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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

  • General Discussion (Grab Bag)I am going through this to sort out the threads on where to put them. Some of the them are enough to make new communities and forums. Nothing is being deleted

Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

Elaine, known to simp for discord nonces, would like you to know that Emp is still in the crawl space of Elaine's misshapen bonce.
Elaine demonstrates how stupid she is. The dude literally said it there...
Hmmmm. Sounds like Elaine has snaked someone, and that someone is out to ruin Elaine. Best bet, grass her up to the Job Centre and or taxman. After all, it's what she says she would do (or get someone to do), that and SWATing, but that's passe.
If you were a right cunt, you could join N bub community pages and drop her pic, and how she simps for a guy who has killed a dog on purpose, and that she's a nonce. But as I as say, you'd have to be a right cunt to do that. Even those she's been asking for it.

Elaine glow-up
Elaine thinks that cooking is hard... because she's thick and lazy. How many, of the illegals working in high end eateries, do you think have qualifications in catering?
"Expect neither intimacy or fidelity"
Candidate of the ery Silly Party...
This again. Remember when she told vordrak she was deepfaked? Then told Plodwinson it was make up?
Oh dear. It's the "I'm too smart, that's why I'm a junkie", like her acting a retard online undermines her point.
SUre Jan...
Elaine forgets that she is not that honest, when it comes to providing personal info.
Elaine has had IRL implications but never in a way she meant.
I lost contact with one of my ex's but we reconnected over Christmas.
She's lost 95 pounds but gained a BPD diagnosis, and so the two years of observing Elaine have pretty much ruined any good faith optimism I could have placed in homegirl.
She came back telling me all kinds of overly wild stories that supposedly happened since we last spoke and I'm honestly thankful for the mental immune response I've developed after having kept up Elaine's every evolving head canon.
So thanks Elaine, you absolutely unhinged (ass)hole.
Boring bitches never become interesting, they just wear more glitter
You reckon she actually gave away any useful information about herself?
She was definitely drunk and being quiet silly but I'd more readily believe she was just reading off some random shit from Google maps while flagging Emp.
Lmao imagine making threats like swatting on Twitter. She's lucky people are not reporting her account to the authorities. Don't they have to give them your information if requested by law enforcement or something?
She's probably on 'oliday in Portugal, so would probably be a big headache to fuck with her like that for little pay off.
Also muh swatting is such an impotent threat when a 30 minute meeting with a cop of rank can cuck the bit forever.
In a round about way, swatters have increased the QoL for Americans by helping to tamper police over-response.
It is an impotent threat, but I've seen accounts gets suspended for making that type of threat too. Also for living in a place known for police over reaction herself she sure is over confident thinking none of this will catch up to her eventually when her public info is out there like that. UK loves arresting people for less.
UK loves arresting people for less.
People would have better odds of having the police intervene by collecting every VC where she's said the nigger word or insulted Islam.
As far as the swatting thing, if questioned she'd hand wave, point to her various fake diagnoses and explain she only calls in "wellness checks". Overall it's better to let her feel untouchable because she'll overplay her hand eventually and she does her "best" work when feeling overconfident
@Empresa while you spend time with family and girlfriend on New years Eve me and age play gang Chris Welkes and Corey Barnhill amongst other black pilled hackers flag down your account. Ahahahaha stay mad spic.
I can't wait to see you and your family dead and normally I would swat them but my hacker friends in age play gang have asked me to reserve all my swatting to Capy for the time being that vomit whore who released based Basils revenge porn.
Sorry Capy you picked the sex pest Empresa and leaked that very attractive testicle photo poor Rockso sent you and now your getting swatted for the holidays again.
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People would have better odds of having the police intervene by collecting every VC where she's said the nigger word or insulted Islam.
As far as the swatting thing, if questioned she'd hand wave, point to her various fake diagnoses and explain she only calls in "wellness checks". Overall it's better to let her feel untouchable because she'll overplay her hand eventually and she does her "best" work when feeling overconfident
That's pretty much what I was getting at. She said enough dumb things that I'm surprised they didn't do anything about her yet. Maybe if someone gets her to say “that's not my king" or something they would have more reason to go after her lmao :haha:
@Empresa while you spend time with family and girlfriend on New years Eve me and age play gang Chris Welkes and Corey Barnhill amongst other black pilled hackers flag down your account. Ahahahaha stay mad spic.
I can't wait to see you and your family dead and normally I would swat them but my hacker friends in age play gang have asked me to reserve all my swatting to Capy for the time being that vomit whore who released based Basils revenge porn.
Sorry Capy you picked the sex pest Empresa and leaked that very attractive testicle photo poor Rockso sent you and now your getting swatted for the holidays again.
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The cum shot PFP really brings this to a new level.