Fredrick Brennan presents: BAD AT THE INTERNET
with co-host and co-jannie and co-founder of as well as former /v/ jannie Mark Mann. (wayback &
EDIT: I'm listening now and will take notes.
20 minutes in and the pair finally speaks.
7 to 8 minutes of tech incompetence and meandering.
hotwheels is compelled to go after jim watkins.
28 minutes in finally some lore talk.
29 minutes in Mark said "we allowed gamergate"
30 minutes in "jim, josh and ron all lying" mark said
31 mins in "he did get fucked over by jim" fred said "but josh is weird" mark added
34 mins "if ron was transparent he would be in jail" fred said
"jim is a cheap bastard, and kept spreading /pol/ shit" mark said
36 mins "the point of no return was with cloudflare" mark said
"i was able to prove what their next name was gonna be" fred said
37 mins fred goes in on jim watkins said he hosted CSAM this goes on for a while as cakejew piles on.
41 minutes "infinity next and josh moon" fred said i love how he has gone full ethan ralph.
46 mins in "jim wanted me to pay my own way to japan" mark said "i prolly wouldve been kidnapped ended up in the phillipines."
48 mins "if you want me to get spicy i think codex and acidfag fucked you over" fred replied
49 minutes in "i knew what i was getting into with 8moe" mark added frantically tries to add "i have a life"
52:34 mins in "a lot of media people point 8chan out, the community to be this incel boogeyman. but theyre just regular people" mar said
53:16 "it's true to say its just boomers and incels, right like?" fred said
"yeah, on 8kun not 8moe" mark clarified
55-56 mins in random song starts playing
57 minutes in "jim watkins wanted to mainstream 8chan with news plus" mark said
58 mins in "did he get this idea from the daily stormer"? fred asked