this
<spiderbro> fucking jews
<%anachronos> copypaste, was it Alyx?
<copypaste> Noided? No, she was Dannish
<sam113101> Glaive: tell me you're going to remove some of the boards
<Bear> copypaste, hurry up and leave already.
<copypaste> You sound colon crucified
<spiderbro> it's ok Glaive you'll be a good admin
<copypaste> OK Bear
<~Glaive> wait
<copypaste> ok
<~Glaive> let me made an admirable ban
<~Glaive> its going to hurt to do this
<~Glaive> but it must be done
<copypaste> You have to
<sam113101> so, he met her on wizardchan?
<copypaste> No member of the circlejerk is too strong
<copypaste> Not even me
<copypaste> That's right sam113101
* Zig salutes.
<sam113101> what was she even doing here

<Bear> Disgraceful.
<sam113101> where does she live
<%anachronos> copypaste, are you still hosting the website or is it under Glaive's control?
<copypaste> Read the post. I'm still hosting until I teach Glaive how to do everything
<sam113101> did you like take the plane to meet her? lol
<spiderbro> >met her on wizardchan
<copypaste> Glaive is a CS student but isn't knowledgeable enough yet.
<spiderbro> this is like the lewinsky scandal but 10x more pathetic
<sam113101> what about anachronos?
<sam113101> he knows his stuff
<spiderbro> ^
<sam113101> and I trust him
<sam113101> although he doesn't trust me ;_;
<copypaste> anachronos is too busy (I assumed) but if he wants to I'll give it to him
<%anachronos> I'll host it then
<Bear> cp gets a pity FBI from some vapid whore and Glaive goes and gives him an "honorable" ban, I mad.
<spiderbro> there's nothing honorable about this
<Bear> pity sex*
<copypaste> a pity FBI
<copypaste> never change Bear
<spiderbro> this is the biggest stain on wizardchan since…ever
<copypaste> lol
<copypaste> iPhone
<krhxt> I bet you have aids now
<copypaste> spiderbro: We could have just not told anyone, so
<~Glaive> its not honarable, he has servered his time and i will execute the ban as soon as he is done answering questions
<~Glaive> because you guys keep asking things
<sam113101> lol Bear, why did it come up as FBI
<Bear> I would have preferred to not know.
<~Glaive> alright well i guess this is enough
<Bear> sam113101, because THEY KNOW.
<sam113101> copypaste: tell me, where does she live
<copypaste> Here now :3
<sam113101> what the fuck
<copypaste> Please ban me Glaive
<sam113101> she traveled
<sam113101> just to see you
<copypaste> That's right…
<~Glaive> By the power of the mana former admin copy-san is now banned from the guild
* Glaive sets mode: +b *!*@wizardchan.org
<sam113101> did you meet her on wizardchan?
<spiderbro> serious question
<copypaste> Yes.
<Bear> copypaste, you know you're scum, right?
<spiderbro> why aren't you handing the site back to keivi?
<sam113101> where did you meet her
<copypaste> Keivi doesn't own the site or have any ownership
<sam113101> DON'T
<spiderbro> it was his idea
<copypaste> Bear: I'm scum for doing what 95% of /v9k/ would do?
<copypaste> Get over yourself
<spiderbro> and he's more committed to the ideals of the site than any of you fuckers
<sam113101> keivi shouldn't own the website
<sam113101> ever
<Hibiki> >v9k
<Hibiki> lol
<Hibiki> v9k a shit
<spiderbro> ^
<Bear> This fucking nigga, I don't believe this shit.
<~Glaive> -tries not to cry-
<~Glaive> -cries harder-
<spiderbro> >defining yourself in terms of /v9k/