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Debate user SSj_Ness about rape..

Post proof pedo.
When did you lose your joy, sir?

Jesus Christ, can't I have a little bit of fun whilst you act like harpies toward each other?
You're the one who seems to not enjoy posting on this thread so no point in torturing yourself. You're interrupting the flogging and ruining the fun by complaining.
Reason: I don't care for horny posts either.
You only white knight ssjness because you share his autistic views about abortion. Abortion is based.
I'm not knighting anything or anybody I think you and SSj and the dude with 80,000 names are all fucking lame for participating in the Salem pedo trials.

You hear that @SSj_Ness

I think you're lame too for participating in this ridiculous thread.

I don't think I've ever white knighted for that guy I've merely joked around with them when it didn't pertain to retarded shit like this thread.
I would rather fail spectacularly at shitposting on a joke website than try to be the serious intellectual type on a joke website. No I don't know what your gimmick is and I don't care. Do you know what mine is? I shitpost and spam pictures of Anne Hathaway. Do you really think you're ever going to trick me into getting into some "serious discourse" with you where you can defeat me with your intellectual might? I'm probably just going to end an argument by posting a picture of two dogs fucking that makes me laugh and move on.
I can't stop thinking of CP, put a bullet in my skull!

View attachment 52443
If you insist.

This thread BLOWS.

I'm casting a naked Asian spell:


View attachment 52449
@Crimson Fucker has conditioned me on this site to automatically assume every image is a tranny, my brain had to adjust to it just being a normal girl's boobs :story:


You're the one who seems to not enjoy posting on this thread so no point in torturing yourself. You're interrupting the projection and ruining the fun by complaining.
Aw, too bad little pedo

You only white knight ssjness because you share his autistic views about abortion. Abortion is unironically based.
The guy who posts about pedophilia constantly and about killing babies would love abortion.

No I don't know what your gimmick is and I don't care.
His gimmick is being an """ironic""" pedophile.
His gimmick is being an """ironic""" pedophile.
Unlike you. Note you have a CF quote. I assume you condone his copypasta? Y'see, I've provided a reasoned argument as to why I have come to certain conclusions. You haven't.

Still, enjoy getting groomed by the sock wanker nonce, you seem to be getting along real fine. Maybe you can hop on that 4chan dating site...