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Public Figure - Niche Fredrick Brennan / copypaste / Hotwheels / ctrlctrlv / chad thunderwheels

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
Oh, yeah, because having a self-proclaimed "leader" who's clearly high on illegal drugs is just the perfect recipe for success! I mean, who wouldn't trust someone like that to make 420Chan the pinnacle of internet excellence with their magical abilities? It's bound to be a wild ride!
I wonder if Kirtaner is still candidly posting his dirty laundry about his ex gf he abused and the kid he neglects. This is going to be a very interesting crossover, considering who both of these monkeys associate themselves with.
What confuses me the most is how he transformed from a good christian Typographer to this anthropomorphic adipose pumped pandan pandemonium? He's still a married theist but like he's also commissioning fatfur bara smut. It's really funny becuase he also has a deathfat fetish. Like I get the psychology of it (He wants control of his disability and the freedom for his genetic destiny while reaping the benefits of being babied by nurses with ropes and pullies but this time in his control ie; Eating so much slop he has more stretchmarks than he has stripes on his ring-tail, which he cannot do in his small stomached, metabolism of a gnome real life mortal shell) but it's still so funny that he wants to be a different type of cripple as a weigh down on society rather than a genetic freak of nature. Funny shit.
What confuses me the most is how he transformed from a good christian Typographer to this anthropomorphic adipose pumped pandan pandemonium? He's still a married theist but like he's also commissioning fatfur bara smut. It's really funny becuase he also has a deathfat fetish. Like I get the psychology of it (He wants control of his disability and the freedom for his genetic destiny while reaping the benefits of being babied by nurses with ropes and pullies but this time in his control ie; Eating so much slop he has more stretchmarks than he has stripes on his ring-tail, which he cannot do in his small stomached, metabolism of a gnome real life mortal shell) but it's still so funny that he wants to be a different type of cripple as a weigh down on society rather than a genetic freak of nature. Funny shit.
He's also a clown to boot. A furry one at best