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chip discussion

Kiwi Kitty

β€œI never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Local Moderator

Crimson Fucker

An Onion Among Onions
British people in this thread:

Kiwi Kitty

β€œI never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Local Moderator

tried out the salt & vinegar flavor of pringles, & this shit is better than salt & vinegar lays or kettle chips,
the flavor is saltier and just makes me drool with each bite.. :deviant: i ate an entire can, wishing I had more.


Hellovan Onion
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unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns *make beat noise with the mouth to avail*
Hellovan Onion
unyuns think all thread poster post thread in this thread posting good taste! chip taste good!

Kiwi Kitty

β€œI never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Local Moderator
View attachment 59661

tried out the salt & vinegar flavor of pringles, & this shit is better than salt & vinegar lays or kettle chips,
the flavor is saltier and just makes me drool with each bite.. :deviant: i ate an entire can, wishing I had more.
maybe I got lucky with the can I got last time but the past few times i've bought these they have been mid.. :thinking:
not salty enough and just doesn't have that bang i when i tried for the first time.. :story:

Kiwi Kitty

β€œI never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Local Moderator
ruffles cheddar & sour cream is a pretty solid chip
ruffles cheddar is always a go to for me because you just can't go wrong with it.. :like:
whenever idk what i'm in the mood for i'll always just go for the cheddar ruffles & sour cream

Crimson Fucker

An Onion Among Onions
another chip you just can't go wrong with.. :agree:
I liked pringles when I was growing up but now I'm loyal to kettle cooked chips.. there's also lays ketchup chips :samoychikin:

View attachment 61143
Ketchup is under rated because it's not even like bottled ketchup it's like a seasoned tomato. Speaking of which the green tomato chips were good but Idk if they still have them.

Kiwi Kitty

β€œI never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Local Moderator
Ketchup is under rated because it's not even like bottled ketchup it's like a seasoned tomato. Speaking of which the green tomato chips were good but Idk if they still have them.
I don't think I have ever seen or heard about the green tomato chips.. :thinking: The ketchup lays chips have a good flavor I wouldn't expect from a ketchup flavor.