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  • General Discussion (Grab Bag)I am going through this to sort out the threads on where to put them. Some of the them are enough to make new communities and forums. Nothing is being deleted

Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

Elaine and her runny bottom. C'mon. Cinnamon is a spice. Disclaimer: Cinnamon is pretty dangerous, don't consume it raw like Ash Williams.
Emp is always rolling, Bob.
Nobody likes Elaine is the real reason
"Mr Gondola... are you aware of an Elaine Miller... she is the e-beard for... (checks clip board) a Mr Plodwinson"
"Ay carumba! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
"Hey, it's just all jokes..." A little too little, too late for some.
Many a true word spoken in jest. You have no idea how many Tulisa types want to play the knock out game with Elaine...
Elaine being compared to a SST bug.
Elaine puking her guts up, there. X on the work, unless she's been at the kerb crawlers again.
And the dog ate her homework too, Miss...
Elaine. Look at a tree, like stand about 6" from the tree, then close your eyes. Now do a head butt motion forward. That will answer your question. Equally, walk into the main road during the school run... with your eyes closed.
What Elaine likes to think men do. Probably because her Dad is a screaming mincer.
Elaine has been to Poundland
You r boss? The Armenian taxi driver with £20 note, slowing down to ask you for "directions"
Elaine is suffering from a touch of the Ventis
Elaine has problems reading more than a few words.
Men breathe collective sigh of relief... and it looks like she's losing simps like she's losing her looks
Is Chuckle-head fighting one, oooorrrrrr...
1. Elaine looks like a Deadite if Deadites did N-dub bints. 2. No advice you give PPP on diets is going to be taken seriously, see previous point: You aren't much healthier, tbf. And PPP isn't going to live past 44, because... esoteric comedy reasons.
It's not Elaine's fault she keeps simping for nonces, it's just... she's... like... catnip to them???
Very few people watch her streams, and no one ever has said they like them, unless it's "Ker-rist, you are a laughable excuse for a human being". She is right about being a loser
I know it's not a secret... but Ozzy has a porn addiction (going back to the mid 70s) just like Elaine. And Ozzy has been known to get his bum out...
Face mask... but not covid related... that means she wants to hide her mouth... either teeth or herpes flare up. Maybe both.
Plodwinson...? Oh yes, the other dead man...
Showing up at Biden's with a bomb would result in Gitmo Bay Vacationing. With joshy and stuporfied sausage munching Hun... it was more... Quiet... y'know?
Insomia= Drinking too much soda, staring too much at screen. And by meetings, she means signing on.
Bit of projection from Elaine.
Elaine, they mean you should just log off...
Elaine copes about being a retard... It's so dumb... all "People say this..." lists facts about her then "But other people say..." says things that only she has said. She got to talk about herself, it's the only thing she really likes doing. Not so much troons who BTFO E-lame. Still on Lidl Drip's dick. Still being ghosted by Plodwinson.
maybe one day someone will believe her bs..
Seems like Elaine has been closer to fucking kids herself and keeps a menagerie of pedophiles as well.

Accusations are always admissions when there is no hard evidence to back it up. Thankfully Elaine provides proof she's the real pedo each and every day.
Meanwhile" _Trollcow_ also appears to be active in the doxxing community, and openly admitted to doxxing, threatening to dox, and publicly posting sexually explicit pictures of other users"
"Appears". THis is the bit from...
Elaine fails to deny she's a nonce, there.
The femcel myth that women "create life", some what NPD behaviour.
Citation that the broom has lost weight. I don't think he's streamed himself since he tried to make out his phone weighed the same as his arse. Lucky for Gunt the booze was going to kill him, so he had to stop.
He still admitted to killing a dog.
E-lame losing it, there.
The femcel myth that women "create life", some what NPD behaviour.
Citation that the broom has lost weight. I don't think he's streamed himself since he tried to make out his phone weighed the same as his arse. Lucky for Gunt the booze was going to kill him, so he had to stop.
He still admitted to killing a dog.
E-lame losing it, there.
Who will murder Elaine in the murder suicide? I'm still saying pimp.
Some women do get mistaken for men, tho. Plus: Elaine doesn't actually reply to Rainy, and the dirty old man (who is totz real) didn't say whether he knew you were a boy or a girl. He could have (if he was real) thought Elaine was a man. She looks like one (Tim Roth)
Inc because there is video of Gunt begging Chris Chan to come on his "shitty show". They'd both eat shit and say it tasted good if it meant Koomstar throwing them the merest of clout crumbs. Also: Elaine is bald.
Having picked up the expression The lady doth... from somewhere, Elaine fails to realise "I will dox and swat you" is a popular phrase in the sektur, as it is as a threat, I think that's why a lot of people join. It's a very Guntian phrase. He certainly likes to dox...
Not suddenly, Elaine. You know that. You were a locow. Always have been.
"Secret hacker spies". Ker and if you will Ringe.
Family hotel in Sicily= Room in HMO in NW London owned by a parjeet
Is that bed bug bites? Most likely, considering her lack of hygene, but if anyone knows better...
Is that bed bug bites? Most likely, considering her lack of hygene, but if anyone knows better...
Hm. That's possibly hives but maybe scabies? Bed bugs are fairly large insects, especially compared to a scabie, and they tend to bite in clusters. For the amount of spots on her bed bugs would have to be literally crawling on every surface.
She could have easily caught scabies slutting it up in a hotel. Here's a map of where scabies tend to congregate on the body. Seems to fit
"Brotherly Love Relief Truth Temperance Fortitude" These are ALL five pillars of Freemasonary.
"This includes restraint from revenge by practicing mercy and forgiveness, restraint from arrogance by practicing humility and modesty, restraint from excesses such as extravagant luxury or splurging, restraint from overindulgence in food and drink, and restraint from rage or craving by practicing calmness and equanimity"
Hmmmmmm. Doesn't really sound like Elaine... or the Sektur, tbh.
First Blood Pt 2 Elaine, there.
Who knows... in a few decades, it might be E-lame banged up abroad. nfn, Cucker Tarlson, has he played a masterstroke, using Gondola? I demand that The Cucker interview Plodwinson. Or at least watch the streams Plodz did. I think Cucker needs that.
I bet he's having the time of his life. He still, no doubt, has die hard paypigs, and an oz of snout over there goes even further.
By insects, does she mean the ones infesting her hovel?
>In two Masonic lodges
What a fucking retard. So is she admitting to being a tranny since the Freemasons are male only? If she's claiming to be part of the UK's Order of Women of Freemasons then fine, that's believable. But they're also a splinter group and not recognized by actual Masonic lodges, so it's just some broads larping.
My guess with her skin is Hand Foot Mouth Disease, but I'm not an expert.
My guess with her skin is Hand Foot Mouth Disease, but I'm not an expert.
She made mention that she might be wearing a mask if she streamed.
Ahhhhh. I get it. Elaine feels threatened by her, because Elaine is jealous that the pedo's won't shield her. Elaine loves surrounding herself with nonces,
TFW you know "context" isn't necessary
Great come back there, Elaine.
Elaine appreciates the sentiment... and wants them to PM her... and wants you to know.
While E-lame is sympathetic... it's not about herself, and she hates that some woman is getting the brooms attention and she isn't. Oh and some BS about being harassed.
Again, Elaine makes it about herself. nfn, not being a cunt really does help, if you don't have obscene wads of dosh, joshy has failed to understand this. And you've got to wonder... if Farrow is so innocent... what the fuck is she doing going on stream with the broom?
A Elaine hate troons because most of them past better than her.
B Elaine who has threated to and claimed to have SWAT people... wonders why people don't like her.
The squit is from April. April.