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Debate user SSj_Ness about rape..

Was this whole back and forth just a way for you to prove Null isn't perfect
No. Stop being such a faggot. It was to show 1. joshy isn't the person you think. 2. You are retarded
Lol as if I ever doubted that, nobody's perfect, least of all a centrist. I just think specific accusations require specific proof.
Ummmm. You failed to realise the broom lies to you. Because you are retarded.
To my knowledge
Lol. Haven't I just proved that your knowledge of anything is shit? Oh yeah I did. And that joshy was lying. You are such a cucked dinlo.

You failed to address anything I said, just to with the bs line "he was a minor..." Sure. Apart from the broom is a known liar. But for some strange reason you can't acknowledge that. Are you brain washed?
No. Stop being such a faggot. It was to show 1. joshy isn't the person you think. 2. You are retarded

Ummmm. You failed to realise the broom lies to you. Because you are retarded.
He isn't the person I think he is? You have this false preconceived notion that I think much of him as a person at all, I hardly know shit about him and don't really care tbh.

It seems like you just want me to say negative things about him, and I'll oblige if it'll make you happy. I think it's fucked up to tell people to kill themselves over trivial shit, I think he's a jerk to people for no reason even when they're nice to him (like recommending anime to him), and it's immoral to leave up the "watch people die thread". Happy? Those are bigger issues to me than some boring payment processor shit.

Lol. Haven't I just proved that your knowledge of anything is shit? Oh yeah I did. And that joshy was lying. You are such a cucked dinlo.
You "proved" what I admitted already lol. I don't follow lolcows, staff, or anyone else aside from a few users I hate/like, that includes Null. I don't even interact with him. He's just an admin to me like any other from the dozens of forums I've used, I'm not trying to be his buddy or have him as my edaddy, and he doesn't even like me which he's made clear.

You failed to address anything I said, just to with the bs line "he was a minor..." Sure. Apart from the broom is a known liar. But for some strange reason you can't acknowledge that. Are you brain washed?
Instances of lying doesn't make you a liar about everything, especially not about something serious. Are you suggesting you've never lied before?

And like I said, I'm pretty sure he's lying about thinking I'm Eris, so I'm under no illusion that he's completely honest.
ou have this false preconceived notion that I think much of him as a person at all,
No. That's just retarded cope.
I hardly know shit about him and don't really care tbh.
We know that you hardly know shit about him (or anything else), you've been demonstrating it.
It seems like you just want me to say negative things about him, and I'll oblige if it'll make you happy.
No. Again, that is you coping. We pointed out all the things joshy did, and you can't acknowledge. Stop this, hey I don't really care BS, if that were true you wouldn't be here making a tit out of yourself, would you?

You have literally said "I don't understand why it's so important joshy lied to the State Dept". All you can do, is wait until you think I'm not online and post "No, it isn't". Because you are intellectually impaired.

You still can't bring yourself to say "Yes. joshy told a stupid lie, that is strong evidence that the shit he gets is self inflicted, and the kwiffar are nigger tier idiot for funding him". Why do you think that is?
No. That's just retarded cope.

We know that you hardly know shit about him (or anything else), you've been demonstrating it.
Cope how, for what? I have nigh zero investment in the subject. If it wasn't for him barely tolerating my presence on KF then I wouldn't have the modicum of respect for him I do. Check back with me after my inevitable ban for an update.

No. Again, that is you coping. We pointed out all the things joshy did, and you can't acknowledge. Stop this, hey I don't really care BS, if that were true you wouldn't be here making a tit out of yourself, would you?
It's not bs, it's the truth. Not sure how I'm making a tit of myself, for what? Not thinking he's Satan because of some financial misconduct (which is what I'm assuming you're suggesting, otherwise idk why his payment processor matters)? That's not good but I can't give a fuck.

Let me know when he supports LGBT or pedophiles or plans to vote for Biden, then I'll condemn him even more than you.

You have literally said "I don't understand why it's so important joshy lied to the State Dept". All you can do, is wait until you think I'm not online and post "No, it isn't". Because you are intellectually impaired.
Doesn't sound like it matters to me. He might get in trouble by the sound of it, so he's foolish, but it's not a severe moral trangression to falsify financial info to the government. Cry me a fucking river.

You still can't bring yourself to say "Yes. joshy told a stupid lie, that is strong evidence that the shit he gets is self inflicted, and the kwiffar are nigger tier idiot for funding him". Why do you think that is?
Sure, it seems like a stupid lie, but what do you mean specifically by "that is strong evidence that the shit he gets is self inflicted"? What correlation is there between that admittedly stupid lie and his other problems? Trannies want KF shutdown and it isn't because of his payment processor :story:
Y'mean, taking money to sweep for Diddler "Cuties is ok" Dax? Which you already know he did. Yet are still acting like he didn't. Ok then
but it's not a severe moral trangression to falsify financial info to the government
The IRS would disagree with you. Lying about your taxes is one of the most serious things you can do.

Notice: You haven't come over here (during your ban, you got for being a spaz) to ask questions about ANY OTHER COW. Why? Why, if you are so unconcerned, asking about ONLY joshy?

Also notice your leftist thinking "It didn't happen... ok it did happen, but not as much... ok so it did, but ITS A GOOD THING AND HERES WHY".

Kwiffar through and throug
Y'mean, taking money to sweep for Diddler "Cuties is ok" Dax? Which you already know he did. Yet are still acting like he didn't. Ok then
I'm supposed to know who Diddler Dax is? Just tell me faggot, stop playing games.

The IRS would disagree with you. Lying about your taxes is one of the most serious things you can do.
Oh, of that I'm sure. I don't personally give a shit, it's the IRS' problem.

Notice: You haven't come over here (during your ban, you got for being a spaz) to ask questions about ANY OTHER COW. Why? Why, if you are so unconcerned, asking about ONLY joshy?
I came not during a ban but during KF's downtime a while back, it's why I joined. I don't really care about lawlcows. What did I ask about Null exactly? You're trying to frame it like I'm following him closely for some reason, extremely weird.

Also notice your leftist thinking "It didn't happen... ok it did happen, but not as much... ok so it did, but ITS A GOOD THING AND HERES WHY".

Kwiffar through and throug
My leftist thinking? You're schizophrenic LOL. I fucking hate leftists. And I never said "it didn't happen", I said I didn't know. If you and your hate boner for him are telling the truth then he's clearly an idiot for lying to the IRS. Did you expect me to actually say that is smart? :story:
I'm supposed to know who Diddler Dax is?
For someone who claims "I think joshy is alright" you really haven't done your research.
Oh, of that I'm sure. I don't personally give a shit, it's the IRS' problem.
ANd the brooms. btw, what you just did there was "Yeah, but not bovvered". Like a bint
I came not during a ban but during KF's
You are here now because you are temp banned, right? That's why the same time you stopped post on Commie Farms, you started posting here.

You keep avoiding the subject: Is joshy honest. Now, if you think that joshy is "alright", and I'm quoting you here, you think it's alright to collect money under false pretenses. You think it's ok to whack off to Neko Shota (that's what joshy did, and as he is a liar, we can assume that he never stopped). You also think it's ok to collect CSAM for a project that never happened (pretty sus).

All you do is move goal posts, ignoring questions that you don't want to deal with. Like, why the fuck do you think joshy is about free speech when you yourself have pointed out he bans people for spiteful reasons? You did say that you thought he was about free speech (only when it involves Cat Boi kiddie porn, only drawings THO!) when he bans people for pointing out he's lying?

Oh, that's right, because you decided to be a tard and row back what you said, trying to pivot. You are no different from Vaush.

Can you acknowledge that 1. joshy lied 2. lying is something the Abrahamic God does not like. Can you do that? You have failed to do so, so far...

Or will the pull a Dynlo (convicted baby raper, you still haven't got a clue, bet you're too shit scared to ask kwiffar, aren't you) and just say "Hur... I wuz PRETENDING"?
For someone who claims "I think joshy is alright" you really haven't done your research.
So I can't think anybody is okay without doing research first? You are unhinged and autistic. And you still refuse to just be direct and just explain for some reason.

ANd the brooms. btw, what you just did there was "Yeah, but not bovvered". Like a bint
Whatever this gibberish means.

You are here now because you are temp banned, right? That's why the same time you stopped post on Commie Farms, you started posting here.
No, I just took a minor break from there. I actually made a profile post earlier if you look at my activity.

You keep avoiding the subject: Is joshy honest. Now, if you think that joshy is "alright", and I'm quoting you here, you think it's alright to collect money under false pretenses.
I literally said:

I'm under no illusion that he's completely honest.
And I never said "it's alright to collect money under false pretenses", you lying cock sucker. What's with you retards? You worthless rejects put words in people's mouths and read into shit that was not said. It's wrong to lie to the IRS but it's not the equivalent of murder or rape, your venomous hatred for that fat retard is driving you mad.

You think it's ok to whack off to Neko Shota (that's what joshy did, and as he is a liar, we can assume that he never stopped).
Quote me or kill yourself. I always tell the lolifags they're degenerate on KF, see for yourself.

You also think it's ok to collect CSAM for a project that never happened (pretty sus).
I don't even know what the fuck project you're talking about, you schizophrenic retard.

All you do is move goal posts, ignoring questions that you don't want to deal with. Like, why the fuck do you think joshy is about free speech when you yourself have pointed out he bans people for spiteful reasons?
Because he is, relative to any other noteworthy forum. Find me one fucking forum with a sizable, active userbase where I can talk about video games and shit on abortionists and porn addicts and say nigger, faggot, and retard. It's not a rhetorical request, DO IT, because I'll join.

You did say that you thought he was about free speech (only when it involves Cat Boi kiddie porn, only drawings THO!) when he bans people for pointing out he's lying?
He basedly shits on the lolifags and doesn't allow porn to be posted, so you're a dipshit.

Oh, that's right, because you decided to be a tard and row back what you said, trying to pivot. You are no different from Vaush.
So because I think you're demented and I don't cry myself to sleep over Josh's IRS scandal that means I'm literally Vaush? :story:

Can you acknowledge that 1. joshy lied
You didn't post a lick of proof, but sure, he's at the very least lied about me and I don't doubt he has lied about other stuff and will in the future.

You never answered me. Have you ever lied?

2. lying is something the Abrahamic God does not like. Can you do that?

You have failed to do so, so far...

Or will the pull a Dynlo (convicted baby raper, you still haven't got a clue, bet you're too shit scared to ask kwiffar, aren't you) and just say "Hur... I wuz PRETENDING"?
Why don't you just tell me all about it instead, faggot?
SSj nonce, is a guy... follow me here... who will proclaim his "absolute" support for the broom, he will admit he made this post.

Do we all understand this? This means ssj nonce "absolutely" supports the broom lying. He supports the broom giving money to some bloke who couldn't be arsed to defend himself, meaning he was guilty of what he was accused of. This bloke who said "Stick your fines up your arse".

The broom is giving fuck knows how much money to this bloke... and ssj nonce "absolutely" supports this. Ofc... ssj nonce hasn't actually given any of his (Mother's) money to the broom...

So... to recap: ssj nonce "absolutely" supports the broom, but he doesn't really care about the broom... in fact he admits he knows nothing about the broom at all. And hasn't actually put his (Mother's) money where his slack jawed mouth is.

But it is us "Onioneers" who are stupid... not ssj nonce who supports "absolutely" the broom... without doing any research on this person, he has said he will give his (Mother's) money to a guy who swept up it for Diddler Dax. That's because he is too stupid to go to Commie Farms and type in Diddler Dax, it's too much hard work to read. He wants people to waste their time doing the work for him... just for him to say "Nah, don't like it".

You think with all the time he spends online, he might do a bit of due dil. Just proclaiming "absolute" support for some bloke you don't know... who is a janny, on a website with a Snuff Thread... saying you will paypig (even if you are too poor IRL to do it)... that's sad... that's something a shut in retard would do...



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SSj nonce, is a guy... follow me here... who will proclaim his "absolute" support for the broom, he will admit he made this post.

Do we all understand this? This means ssj nonce "absolutely" supports the broom lying. He supports the broom giving money to some bloke who couldn't be arsed to defend himself, meaning he was guilty of what he was accused of. This bloke who said "Stick your fines up your arse".

The broom is giving fuck knows how much money to this bloke... and ssj nonce "absolutely" supports this. Ofc... ssj nonce hasn't actually given any of his (Mother's) money to the broom...

So... to recap: ssj nonce "absolutely" supports the broom, but he doesn't really care about the broom... in fact he admits he knows nothing about the broom at all. And hasn't actually put his (Mother's) money where his slack jawed mouth is.

But it is us "Onioneers" who are stupid... not ssj nonce who supports "absolutely" the broom... without doing any research on this person, he has said he will give his (Mother's) money to a guy who swept up it for Diddler Dax. That's because he is too stupid to go to Commie Farms and type in Diddler Dax, it's too much hard work to read. He wants people to waste their time doing the work for him... just for him to say "Nah, don't like it".

You think with all the time he spends online, he might do a bit of due dil. Just proclaiming "absolute" support for some bloke you don't know... who is a janny, on a website with a Snuff Thread... saying you will paypig (even if you are too poor IRL to do it)... that's sad... that's something a shut in retard would do...

Lotta words to say "I can't prove my claims". Since you refuse to even explain some of them like this Dax shit which is quite possibly a de lm fusion of your unwell mind, drop the Null obsession and prove your claims about me. The only thing you said that's true is I'm poor, but when I have some spare money I'll chip in.

You should really consider drinking bleach.
refuse to even explain
I "feel" (in a founding farters way) the answer is self explanatory. You're a guy who wants to give money who swept for someone you are too scared and/or stupid to search. Type Diddler Dax NP2 joshy into the search. You've yet to prove I've lied. All you've done is pivot from "Absolutely" supporting the broom (your words, you admitted them) in his lolsuit. You have to admit you absolutely support everything he does. You obviously support him blindly. You admit you know nothing about him. Yet you are happy to give him money. You are ok with (and will rationalize) the lack of transparency thus far. After all... you haven't called him out on anything he has ever done, that you would call out in other people.
drop the Null obsession and prove your claims about me.
That's Elaine coded, that is. "Yer juz weljel an Oobbbsseesssed". I'm not the one swearing "absolute" support for someone they know fuck all about. SOunds like you're the one with the parasocial relationship.

Me? I'm shit posting, having a laugh at lolcows, that's what the site's about. I'm doing it right now. And the cow is too stupid to realize.

I have "absolutely" proved my point, you just refuse to accept the conclusions. (You are retarded and a nonce).
Type Diddler Dax NP2 joshy into the search.
You're the one who brought it up, you're insane if you think I care enough about your lunatic ramblings to go on a wild goose chase, just explain or shut the fuck up. You're lucky I'm bothering to even reply to you.

You have to admit you absolutely support everything he does.
Whatever you say, take your meds.

You obviously support him blindly.
You just want me to condemn him blindly, not even elaborating on your schizo accusations.

You admit you know nothing about him. Yet you are happy to give him money.
I know what he said in that post, and I know he was telling the truth in that instance, because I've never once seen illegal content hosted on KF, and since the company making the accusations didn't provide proof AND rescinded their accusation it sure seems like he was correct, huh retard? I bet it fucking KILLS you :story:

you haven't called him out on anything he has ever done, that you would call out in other people.
First of all, I'm not calling him out over fucking IRS bulkshit because I'm not retarded.

Second, I'd call him out of he voiced support for porn, abortion, gun control, open borders, or any other shit I actually care about. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE IRS. NOT. ONE. BIT. He's a fool for swindling them if true, but it's not a big deal to me. If you take that as support for him, go ahead faggot.

That's Elaine coded, that is.
Guess I should know who that is too. What a fucking loser you are to have encyclopedic knowledge of all these nobody lawlcows.

SOunds like you're the one with the parasocial relationship.
Ok retard. I don't follow his streams or stalk him around the forum. I literally don't care if he disappears but keeps KF running from the shadows. Don't project your loser obsession with him onto me.

I'm shit posting, having a laugh at lolcows, that's what the site's about.
Boring. I stayed at KF for games and politics mainly. Imagine caring about cows, especially when you seem like a milky one yourself lol

I have "absolutely" proved my point, you just refuse to accept the conclusions. (You are retarded and a nonce).
Prove it or you're just projecting your noncery. Shoot yourself in the head.
if you think I care enough about your lunatic ramblings to go on a wild goose chase,
Then why are you still entering into this? I'm obviously trolling you. You have been stupid (you said you absolutely supported the broom, lick lick kiss kiss, get that nose nice and brown ssj nonce, then rowed back on that when it's been pointed out what a twat the broom is), you are now being mocked for it, and you are (in cow fashion) trying to style it out.

You decided to profess Absolute support. You can't deny that. Being retarded and telling people to kill themselves, that's sad and/or pathetic.

It's not a come back is it? It's just an indicator of how angry (ergo how emotionally invested you are, even if you are too retarded to earn your own money and have to rely on you Mum. Because that's evident by now, right?) you are. Why are you so angry about people making fun of a liar like joshy monger coon? I've proved what a liar he is, but you don't want to accept that.

Why did you go from "absolutely" supporting joshy (for ass pat stickers) to "Well, not really bothered" when people answered your questions about the broom. Ie WHy do you think the broom is 1. Dishonest 2. A nonce. Everyone provided reasonable evidence to back the argument. You agree if we were talking about a "libtard" you'd agree with points 1 and 2.

This is the thing. The discussion is over, my case is much stronger than yours. You admit you know practically nothing about the broom, you haven't disproved any of my points (in fact you've deflected).

Dude, you're not some edgy guy "sticking to the libs", you're a faggot LARPer, simping for a nonce and his hugbox. Dude, stay away from the Hare Krishna van, you'll never be seen again.
I know you're not gonna back up a single thing you say about me
You mean "I know that I admitted to "absolutely" supporting the broom, and that's destroyed my argument, I'm just cop out and say "La la la la I can't hear you".

You admitted you wanted to give money that you "absolutely" support, but you aren't really interested in lolcows or joshy... but you will say you will give him money (you won't tho, will you?) You know nothing about him, but sure he's "alright", you don't seem to have a problem with him lying (very feminine trait btw). All of this is admitted by you. In this thread. That's why you are a retarded nonce.
You mean "I know that I admitted to "absolutely" supporting the broom, and that's destroyed my argument, I'm just cop out and say "La la la la I can't hear you".

You admitted you wanted to give money that you "absolutely" support, but you aren't really interested in lolcows or joshy... but you will say you will give him money (you won't tho, will you?)
I don't hate KF like you do, I want it to thrive, i don't care about "da brooooooom", I care about having a forum to post in.

You know nothing about him, but sure he's "alright", you don't seem to have a problem with him lying (very feminine trait btw). All of this is admitted by you. In this thread.
All I care about is his politics, wake me up when he disagrees with me, then I'll own him like everyone else.

That's why you are a retarded nonce.
This is why I don't believe shit you say, no proof and a projecting liar. Post proof pedo.
I don't hate KF like you do, I want it to thrive, i don't care about "da brooooooom", I care about having a forum to post child porn in.

All I care about is his his CP stash, wake me up when he post new stuff with me, then I'll fap like everyone else in kf.

This is why I am a pedo.

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