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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Yes. E-lame, the eternal 8th grader brain, has gone with the "You must fancy me, if you are making fun of me..." Elaine must have a real boner for SP, huh?
I'm sure everyone online believes you Elaine...
Chalk capsule? Really... I mean... yes, I can accept that Elaine bought a bit of chalk thinking it was drugs. She's stupid and a junky like that.
Also: Elaine thinks that ghetto posing is "based".
You don't have a job.
Did anyone say they were? Defection, there.
The hag is complaining about fags...
She mentioned it. He's copying HG this time. TBF I'm not going to watch it. Unlike Elaine, she won't be able to resist.
Bored shut in there.
"Miiiiiissssss! Miiiisssssssss!" Elaine at her pick-me-ninnying best.
btw Chaya is talking about Lorenz whining she can't discuss (shill for) certain subjects
Cilla? Ginger who had a fall, hit her head, and didn't get up every again. Cilla saw all sorts of things as hyper for the Beatles. Elaine doesn't know anything, but still, a lot of people in NW London would like to see her sparko on the pavement.
Elaine too stupid to understand that Kwiffar is saying "Necrophilia is preferable to schtuping Elaine Miller".
Wogwinson isn't getting back to E-lame.
Elaine wants you to believe that an author wrote a scene about a woman being beaten up... and the woman was based on her? Elaine, again with the wanting to associate herself with violence being done upon her self. Mental.
It's not really working, is it?
All Elaine wants to talk about... is Elaine.
Could be talking about E-lame, tho...
"You don't need men to raise children" I believe that was Suzi Leather, the kind of person that infested the Londonistan council that enabled the Marxist death of the family that Elaine now suffers from.
Again, what's Elaine a victim of?
Elaine, who is jealous of women with curves, there...
As you aren't a boy... yeah, prolly safe.
Anonnymoose discord server. Oh the cringe of it
Elaine is a tard... JF likes tards...
Wot tits?
Yer not alone there, Elaine. No Doubt
Sez bint who will link you to her porn (even if you are a minor...)
Apart from the ones you admit fucked you over...
Elaine lectures men on not being able to distinguish between fact and fiction.
You'd think Ash has been slidin' in E-lame's DMs.
It's obvz not a link to an actual stream up coming, ans also: Paggerz isn't what would be described as RadFem. btw Camille did a very interesting critique of a Star Wars movie. Much, much, much better than Greedowinson.
Which man do you think it is she wants to "trigger"? Paterwinson?
It was a Flaming Gaymo stream. He doesnt know his wymbymizm. Not surprising. He married a troon looking woman, and is the bottom for a nonce.
Chuckles... who doesn't know any jokes
Sounds like "Herd Mentality"
And this relates to Ingsoc, how?
What is it that Elaine is being censored over, eh?
She admits to having a personality disorder, tho...
THere is only one HQ, the original...
All other HQs are Pick-Me-Ninnies, no more, no less. Arleen Sorkin btw.
Elaine is seriously deluded if she thinks some rice nibbler business man is going to pay her for anything... not like Kia Stevens.
Wot content? She doesn't YT since a tranny bullied her
Sam and the broom both seem to be thin skinned faggots that would get PO'd at the drop of a hat.
The dude is creepy and has ulterior motives. D'uh. Also: Elaine thinks Plodwinson is creepier than Vordrak...
Yeah, ok... Elaine thinks that ADHD people (her) are actually really smart, smarter than you, but accepts that she acts like a tard.
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Mandate? Shurely it means moderate...
"Feelings... nothing more than... feelings... tryna forget my feelings... of love
Elaine makes it about herself... banned from Onion Farms... yeah, it's like the Catholic Church and Galileo, innit.
"Tear drops... rolling..."
After gloat squitting the times she got blocked... does Elaine admit she was harassing people?
Remember when Asexual meant "(of reproduction) not involving the fusion of gametes"?
Ooooooor... nobody believes you are asexual, because you were thirsting after Plodwinson, until he ghosted you, and you went all femcel (again). If you have low libido, is because you have a shit diet, sit on your arse all day, and fap too much. Oh and smack too.
Obvious troll account. However, the word virgin could be translated as just very young. You know Catholics, tho...
E-lame soliciting fap material.
Clout chasing Elaine throwing rocks, from the comfort of her glasshouse.
Beef Curtains Elaine is upset at people making jokes about her cunt... after posting it for everyone to see.
Talking about Grossly. I guess she can't stand the sound of her own voice.
You Shermans won't understand how common as muck E-lame is by admitting to eating FR. It's like the Lambrini of Chocs (crap that thick, not rich bint think is classy)
Cue Upper Class Twit of the Year skit...
Bet she's never heard Frank Gallop.
As a child, Elaine had no social skills, and sounded like a mong... Plus ca change...
Asexual Elaine there.
Own it, that's the best thing.
Elaine thinks that sharing underage nudes is a jailable offence. She'll be talking to Gunt about it...
Wacko conspiracy theories? You got bullied off YT by a troon. Plus you're lazy, and thick so can only do low ball stuff like the Flaming Gaymo.
Enemies. I wonder if she includes the Chicken Joint girls who scream abuse at her when she gallumps past them.
Elaine. No job. No BF. No class.
Wouldn't it be funny if Elaine wasn't the most boring person on the planet?
"Am I full retard, or..."
What do you think?
"I was only pretending to be retarded"
Elaine really looking like a skag head
Fellow smack head saying that E-lame "riles up the right people". btw, all the people she mentioned... not as unpopular as E-lame. As about as popular as a fire at an orphanage.
Elaine... who ruined her own life by "leaking" her porn, there.
E-lame's YT channel...
THe character is actually quite sporty, acrobat shit n that. I've only seen the Animated Series (where she first appeared) and Suicide Squad, but I'm not aware of any scene with her crying over how Chris Chan is allowed to fuck his Mum, blah blah blah.
Again, I watched Mrs Eddie Monsoon's sit com... It's claimed by Lynne Franks to be based on her life, tho, I don't think Saunders would agree. However, Franks life is similar to the main character, and indeed there is a strong similarity between Franks and Monsoon. Elaine is more similar to Patsy. WHo is a drug addled viper... only she was a model. Something Elaine will never be.
Elaine complains that she has to put up with people pointing out she's full of shit and needs to log off.