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Public Figure - Niche Fredrick Brennan / copypaste / Hotwheels / ctrlctrlv / chad thunderwheels

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Registered Member


A Brief Overview.

Fredrick Brennan, the culture vulture man with the plan to save the chan.

Fredrick Brennan was for the most part a reserved child, born with a condition known as brittle bone disease Fredrick himself best describes his affliction here https://archive.ph/ftgkC#selection-261.0-261.383
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disease that normally appears as a de novo mutation. However, once it manifests itself, it is the dominant gene. People affected with the condition have a 50% chance of spreading it to their offspring. It is one of the few severely crippling conditions that does not kill the afflicted person by the age of 18, while also not causing infertility.
A sickly child, Fredrick was sent to live with his father who was given custody of Fredrick over his mother who is said to have many issues, this is cited as "unusual by New York's Feminist Standards" said Fredrick his fedora fit ever so smugly.
One might wonder how a young doe-eyed Fredrick found this side of the Internet?
Fredrick was in search of SONIC mods, which led him to 4chan where he discovered raid culture and he was hooked.
As a result of his affliction, Fredrick basked in his NEETdom and burgeoning WIZARDdom. (a proto Incel movement founded on 4chan /r9k/ by Anons who dubbed themselves Robots, this lot went on to form the alt chan WizardChan.org now WizChan.)
Not content to enjoy his /comfy/ NEET status Fredrick now known as Copypaste on IRC embedded himself into imageboard culture and took the reigns of WizardChan.org (where he'd make lifelong foes & "friends" a group he'd eventually return to once his Wizard Status was rendered null and void, yet let's not get ahead of ourselves.)
During his stint as admin of WizardChan.org copypaste newly dubbed Hotwheels (made one of his first big mistakes after getting involved with imageboard culture a mistake he would repeat.)
Partook in an interview where he argued in favor of Eugenics.
The article can be read here. https://archive.ph/ftgkC)

What many at the time didn't realize was how Fredrick had placed himself in a position to be a figurehead.
Yet worse for the world of Wizards Copypaste decided to break one of the sacred rules of wizardchan NO SEX, NO TALK OF WOMEN, even more, troublesome the Succubus who sapped Copypastes mana would trawl WizardChan as she furiously jilled to the suffering of Wizards (in an emotionally manipulative manner similar to how Zoe Quinn played the media by sending threats to herself via WizardChan, this was confirmed by Hotwheels and the later admin gla1ve / Fancy Bear / Cal Gruhlke who checked the IP's. in an odd blame game kiwi farms and Wizardchan pointed the finger at one another for the forged threats confirmed to have been made by Zoe herself in part launching the ever-dreaded boogeyman gamergate)
Now that copypaste had burnt his bridge to WizardChan he sought out a new site to lord over, on a mushroom induced drug trip Copypaste now Hothweels was struck with a notion "what if 4chan enabled board creation? a 4chan Reddit hybrid." it was with this thought he began to code 8chan.co hosted on the original CO domain as he came down off a high courtesy of his new failed Normalfag friends and Succubus who'd soon scorn Fredrick.
Funnily enough, his code was a slightly modified version of VICHAN. (his code would later be rewritten by null / Joshua Moon then known by Ibanz or Ntech.)
To show their appreciation to their new host /cow/ sent Hotwheels a present, one of the medallions Chris Chan made post-Coffee Keurig Fire.
now it may have been around this point Fredrick should've begun to realize as many others who have hosted this sordid madness in the past (@seanieb) it would soon go terrible, especially sincebegun a case can be made Fredrick had catered to madmen and the dregs amongst Netizens.

(It can be argued the creation of 8chan was necessary since m00t banned discussion on 2 subjects outright for the first time, The Fappening and Gamergate became verboten.)
Alas, his ego and unwanted self-importance were on full display. As part of his continued quest to "EMBRACE INFAMY" copypaste decided to give an interview to the infamous site Return Of The King's, a site notoriously alleged to have inspired the supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodgers interview here. (Elliot Rodgers thread here).
Fredrick also appeared on the Killstream hosted by Ethan Ralph in a reunion with Null before he later turned on him.

In a vain attempt to gain favor from the Normalfags he once shunned Fredrick decided to wage a holy war against Jim Watkins, this even after he helped copypaste achieve his goal of partnering with 2channel the father of 4chan.
Fredrick even went so far as to DDOs and dox Jim and Ron Watkins along with associates of the father and son pair.
Aubrey Kirtaner (admin of 420chan /b/tard self-proclaimed founder of anonymous and lolcow in his own right.) struck up a friendship with Fredrick in a quest to take down 8chan which had been renamed to 8kun at Fredricks's behest, the pair can be spotted chatting it up in the HBO documentary Q.

Fredrick can be found Alogging Cloudflare as he trades insults with null, even buddying up with Ethan Ralph (post-Simpspiracy) after his and nulls reunion on the Killstream.

EDIT: Fredrick Brennan responded to this very thread on his Twitter (Archive 1 & Archive 2) backup archive.
Fredricks' confirmation of his lolcow status came in the form of Fredrick conflating his inevitable death with the dox posted.
Desperate to one-up me Fredrick failed to acknowledge the Chadmin title for what it is, a glaive reference.
Fredrick even made an attempt to shame Kengel only for doing what he has done in the past host sites.

Fredrick is kinda active on YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7TyhD4OIvUyJSD1fw4JgPg (https://archive.ph/LeQKA)
Furry shit: https://meow.social/@copypaste/media (https://archive.ph/8vaHL)
Twitter: https://archive.fo/jBpWm
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredrick-brennan-494b67177 / https://archive.fo/cnYHm
Gitlab: https://archive.fo/p43D0
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/brennanfrederick/?hl=en
https://twitter.com/MFEKglif (https://archive.ph/rtbbz)
His website: https://mfek.org/ (https://archive.ph/AO6ai)
His YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7TyhD4OIvUyJSD1fw4JgPg/videos (https://archive.ph/FWCI3)
Wikipedia Editor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Psiĥedelisto (https://archive.ph/DSQPu)
His Mastodon account: https://mastodon.online/@copypaste (https://archive.ph/Jo95j)
Another Website: https://ctrlcctrlv.github.io/ (https://archive.ph/uvaRf)
Medium: https://fredrickbrennan.medium.com/ (https://archive.ph/2twd9)
The following tweets are from Fred's meltdown which he broadcasted on twitter.

Yet, as with most autists on the Internet (capital I) he decided to remove them when they didnt garner him any sympathy.
Although there is no need to fear, they were archived https://archive.vn/H32CJ

Now, you may wonder how based Hotwheels became so debased so wuick, well the answer is quite simple Fredrick has a criplling addiction to soy and fentenal.
8chan.moe is an Alt-Chan Jannie by Mark Mann and funded by Acidfag (of Gamergate infamy, the pair are somehow even more scuffed than m00t and WTCsnacks or even the duo of null & copypaste who sought to take over once discussion on the Fappening was deemed verboten.)
Recently when Mark Mann (board owner of /v/ and a paid Jannie under the Watkins regime) appeared alongside Fredrick Brennan and Aubrey Kirtaner (admin of 420chan and alleged founder of anonymous.) In a documentary about Q and fringe culture, this includes Wizchan, 8chan, incels, hackers, and 4chan.
This coupled with Julay.World banning loli put 8chan.moe under a lot of scrutiny from anons all across the webring.

8chan.moe / (a) is an outgrowth birthed from the ashes of 8chan proper founded by Fredrick Brennan.
Despite Acidfag and Mark Mann being Jewish themselves, one of the site's slogans is "Where loli is free speech and Hitler did nothing wrong" and in spite of Mark nearly having a meltdown over alleged antisemitic memes being an inspiration for a mass murderer who posted a manifesto on 8chan.
(Mark Mann /cow/ thread here) the board owner for 8chan /v/ during the height of /gamergate/.
One of the most important bits to know about Mark is his desperation to be a Jannie (Mark even used to have slap fights with null which often resulted in null DDoSing /v/ instead of coding infinity next).
Being a janitor is all Mark (who fun fact was blamed by a mass murderer in their manifesto) desires even after he was paid by Jim Watkins to test some nebulous code, all this after his failure to secure infinity next, similar to his feud with gook m00t this would go on for years.
Now it has been alleged with the funds Mark received for ostensibly being a Jannie he and Acidfag (Cole Lambert) bought the domain 8chan.moe & 8chan.se so he could be the board owner of /v/ once again.

Of course, the former 8chan was operated by Fredrick Brennan known to board fags as copypaste, yet once he decided to fully flirt with infamy Fredrick shed the copypaste persona and Hotwheels was born (Hotwheels when he wrote for the daily Stormer and surprise surprise no one got the joke) the other global mod was null or Joshua Conner Moon (who ran wizchan.org with Fredrick Brennan an imageboard focused on NEETs & loveshys)
When null made 9chan.tw (ran on the infamous infinity next software) Mark demanded loli for the board and full control over /v/ null said no since his experience with 8chan made him hate weebs.
There is a feud between the current iteration of /cow/ & 8chan.moe, the issue was addressed in part by gahoole the board owner for /tv/ on kiwifarms.net. screencaps below the graph.

Spotify: (https://open.spotify.com/user/slayermaiden666) (https://archive.md/WhUXI)
Facebook (same pic): (https://www.facebook.com/MarkMann447) (https://archive.ph/yqUmq)
Youtube: (https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkMann1) (https://archive.ph/ytQfW)
Old twitter (now locked): (https://twitter.com/SuperAnonymousX) (https://archive.ph/DfJfD)
Recent Twitter: (https://twitter.com/GunbusterX) (https://archive.ph/9iaSI)

Thread: https://8chan.se/v/res/371410.html
Archive: https://archive.md/ZybIq
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Fun fact: the archive.is of the original 8chan domain had to be wiped due to the amount of CP posted.
Also, for those not following the meta-drama of this thread Fredrick took 2 separate posts and in his drug induced stupor claimed the dox post and the "reserved for his death" post were related. Now to me this speaks to Fredrick guilty paranoid and vindictive mindset.
If you check the quotes in the Op they are sourced from Frerdrick himself, so if he is an issue with lies that's on him.
Plus an archive https://archive.ph/y4ED1
Frederick Brennan is a movie star. He is in the HBO Documentary
Q:Into the Storm
i mentioned it in the op, and even posted a clip.
In a vain attempt to gain favor from the Normalfags he once shunned Fredrick decided to wage a holy war against Jim Watkins, this even after he helped copypaste achieve his goal of partnering with 2channel the father of 4chan.
Fredrick even went so far as to DDOs and dox Jim and Ron Watkins along with associates of the father and son pair.
Aubrey Kirtaner (admin of 420chan /b/tard self-proclaimed founder of anonymous and lolcow in his own right.) struck up a friendship with Fredrick in a quest to take down 8chan which had been renamed to 8kun at Fredricks's behest, the pair can be spotted chatting it up in the HBO documentary Q.
View attachment 12485
Fredrick wrote an article for Wikipedia on Mariam Soulakiotis (Greek Orthodox Church): Isn't he Roman Catholic?

He's a fan of Jeopardy:

Career Coaching from Vanessa Lau? Her website: https://www.vanessalau.co/

His YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7TyhD4OIvUyJSD1fw4JgPg/videos (https://archive.ph/FWCI3)

Wikipedia Editor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Psiĥedelisto (https://archive.ph/DSQPu)

His Mastodon account: https://mastodon.online/@copypaste (https://archive.ph/Jo95j)

Another Website: https://ctrlcctrlv.github.io/ (https://archive.ph/uvaRf)

Medium: https://fredrickbrennan.medium.com/ (https://archive.ph/2twd9)