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The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Non-Country Debate user SSj_Ness about rape..

Thread that is not connected to a particular country or miscellaneous posts
Notice he reacted this post but not my post.

I'm not crazy he's Hispanic. He's a fucking spic.
Look at him, he's probably wearing a fucking sombrero right now with those mexican music sticks that they shake. It's so obvious too.

If you put a chimp in front of a typewriter eventually it will write something coherent but that does not make the chimp a human being. I don't want animals to be mistreated but they're not people either. So it goes with spics.

Ssjness fucks cats too apparently. I thought it was just Madre Muerte. Why is so common on kiwifarms.

Common for animals to torture other animals for amusement.