Baby Onion
I edited the article in that instance you very mad retardHe's getting pissy at people who support abortion for raped children and editing their comments
I edited the article in that instance you very mad retardHe's getting pissy at people who support abortion for raped children and editing their comments
Dude, a whole page of you taking an unhinged stance on child rape and THIS is the only thing you have to say?I edited the article in that instance you very mad retard![]()
This place is pretty fucked up to think being anti-child rape is unhinged.Dude, a whole page of you taking an unhinged stance on child rape and THIS is the only thing you have to say?
You have some serious misplaced priorities.
Typically people don't classify considering the murder of a baby as being worse than rape to be weird, at least sane people don't.Another weird take about rape...
.... You just showed your hand, dude.This place is pretty fucked up to think being anti-child rape is unhinged.
Yeah, a baby shouldn't be killed no matter how it was conceived unless it's medically necessary. I definitely showed my hand there, wanna see it again?The stance that is "unhinged" is your repeated insistence that said child who was raped should not be allowed to abort the rape-baby.
That's terrible, yes, even if you didn't put it in caps I'd agree.SHE'S A RAPE VICTIM. SHE IS A CHILD.
Yes, and babies should not be killed. Period.CHILDREN SHOULD NOT HAVE BABIES. PERIOD.
Appeal to motive fallacy.And let's not even pretend you're taking this extreme stance out of any genuine morals or ethic.
That's not all it's about, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a huge factor. Like damn near half... Let's say it's 51% anti-infanticide & 49% owning the libs.For you its all about "owning the libs."
This was pretty funny, nglIf the libs suddenly decided they were anti-abortion, you would flip on a dime and be all like "they should've killed Peanut in the first month!"
Judge! He has three Ace of Spades!I definitely showed my hand there, wanna see it again?
Yeah I've never really had much to do with the whole "defining what constitutes life" aspect of the abortion debate.You showed yours too, thankfully, you conceded it's a baby and not a bullshit "clump of cells" or such. So you support killing babies.
Luckily you needn't worry about that as it's settled, undisputed science. Instead libtards try to shift the goalposts from science to the philosophical notion of "personhood".Yeah I've never really had much to do with the whole "defining what constitutes life" aspect of the abortion debate.
Mercy killings could then be extended to whoever we want. The disabled or elderly are next in line for society's "mercy".I mean, I get it. Life is sacred, people are against killing and murder, etc. And they want to reconcile that with being fine with abortion.
I have no patience for such things.
If someone needs a moral justification, this case already presents one: there is such a thing as "mercy killing."
Why does what you said remind me of this?Mercy killings could then be extended to whoever we want. The disabled or elderly are next in line for society's "mercy".
As opposed to abortion you mean? Certainly, though obviously it's not ideal.@SSj_Ness I have some questions, I'm asking them to see how sacred you consider life is. I believe you are genuine, and this simply a case of you believing two wrongs don't make a right, but I am curious if your position is spite-based or actually based on the desire to protect life.
- Would you prefer to abandon children at an orphanage?
Until natural death, assuming you're not an egregious criminal.
- Is that extreme care of life beyond the womb?
I'd absolutely object to that.
- You don't seem to like LGBT, I am assuming you have a lot biased-positions that lead you believe maybe a minority, maybe majority, of LGBT are bad people. So would you object if I adopted a child?
- Would you prefer that child to have no parent than ever be raised by anyone gay?
As a Christian I think we shouldn't wish death upon anyone, but I've done it, and realistically I think it's understandable if people do so when someone is a murderer, pedophile, torturer, something along those lines.
- When does the care stop? 21? 18? 17? 16? If life is so sacred that it must be protected at conception when does life become no longer be so sacred you can wish death onto them?
People should lose their protection when they violate others to a staggering degree. Yes, the mentally ill certainly get that compassion as long as they don't use their illness as an excuse to do bad things.
- Is it based on action? Rather when does the extreme desire to protect someone end?
- If it is based on the fragile and helpless nature of someone: Do the extreme mentally ill also get that compassion?
I think that's an appeal to emotion. No matter how much I empathize with the victim I can't tell them "vacuum that innocent life".
- If someone was brutally raped, in an alley and everything, could you tell that person you want them to bear that child despite knowing they will likely hate that child and possibly abuse them too?
- You did mention abusers tend to pass on their abuse.
I'd say that's a strawman, but it'd be an insult to strawmen. Even accounting for hyperbole and playing your point up with macabre humor, that's not even remotely close to true.Pro lifers can start out respectable ("the USA has too many abortions and that's terrible") but they always loop around to "child rape is beautiful, 10 year olds having rapebabies is so based, God bless rape and rapists!"
It absolutely was, it was to test your resolve. I can respect that resolve, your beliefs do seem to be consistently genuine towards protecting life.I think that's an appeal to emotion. No matter how much I empathize with the victim I can't tell them "vacuum that innocent life".
As opposed to abortion you mean? Certainly, though obviously it's not ideal.
Until natural death, assuming you're not an egregious criminal.
I'd absolutely object to that.
As a Christian I think we shouldn't wish death upon anyone, but I've done it, and realistically I think it's understandable if people do so when someone is a murderer, pedophile, torturer, something along those lines.
People should lose their protection when they violate others to a staggering degree. Yes, the mentally ill certainly get that compassion as long as they don't use their illness as an excuse to do bad things.
I think that's an appeal to emotion. No matter how much I empathize with the victim I can't tell them "vacuum that innocent life".
As for abusers passing on their abuse, I'm not sure what can be done about that in all cases without getting too into precrime territory.
I'd say that's a strawman, but it'd be an insult to strawmen. Even accounting for hyperbole and playing your point up with macabre humor, that's not even remotely close to true.
It's very simple. Is an abortion medically necessary or not, is it used as a life-saving medical procedure? If so then it should be permissible, otherwise you're killing a human life when you don't need to.
That is the only consistent way to genuinely be pro-life, because if you can draw arbitrary lines then just allow unrestricted abortion, hell, throw post-birth abortions in there while you're at it.