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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature

Far East and Oceania China CCP General News and Discussion Thread

Use for gossip and drama concerning East Asia (the Far East)and Oceania
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Reason: Since you brought Japan into this I might as well...
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Because those are photos of the Nanjing massacre. Which didn't happen by the way. It's just Chinese propaganda. And it has nothing to do with China. This is a thread to shit on china not Japan. That stuff can be posted on your profile.

Why the West Would Rather Push the Fiction of 300,000 Massacred in Nanjing​

Reason: Muh 300,000,000 goyrillion ching chongs massacred
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The Chinese claim of 300,000 deaths at Nanjing is defended by most Westerners more passionately than a sow defending her bear cubs. Consequently, a Western historian attempting to inject some rationality into the debate is likely to be subjected to all manner of emotively charged insults and accusations of rightwing affiliations. Administrators of Facebook pages carrying articles perceived to be offensive by a reader are apt to receive complaints of “hate speech.”
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Reactions: Kan