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Public Figure - Niche Fredrick Brennan / copypaste / Hotwheels / ctrlctrlv / chad thunderwheels

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
This didn't turn out very well for Fred. The apartment complex across the street from where he lives is Walter J. Buzby Homes which is low income housing (Section 8).

Fredrick Brennan's apt.jpg
before he made the announcement on wizardchan for which he was banned, he admitted to having sex in IRC.

<~copypaste> http://wizardchan.org/meta/res/8769.html
<~Teslabot> 2[/meta/] 1021 seconds ago 7Anonymous: I, copypaste, the sole administrator of this website between June 10, 2013 and September 27, 2013 am no longer a virgin. I did not see a prostitute but through a nearly unbelievable turn of events had sex. Effective immediately, the next in command, user Glaive will take over ALL administration duties, site decisions and IRC duties.
<~copypaste> breaking news
<~copypaste> bye Glaive
<~copypaste> ;;
<&Glaive> i am in tears
<~copypaste> ;;
<~copypaste> I'd leave already but I'm trying to figure out how to transfer channel ownership
<~copypaste> Please wait a second
<&Glaive> b-b-b-b-ut
<~copypaste> im not a virgin anymore Glaive
<~copypaste> i had sex multiple times
<~copypaste> let it go
<nigger> What happened, exactly?
<spiderbro> you fucking whore
<Hibiki> well
<Hibiki> this is surprising
-ChanServ- You have been set as owner on #wiz by copypaste
* ChanServ sets mode: +q Glaive
<spiderbro> i hope you at least broke a few bones
<~copypaste> I didn't
<~copypaste> :3
<spiderbro> fucker
<~copypaste> Got close once ;3
<Bear> Is this really happening?
<~copypaste> Yes Bear
<spiderbro> happening level: 0
<Hibiki> this almost seems like a joke
* ~copypaste (copypaste@wizardchan.org) has left #wiz ("Leaving")
* copypaste (copypaste@wizardchan.org) has joined #wiz
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo copypaste copypaste
<~copypaste> why am i still +q
* ChanServ sets mode: -qqo Teslabot copypaste copypaste
<copypaste> there we go
<Bear> I don't understand, who'd you have sex with?
<sam113101> jesus christ
<copypaste> I expect one of you to ban me now
<sam113101> the crippled guy in a wheelchair
<copypaste> That's correct
<sam113101> had sex
<Hibiki> you know this is almost unbelievable
<Hibiki> right
<sam113101> can't believe it
<Bear> You had gay sex?
<copypaste> I know
<copypaste> No, straight sex with a succubus
<copypaste> She's here right now
<Bear> Who was she!
<Bear> ?*
<spiderbro> Bear: what did you do?
<sam113101> his aid
<copypaste> No one you know
<copypaste> Unfortunately I don't have any aide right onw ;;
<nigger> And what happens to the wizard lore site?
<Bear> What is this, I don't understand why this is happening.
<copypaste> nigger: anachronos owns wizardlore.tk
<sam113101> is she crippled too?
<copypaste> Not me
<copypaste> sam113101: No.
<sam113101> what the fuck
<Bear> This is highly upsetting.
<nigger> How old is she?
<Hibiki> so can you elaborate a little on these almost unbelievable turn of events
<Hibiki> or am I asking too much
<Bear> Yet another member of the staff abandoning us.
<sam113101> he probably used his early powers to bend the laws of physic
<copypaste> 27
<spiderbro> was she fat?
<nigger> Was she a virgin too?
<spiderbro> or ugly?
<copypaste> I already abandoned this place Bear when I started seeing her if you didn't notice
<copypaste> Not fat, nor a virgin, nor ugly
<sam113101> lol I can't believe this is happening
<krhxt> Did the jews trick you into this?
<copypaste> Me neither
<spiderbro> >criticizes mrpacific for being a normalfag
<spiderbro> >dates a succubus in secret
<copypaste> krhxt: No
<spiderbro> >loses virginity
<copypaste> spiderbro: It wasn't in secret, we met today
<copypaste> It was all online before this
<copypaste> And here I am resigning
<copypaste> I don't know why you're complaining
<krhxt> Its usually that way with the jews, Im pretty sure we can blaim the jews for this
<spiderbro> fucking jews
<%anachronos> copypaste, was it Alyx?
<copypaste> Noided? No, she was Dannish
<sam113101> Glaive: tell me you're going to remove some of the boards
<Bear> copypaste, hurry up and leave already.
<copypaste> You sound colon crucified
<spiderbro> it's ok Glaive you'll be a good admin
<copypaste> OK Bear
<~Glaive> wait
<copypaste> ok
<~Glaive> let me made an admirable ban
<~Glaive> its going to hurt to do this
<~Glaive> but it must be done
<copypaste> You have to
<sam113101> so, he met her on wizardchan?
<copypaste> No member of the circlejerk is too strong
<copypaste> Not even me
<copypaste> That's right sam113101
* Zig salutes.
<sam113101> what was she even doing here
<Hibiki> wow
<Bear> Disgraceful.
<sam113101> where does she live
<%anachronos> copypaste, are you still hosting the website or is it under Glaive's control?
<copypaste> Read the post. I'm still hosting until I teach Glaive how to do everything
<sam113101> did you like take the plane to meet her? lol
<spiderbro> >met her on wizardchan
<copypaste> Glaive is a CS student but isn't knowledgeable enough yet.
<spiderbro> this is like the lewinsky scandal but 10x more pathetic
<sam113101> what about anachronos?
<sam113101> he knows his stuff
<spiderbro> ^
<sam113101> and I trust him
<sam113101> although he doesn't trust me ;_;
<copypaste> anachronos is too busy (I assumed) but if he wants to I'll give it to him
<%anachronos> I'll host it then
<Bear> cp gets a pity FBI from some vapid whore and Glaive goes and gives him an "honorable" ban, I mad.
<spiderbro> there's nothing honorable about this
<Bear> pity sex*
<copypaste> a pity FBI
<copypaste> never change Bear
<spiderbro> this is the biggest stain on wizardchan since…ever
<copypaste> lol
<copypaste> iPhone
<krhxt> I bet you have aids now
<copypaste> spiderbro: We could have just not told anyone, so
<~Glaive> its not honarable, he has servered his time and i will execute the ban as soon as he is done answering questions
<~Glaive> because you guys keep asking things
<sam113101> lol Bear, why did it come up as FBI
<Bear> I would have preferred to not know.
<~Glaive> alright well i guess this is enough
<Bear> sam113101, because THEY KNOW.
<sam113101> copypaste: tell me, where does she live
<copypaste> Here now :3
<sam113101> what the fuck
<copypaste> Please ban me Glaive
<sam113101> she traveled
<sam113101> just to see you
<copypaste> That's right…
<~Glaive> By the power of the mana former admin copy-san is now banned from the guild
* Glaive sets mode: +b *!*@wizardchan.org

<sam113101> did you meet her on wizardchan?
<spiderbro> serious question
<copypaste> Yes.
<Bear> copypaste, you know you're scum, right?
<spiderbro> why aren't you handing the site back to keivi?
<sam113101> where did you meet her
<copypaste> Keivi doesn't own the site or have any ownership
<sam113101> DON'T
<spiderbro> it was his idea
<copypaste> Bear: I'm scum for doing what 95% of /v9k/ would do?
<copypaste> Get over yourself
<spiderbro> and he's more committed to the ideals of the site than any of you fuckers
<sam113101> keivi shouldn't own the website
<sam113101> ever
<Hibiki> >v9k
<Hibiki> lol
<Hibiki> v9k a shit
<spiderbro> ^
<Bear> This fucking nigga, I don't believe this shit.
<~Glaive> -tries not to cry-
<~Glaive> -cries harder-
<spiderbro> >defining yourself in terms of /v9k/
Fredrick Brennan presents: BAD AT THE INTERNET
with co-host and co-jannie and co-founder of 8chan.moe as well as former /v/ jannie Mark Mann. (wayback & archive.ph)
EDIT: I'm listening now and will take notes.
20 minutes in and the pair finally speaks.
7 to 8 minutes of tech incompetence and meandering.
hotwheels is compelled to go after jim watkins.
28 minutes in finally some lore talk.
29 minutes in Mark said "we allowed gamergate"
30 minutes in "jim, josh and ron all lying" mark said
31 mins in "he did get fucked over by jim" fred said "but josh is weird" mark added
34 mins "if ron was transparent he would be in jail" fred said
"jim is a cheap bastard, and kept spreading /pol/ shit" mark said
36 mins "the point of no return was with cloudflare" mark said
"i was able to prove what their next name was gonna be" fred said
37 mins fred goes in on jim watkins said he hosted CSAM this goes on for a while as cakejew piles on.

41 minutes "infinity next and josh moon" fred said i love how he has gone full ethan ralph.
46 mins in "jim wanted me to pay my own way to japan" mark said "i prolly wouldve been kidnapped ended up in the phillipines."
48 mins "if you want me to get spicy i think codex and acidfag fucked you over" fred replied
49 minutes in "i knew what i was getting into with 8moe" mark added frantically tries to add "i have a life"
52:34 mins in "a lot of media people point 8chan out, the community to be this incel boogeyman. but theyre just regular people" mar said
53:16 "it's true to say its just boomers and incels, right like?" fred said
"yeah, on 8kun not 8moe" mark clarified
55-56 mins in random song starts playing
57 minutes in "jim watkins wanted to mainstream 8chan with news plus" mark said
58 mins in "did he get this idea from the daily stormer"? fred asked
Fredrick Brennan presents: BAD AT THE INTERNET
with co-host and co-jannie and co-founder of 8chan.moe as well as former /v/ jannie Mark Mann. (wayback & archive.ph)
EDIT: I'm listening now and will take notes.
20 minutes in and the pair finally speaks.
7 to 8 minutes of tech incompetence and meandering.
hotwheels is compelled to go after jim watkins.
28 minutes in finally some lore talk.
29 minutes in Mark said "we allowed gamergate"
30 minutes in "jim, josh and ron all lying" mark said
31 mins in "he did get fucked over by jim" fred said "but josh is weird" mark added
34 mins "if ron was transparent he would be in jail" fred said
"jim is a cheap bastard, and kept spreading /pol/ shit" mark said
36 mins "the point of no return was with cloudflare" mark said
"i was able to prove what their next name was gonna be" fred said
37 mins fred goes in on jim watkins said he hosted CSAM this goes on for a while as cakejew piles on.

41 minutes "infinity next and josh moon" fred said i love how he has gone full ethan ralph.
46 mins in "jim wanted me to pay my own way to japan" mark said "i prolly wouldve been kidnapped ended up in the phillipines."
48 mins "if you want me to get spicy i think codex and acidfag fucked you over" fred replied
49 minutes in "i knew what i was getting into with 8moe" mark added frantically tries to add "i have a life"
52:34 mins in "a lot of media people point 8chan out, the community to be this incel boogeyman. but theyre just regular people" mar said
53:16 "it's true to say its just boomers and incels, right like?" fred said
"yeah, on 8kun not 8moe" mark clarified
55-56 mins in random song starts playing
57 minutes in "jim watkins wanted to mainstream 8chan with news plus" mark said
58 mins in "did he get this idea from the daily stormer"? fred asked
I feel asleep within 30 seconds
Fred removed the information on Ralph's revenge pornography from his wiki page, and now he's even trying to get the entire wiki article deleted.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Ralph (archive)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Ethan_Ralph (archive)
Followed by some Qanon autism, fred was unable tp contain himself or use the dedicated thread (a)
looking into Josh's ISP.
(nitter.esmailelbob.xyz, archive.md, archive.md 2, WayBack Machine).

I miss the based copypaste who posted peter coffins and cos email in response to complaints.
not whatever incarnation this is, remember Fred is a culture vulture. he is using the furry fandom as he used imageboard culture and wizardom.
Fredrick, invite me on "bad at the internet" contrary to what you may think i don't hate you and this thread was birthed out of frustration since at one point i considered you to be the man who would save imageboards.

also, this was ironic. link + WayBack + ghostarchive.org